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    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + HornyRetiree in Royal Caribbean Gay Cruise Arrests   
    Croatia- and Dubrovnik- is truly beautiful. I saw it first from a cruise ship, but have since gone back to explore.
    There's something to be said for what the cruise industry does to a small village/town, both good and bad. I've watched that happen to a place I love very much, Key West, and it's been bittersweet.
  2. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + azdr0710 in 300 is the new norm   
    This thread should ideally be retitled 'Carping is the new norm'

  3. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from rvwnsd in 20th year with same escort, Valentine's Day   
    How about a cock ring made of china?
  4. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + Pensant in 20th year with same escort, Valentine's Day   
    How about a cock ring made of china?
  5. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + jrhoutex in Honored - 500 MILES   
  6. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from 50andnew in Best sex with clients?   
    Never confuse pretty gift-wrapping with solid, time-tested technique.
    Some of the best sex I've had was with guys who were normal, everyday gents.
    On the flip side, some of the worst sex I've had was with the 'hottest' looking guys. They were entirely too self-aware to just let go and give into it.
  7. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + Pensant in Royal Caribbean Gay Cruise Arrests   
    I would suggest a trip through Croatian and Slovenian Istria. Very much like Tuscany without the tourist hordes.
  8. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + Cash4Trash in Royal Caribbean Gay Cruise Arrests   
    I've written about my trips with Atlantis and RSVP on 15MM in the past.
    It's not that there wasn't a ton of opportunity for entertaining (read: pithy) commentary, sex traveloguing, etc, but I didn't want to come across as a disrespectful dick to the great fellas who invited me along. 100% of the time, the best part of doing the all-gay cruises were the guys I was traveling with. It was the company I kept, not the cruise.
    The best experience I had gay cruising was with RSVP when they used an Azamara ship and we cruised SE Asia. It catered to an older, more traveled crowd who had to outlay a little more cash to just get to the port (Hong Kong). It wasn't a party boat. No theme nights. Just a really beautiful smaller ship, great entertainment, interesting ports and the chance to really make friends with a wide variety of other guys. If I was going to do this kind of thing again, this would be the iten I'd look at.
    Other option: You also have a ton of gay-friendly trips (R Family, Playbill) that book space on existing cruises. I've had great cruise experiences on both of those outfits.
  9. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from marylander1940 in Royal Caribbean Gay Cruise Arrests   
    Croatia- and Dubrovnik- is truly beautiful. I saw it first from a cruise ship, but have since gone back to explore.
    There's something to be said for what the cruise industry does to a small village/town, both good and bad. I've watched that happen to a place I love very much, Key West, and it's been bittersweet.
  10. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from rvwnsd in Royal Caribbean Gay Cruise Arrests   
    Broken record here, but as if I needed more reasons to never go on one of these cruises again.
    Longest. Week. Ever.
  11. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + WilliamM in Royal Caribbean Gay Cruise Arrests   
    Croatia- and Dubrovnik- is truly beautiful. I saw it first from a cruise ship, but have since gone back to explore.
    There's something to be said for what the cruise industry does to a small village/town, both good and bad. I've watched that happen to a place I love very much, Key West, and it's been bittersweet.
  12. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + WilliamM in Royal Caribbean Gay Cruise Arrests   
    A different opinion, @Benjamin_Nicholas. I remember staying close to Dubrovnik, and driving into the city early in the morning.
    Lovely experience, until the cruise ship folks arrived for lunch.
  13. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + sf westcoaster in Royal Caribbean Gay Cruise Arrests   
    I've written about my trips with Atlantis and RSVP on 15MM in the past.
    It's not that there wasn't a ton of opportunity for entertaining (read: pithy) commentary, sex traveloguing, etc, but I didn't want to come across as a disrespectful dick to the great fellas who invited me along. 100% of the time, the best part of doing the all-gay cruises were the guys I was traveling with. It was the company I kept, not the cruise.
    The best experience I had gay cruising was with RSVP when they used an Azamara ship and we cruised SE Asia. It catered to an older, more traveled crowd who had to outlay a little more cash to just get to the port (Hong Kong). It wasn't a party boat. No theme nights. Just a really beautiful smaller ship, great entertainment, interesting ports and the chance to really make friends with a wide variety of other guys. If I was going to do this kind of thing again, this would be the iten I'd look at.
    Other option: You also have a ton of gay-friendly trips (R Family, Playbill) that book space on existing cruises. I've had great cruise experiences on both of those outfits.
  14. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + Cash4Trash in Royal Caribbean Gay Cruise Arrests   
    It's been awhile but I've been on several Atlantis cruises and always had a good time. Short trips out of the U.S. tend to be the party crazy ones. The further away 1) Baltic 2) Greece and islands )3 Asia are all more expensive and tend to have a better mix of older and settled types mixed in with the younger. You pretty much find the people you like to hang with in the first couple of days and ignore what doesn't suit you. Better entertainment - we've had Debbie Reynolds, Charo, Rita Moreno and Belinda Carlisle at different times.
  15. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to instudiocity in Royal Caribbean Gay Cruise Arrests   
    You left out Longest. Melodramatic. Week. Ever.
  16. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to adventurous old guy in Canceling due to sickness   
    Just a line to say I appreciate all the thoughtful feedback on this thread. Have a great day all.
  17. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to edjames in Totally Sold-Out ...Fairview   
    Finally announced a new venue...but BROOKLYN? off-off-off-off-off Broadway for sure.
    Looks like I'll have to do a road trip!
    ‘Fairview’ Will Return to the New York Stage
    After a successful run at the 73-seat Soho Rep theater last summer, Jackie Sibblies Drury’s acclaimed play “Fairview” will return to challenge audiences in a bigger space this June.
    The play, which both chief theater critics for The New York Times named among the year’s top 10 productions, will be remounted at Theater for a New Audience’s Polonsky Shakespeare Center, in Brooklyn, from June 2 to June 30.
    The return engagement marks the second time that the Polonsky’s 299-seat main stage has hosted a play that originated at Soho Rep, following “An Octoroon,” Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’s formally inventive comedy about race and American history, which ran at the Polonsky in 2015.
    On its face, “Fairview” is about an extended black family preparing for an important dinner. The tone starts off light and the plot stays within the confines of a family comedy. But as the play progresses, the mood shifts and the assumptions it invites are turned on their heads.
    “You begin watching by feeling mildly amused, then uneasy, then annoyed, then unsettled,” Ben Brantley wrote in his review for the Times. “And then abruptly you’re free-falling down a rabbit hole, and there’s no safe landing in sight.”
    “Fairview,” which was directed by Sarah Benson, Soho Rep’s artistic director, was extended three times there. The play moved to Berkeley Repertory Theater, which co-commissioned it, in October.
    Casting for the new production has not been announced. But the play’s much-discussed staging will be retained and adapted for the Polonsky, according to a publicist for the show.
    Ms. Drury’s new play, “Marys Seacole,” begins previews at Lincoln Center Theater on Feb. 9.
  18. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + Eric Hassan in 300 is the new norm   
    Without any additional context, I would interpert someone negotiating with me for a lower rate to be telling me they think I am worth less than I charge and I would find it disrespectful. I won't take that personally, but I certainly wouldn't think of someone doing this sort of thing as a savvy businessman.
  19. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + nycman in How is it possible to take the **** of MuscleVIP   
    With all due respect...
    You've only been fucked 5 times.....
    You don't know what you are......
    Don't limit yourself....
  20. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to Zapped in Best sex with clients?   
    In my young nerdy/twinky days, I was at a performing arts school and got a crush on a dancer with the most perfect body ever. To my surprise, he was attracted to me. My first boyfriend! And he was the least sexually adventurous of anyone I ever slept with, I think. After a couple of weeks we lost interest in each other. (Not surprising for college kids I now realize.)
    In the intervening years, I occasionally hooked up with someone with an “ideal” muscular body. Almost always a dud in bed. (When I got older and into muscle worship, that didn’t matter so much.)
    In my 30s and 40s when I was in decent shape and semi-popular at bathhouses, I got the most amazing blow jobs from older, often quite heavy guys.
    I was never an escort, but as a guy who had sex a lot, I can say I had a blast with guys with all sorts of bodies, including old and fat ones.
    Meanwhile, whatever karma I built up in those earlier decades seems to be paying off in my 50s and now 60s.
  21. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Zapped in Best sex with clients?   
    Never confuse pretty gift-wrapping with solid, time-tested technique.
    Some of the best sex I've had was with guys who were normal, everyday gents.
    On the flip side, some of the worst sex I've had was with the 'hottest' looking guys. They were entirely too self-aware to just let go and give into it.
  22. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from DMICS in Public sex.... A bit too much?   
    It's fine if you want to fuck around in a public setting... Just make sure it's a CONTROLLED public setting. I have a problem with guys who do it this way, basically saying fuck-all to innocent bystanders around them.
    I get the mindset of getting off on that thrill, but you're not an animal. There's a time and place for everything.
    WWJMD? (What Would Judith Martin Do)
  23. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + FreshFluff in Public sex.... A bit too much?   
    It's fine if you want to fuck around in a public setting... Just make sure it's a CONTROLLED public setting. I have a problem with guys who do it this way, basically saying fuck-all to innocent bystanders around them.
    I get the mindset of getting off on that thrill, but you're not an animal. There's a time and place for everything.
    WWJMD? (What Would Judith Martin Do)
  24. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + Eric Hassan in Canceling due to sickness   
    It's not that I don't think about or factor in lost opportunities, it's more that I only have so many fucks to give, and I can't dwell on that shit. It sucks when someone cancels especially when I've told others I was unavailable. I can get really upset about it. I just have gotten to the point in my life where I can't focus on things I lost or that didn't happen or I didn't get. That mindset of lack would inform my interactions with others, and I would be not very fun because I'd be so focused on not getting burnt that I would not have space for being present and being a good provider.
  25. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + IronMaus in 300 is the new norm   
    I don't know what airline you're flying, but J-class on most legacy carriers is a lot more than that

    What's most curious is these rates being charged by guys with little-to-no reviews and a weak marketing game. As I've always said, the market will dictate if they keep their rates high... If people pay, it'll stay. If not, watch those hourly rates tumble down.
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