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  1. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from TruthBTold in "Angels in America" 2017 London NT Reviews   
    Agree. Iceman wasn't his strongest suit.
    He may be blackballed at the moment, but Kevin Spacey gave a definitive performance in his Iceman. It was electric.
  2. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to foxy in AFTERGLOW   
    Have you ever walked into a restaurant that had beautiful decor or a great view and thought the food probably isn’t going to be very good? That’s sort of the way I feel about plays that have a lot of nudity. It’s a distraction from bad writing and the actors were chosen for how good they look naked. Also this play has received mixed reviews so I didn’t have high hopes for it. But it was better than I expected and these days I hear more about these polyamorous relationships. Some work, others don’t. I guess I’m more surprised by the ones that do but I like the idea since I doubt any one person can totally fulfill another. So despite some very nice nudity by some very attractive actors the play does present some thought provoking situations and worth seeing. Discount tickets are often available at tkts.
  3. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to Okliehomo in Renee Zellweger as Judy Garland   
    Never said that I didn't love "Chicago". Just like you, it and "Cabaret" are my favorite musicals of all time. I was just saying that RZ had to really work at selling it and in the end, she did. Agree with BN that CZJ stole the show and I think from again what I have read, there was some degree of tension between the two because RZ was so challenged both as a singer and a dancer and that was CZJ's background.
    And as for Liza... well. Ring them bells, mother fucker!!! Liza with a Z is worn flat on vinyl at my house as is Garland's live a Carnegie Hall. Love that parts where she talks to the audience and the mike keeps making sounds like she's hitting herself in the head. "I know... I'll sing 'em all and we'll stay all night!!!" Classic.
  4. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to MikeBiDude in Differing relations with Black escorts?   
    It’s wonderful your knowledge and experiences with well trimmed sailboats is true bliss for you

  5. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from caliguy in Brit Goes To A California Gay Gym   
    He's like loose change in a coffee can
  6. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from liubit in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    Additional realistic perspective: Crime rates are higher in many major US cities than throughout Mexico.
    That's not to say you shouldn't exercise caution when needed, but certainly don't live in manufactured fear.
    However, for some people, staying at home in their rocking chair is truly the best bet.
  7. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Epigonos in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    Additional realistic perspective: Crime rates are higher in many major US cities than throughout Mexico.
    That's not to say you shouldn't exercise caution when needed, but certainly don't live in manufactured fear.
    However, for some people, staying at home in their rocking chair is truly the best bet.
  8. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + MasssageGuy in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    Additional realistic perspective: Crime rates are higher in many major US cities than throughout Mexico.
    That's not to say you shouldn't exercise caution when needed, but certainly don't live in manufactured fear.
    However, for some people, staying at home in their rocking chair is truly the best bet.
  9. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + MasssageGuy in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    Mexico is taking it in the chops right now. The US media seems to be doing day-to-day reports on the cartel.
    I just got back from San Miguel De Allende and was in Playa Del Carmen last month: I never felt uncomfortable or unsafe. Don't let these things dissuade you from visiting places you've never been. Mexico is a stunningly beautiful country.
  10. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + stevenkesslar in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    I'll just add to what Benjamin, Lance, and Epigonos said, and characteristically add a list.
    Mexico's has 3 of the 5 most dangerous cities on the list: Los Cabos, Acapulco, and Tijuana. Then again, the US has a number of cities on the list: St. Louis, Baltimore, New Orleans. Epigonos and I spent years going to Acapulco, and nothing ever happened. Other than sex, of course. I was in Cabo about a year ago and nothing happened.
    Generally my impression is that the cartels target other cartel members and are smart enough to leave tourists (i.e. their customers) alone. Innocents get caught in the crossfire sometimes, but that happens to native Mexicans in the border cities in Mexico on the above list, who are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    The freak out story from PV that happened several years ago was when some cartel members intruded on an after-hours party at a prominent restaurant, La Leche, and kidnapped members of another cartel celebrating there. Again, it is the exception that proves the rule: the criminals tend to target and kill each other, just like what happens here in the US.
    If you've read my posts on gun control, Mexico and the US have almost exactly the same average rate of national gun deaths. In both cases they are unacceptably high - roughly about 10 per 100,000 people, which is 3 or 4 or 5 times higher than the typical places people here travel to, like Canada or European countries. But it's all about location, location, location in each country. Puerto Vallarta is probably safer than Los Angeles.
    I've never experienced homophobia or hate crimes in PV, which is what it sounds like this boils down to. There's always one asshole in the crowd. And in this case it was an asshole with a gun. Chalk up Reason 4,784,392 for more gun control.
    If Mexicans in PV target American or Canadian tourists, it is generally with warmth, hospitality, and kindness. Not hate. It's my second home and I love the place and the culture.
    As always, I'm willing to take one for the team. As a result of this hate crime, I'm floating a proposal that no Mexican male can buy a gun until he successfully sucks my cock, proving that he has a tolerance for Gays and Gay behavior. I'll let you guys know if I need help on lobbying or implementation of this exciting new initiative.

    En serio? What exactly do you mean?
  11. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to rogerG in Renee Zellweger as Judy Garland   
    Judy and Liza were major talents. Renee Zellweger? I'm not seeing that. I get that Zellweger may want to work, may need to work. I'm not seeing a kind future for her in film. Whenever a famous actress alters her famous face so famously, it usually means an end to her film career.
  12. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + stevenkesslar in Renee Zellweger as Judy Garland   
    Not even close to her best.

    The soundtrack is a little bit off on this YouTube version. But with Liza and Judy, I'd overlook anything.
    National treasures.
  13. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from TruthBTold in Renee Zellweger as Judy Garland   
    Minnelli is her own performer, equally as talented... an EGOT. Not many can call themselves that.
    Zellweger is a fine actress, but her voice was sweetened a lot in Chicago. CZJ stole that film and deservedly so. She was the only true hoofer there.
    We care because it's the recreation of someone's life that we enjoyed/admired/etc.
  14. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + stevenkesslar in Renee Zellweger as Judy Garland   
    I'm not so sure...

    I believe they're both incredibly talented in different ways.
    May we kindly agree to disagree?
  15. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + stevenkesslar in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    Additional realistic perspective: Crime rates are higher in many major US cities than throughout Mexico.
    That's not to say you shouldn't exercise caution when needed, but certainly don't live in manufactured fear.
    However, for some people, staying at home in their rocking chair is truly the best bet.
  16. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + WilliamM in Renee Zellweger as Judy Garland   
    I'm not so sure...

    I believe they're both incredibly talented in different ways.
    May we kindly agree to disagree?
  17. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + stevenkesslar in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    Mexico is taking it in the chops right now. The US media seems to be doing day-to-day reports on the cartel.
    I just got back from San Miguel De Allende and was in Playa Del Carmen last month: I never felt uncomfortable or unsafe. Don't let these things dissuade you from visiting places you've never been. Mexico is a stunningly beautiful country.
  18. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    Uh huh.
    The bullshit is getting thick enough in here to need a wheelbarrow.
  19. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from marylander1940 in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    Additional realistic perspective: Crime rates are higher in many major US cities than throughout Mexico.
    That's not to say you shouldn't exercise caution when needed, but certainly don't live in manufactured fear.
    However, for some people, staying at home in their rocking chair is truly the best bet.
  20. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Cooper in My Fair Lady   
    I'm looking very much forward to seeing it next week. And then again in early May
  21. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Chidude in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    Additional realistic perspective: Crime rates are higher in many major US cities than throughout Mexico.
    That's not to say you shouldn't exercise caution when needed, but certainly don't live in manufactured fear.
    However, for some people, staying at home in their rocking chair is truly the best bet.
  22. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + José Soplanucas in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    Not a rant. Thanks for your common sense.
  23. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to Epigonos in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    How many gays were killed in the Florida nightclub attack?
    We frequently forget that things like this can and do happen any place in the world including here in the United States. I just spent ten day in Puerto Vallarta and never once felt unsafe. As in all places caution should be exercised especially when out and about late at night.
    Also PLEASE keep in mind that Mexico wouldn't have a drug cartel problem if the demand for drugs in this country wasn't so outrageous. Many in the U.S. love to condemn Mexico for its gun violence problems. Most of those gun used in Mexico are purchased in the U.S. (Texas) with cartel money that is stored in U.S. banks. U.S. banks are bulging with cartel dollars from which the they are making huge profits. Now if anybody thinks that is going to change they had better think again. Those banks are huge campaign donors to U.S. members of the House and the Senate from both the Democrats and Republicans.
    Enough of my rant!!!
  24. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Cody Converse   
    You think that was a shit bomb? Clearly, you haven't been here too long.
    I made an observational comment. It wasn't meant to be hurtful.
  25. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + Italiano in Puerto Vallarta warning   
    Mexico is taking it in the chops right now. The US media seems to be doing day-to-day reports on the cartel.
    I just got back from San Miguel De Allende and was in Playa Del Carmen last month: I never felt uncomfortable or unsafe. Don't let these things dissuade you from visiting places you've never been. Mexico is a stunningly beautiful country.
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