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    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from LADoug1 in An escort who is HIV +   
    An escort who knows his status and is honest about it is admirable. An sex worker who's positive and hiding it from his clients is a time bomb.
    PrEP, contrary to what people tell you, is still not in wide use and just because someone says they're on the pill doesn't mean they are. Women have played this game with birth control and now it's our turn to try to read between the lines.
    Bottom line: Condoms still serve their purpose.
  2. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + WmClarke in An escort who is HIV +   
    An escort who knows his status and is honest about it is admirable. An sex worker who's positive and hiding it from his clients is a time bomb.
    PrEP, contrary to what people tell you, is still not in wide use and just because someone says they're on the pill doesn't mean they are. Women have played this game with birth control and now it's our turn to try to read between the lines.
    Bottom line: Condoms still serve their purpose.
  3. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + HornyRetiree in "My Pillow"   
    You'll do my laundry if I walk around naked? Hell, that's a deal. I already walk around naked (or mostly naked) everyday. The laundry is just a bonus.
    I don't even require my whites and colors separated.
  4. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to jjkrkwood in "My Pillow"   
    I believe Ebay.UK sells the original.... and many of the vendors have US warehouses they ship it from. But i'll gladly cum over and do your laundry..... all you have to do is walk around NEKKID.....o_Oo_O
  5. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to rvwnsd in "My Pillow"   
    Ha! No. I'm sensitive to scent and to the ingredients in detergent. While I like the two Mrs Myers products I mentioned, their detergent and liquid fabric softener is so overpowering it makes me nauseous. Or is it nauseated?
  6. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to jjkrkwood in "My Pillow"   
    I'm Old School Oxi-Clean ! That shit gets out ANYTHING.
  7. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to jjkrkwood in "My Pillow"   
    Sateen overheat, and are hard to get cum stains out of...
  8. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + HornyRetiree in "My Pillow"   
    I think you need to email MyPillow to let them know they could market their product in a whole new way to the gay community
  9. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to rvwnsd in Derek Atlas Review   
    Hope - Springing eternal since 1734.
  10. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Golem in Derek Atlas Review   
    This whole thread is a joke, right?
  11. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Derek Atlas Review   
    This whole thread is a joke, right?
  12. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from rvwnsd in Derek Atlas Review   
    This whole thread is a joke, right?
  13. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to Chuck50 in "My Pillow"   
    I like mine only bought one seems like 49.95 although it wasn’t feather filled
  14. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Bearofdistinction in "My Pillow"   
    MyPillows are not worth the scratch. They frequently have a 2-for-1 deal and I once went for it.
    The biggest positive: They wash well.
    The negative? It's the fill they use: It's little, ball-like pieces of fluff. Odd sensation getting used to sleeping on it. They moved to the guest bed in less than a month.
    I found success with Casper pillows. They are fantastic:
  15. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to jjkrkwood in Linda Eder   
    It just takes a wink and a smile, but BED ???? I'm not that kinda girl.... I like it dirty so I'd be on my knees :D
  16. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + WmClarke in Linda Eder   
    If we're going on a date, I need to know important things like how many G&Ts does it take to get you into bed?
  17. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from hornytwells in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    It was only a matter of time before this thread took an ugly turn: If you've been here long enough, you know the drill.
    I like the style of this kid... He's got moxie. And, based on him not having US citizenship, I imagine he's only got a finite amount of time to cash in. Good for him for having the keen business sense to strike while the iron is hot.
    And frankly, threads like this one are helping keep that iron very warm
  18. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from rvwnsd in Have you ever wanted children?   
    ... But mainly to have someone to do dishes, make the bed and take out the trash.
  19. Thanks
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from sbguy in Best spa in Vegas?   
    Caesar's spa Qua is now looking a little old. It's not the biggest or best in LA anymore.
    If you want intimate, but beautiful with great service: Mandarin Oriental.
    Large, but great facilities and well-trained therapists: Encore at Wynn Spa.
    A fun Korean-inspired adventure, just off the strip: Imperial Health Spa.
  20. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from takkt1 in Any luck with hotel staff?   
    Otherwise known as 'The room that cheap people attempt to make crappy cheese, cheap wine and appetizers' into a full-fledged meal
    Club Level rooms are a brilliant way for hotels to upcharge for practically nothing.
  21. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + GregM in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    In today's political climate, no, you're not crazy for worrying. If I were a minority of any sort, I'd be looking over my shoulder a lot more these days.
    I'd disclose and if someone gives you an ounce of pushback, move on. Some people are assholes and it's better you know who they are and ultimately not have to deal with them.
  22. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + VictorPowers in To Porn or Not to Porn   
  23. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + quoththeraven in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    No gingers?
    Who the fuck are these heathens?!?
  24. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from hornytwells in Any luck with hotel staff?   
    Otherwise known as 'The room that cheap people attempt to make crappy cheese, cheap wine and appetizers' into a full-fledged meal
    Club Level rooms are a brilliant way for hotels to upcharge for practically nothing.
  25. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Becket in Spitting   
    I always found camels sorta alluring. Now I know why...

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