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  1. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from N13 in Hello Dolly   
    An astute review and one that I share almost entirely... Along with heaping praise on Kate Baldwin, who has such a fantastic blend of head-to-belt that I could listen to her sing the phonebook. Her training and talent is clearly wonderful.
    Midler has thankfully dropped the old lady shtick and now plays the role as straight as she can. I'm looking forward to seeing a real Broadway trooper like Donna Murphy go in for Dolly, mid-June. I want to see what a seasoned stage vet does with the role, along with a singer who can easily handle the songs.
  2. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from hornytwells in Hello Dolly   
    Ah, the eternal divide: Barbara or Carol.
    Myself, I prefer Channing. To me, Streisand felt wrong for the role. The only thing I've ever really liked her in was Funny Girl. I know, sacrilege
  3. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Mydavid in 50: To Speedo, or not to Speedo?   
    Speedos, square-cuts and jammers, love wearing them all.
    I say wear what makes you comfortable. Who gives a damn if you're not perfectly built? If you've got the confidence to show some skin, do it
    Agree about Rufskin: Nice product, way overpriced. If you look on eBay, you can find a ton of their Asian-manufactured product very, very cheap.
  4. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from BaronArtz in 50: To Speedo, or not to Speedo?   
    Speedos, square-cuts and jammers, love wearing them all.
    I say wear what makes you comfortable. Who gives a damn if you're not perfectly built? If you've got the confidence to show some skin, do it
    Agree about Rufskin: Nice product, way overpriced. If you look on eBay, you can find a ton of their Asian-manufactured product very, very cheap.
  5. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from adventurous old guy in Best Escort Experience   
    From what I was told, yes, the escort was having an outbreak, didn't disclose (but knew about it) and now my friend is dealing with the after effects.
    The factoid that 2/3 of the population has HSV1 is neither here nor there to me in this particular case: The escort knew he was a carrier, was aware that he was communicable and still decided to risk it, risking his client's health.
    This isn't confusing: This is a responsibility issue. What kind of human being does that to someone else?
  6. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + Funguy in Best Escort Experience   
    Also, don't get confused by cold sores (HSV) and HPV - unless you have genital warts there may be no outward evidence of HPV infection.
  7. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + Funguy in Best Escort Experience   
    This goes to my earlier posts about the great importance of VACCINES - HPV vaccine won't be covered by your insurance due to age limitations (26) and is expensive but worth it! Series of 3, may get a better rate at a Gay/Lesbian Center.
  8. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to loverboy95 in Best Escort Experience   
    YES. So because HSV1 is so common in the United States, that means one should not tell their partner that they have it? I would be floored if someone I was having sex with had an STI, regardless of how minor or major it is, and didn't tell me! If what Ben is saying is true, this escort should have been honest with his status from the very beginning, even disclosing it on his ad. And if this escort is as popular as Ben has indicated on his Twitter, many clients are misinformed and think this person is someone he is not.
  9. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from loverboy95 in Best Escort Experience   
    From what I was told, yes, the escort was having an outbreak, didn't disclose (but knew about it) and now my friend is dealing with the after effects.
    The factoid that 2/3 of the population has HSV1 is neither here nor there to me in this particular case: The escort knew he was a carrier, was aware that he was communicable and still decided to risk it, risking his client's health.
    This isn't confusing: This is a responsibility issue. What kind of human being does that to someone else?
  10. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from big-n-tall in Best Escort Experience   
    From what I was told, yes, the escort was having an outbreak, didn't disclose (but knew about it) and now my friend is dealing with the after effects.
    The factoid that 2/3 of the population has HSV1 is neither here nor there to me in this particular case: The escort knew he was a carrier, was aware that he was communicable and still decided to risk it, risking his client's health.
    This isn't confusing: This is a responsibility issue. What kind of human being does that to someone else?
  11. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Good Grief in Best Escort Experience   
    From what I was told, yes, the escort was having an outbreak, didn't disclose (but knew about it) and now my friend is dealing with the after effects.
    The factoid that 2/3 of the population has HSV1 is neither here nor there to me in this particular case: The escort knew he was a carrier, was aware that he was communicable and still decided to risk it, risking his client's health.
    This isn't confusing: This is a responsibility issue. What kind of human being does that to someone else?
  12. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from MikeyGMin in Best Escort Experience   
    From what I was told, yes, the escort was having an outbreak, didn't disclose (but knew about it) and now my friend is dealing with the after effects.
    The factoid that 2/3 of the population has HSV1 is neither here nor there to me in this particular case: The escort knew he was a carrier, was aware that he was communicable and still decided to risk it, risking his client's health.
    This isn't confusing: This is a responsibility issue. What kind of human being does that to someone else?
  13. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + Blake7832 in Best Escort Experience   
    As a public service announcement, please make sure to directly ask your escort if he's current on all STD checks. Sure, he can lie, but it never hurts to ask. There are some things, even with a condom and PrEP, that can be transmitted. Things that aren't so easily cured with a shot of Penicillin.
    Not trying to fear-monger, but a friend of mine recently got HSV1 from an escort he was seeing. The escort KNEW he had it. Never warned my friend, no head's up. When he confronted the escort about it, the guy acted like it was nothing and tried to downplay it.
  14. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to loverboy95 in Best Escort Experience   
    Ben, you are absolutely right and this really hits close to home. Even the best-reviewed escorts sometimes cannot be trusted. Unfortunately, I had to experience something like this first-hand.
  15. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from loverboy95 in Best Escort Experience   
    As a public service announcement, please make sure to directly ask your escort if he's current on all STD checks. Sure, he can lie, but it never hurts to ask. There are some things, even with a condom and PrEP, that can be transmitted. Things that aren't so easily cured with a shot of Penicillin.
    Not trying to fear-monger, but a friend of mine recently got HSV1 from an escort he was seeing. The escort KNEW he had it. Never warned my friend, no head's up. When he confronted the escort about it, the guy acted like it was nothing and tried to downplay it.
  16. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from BaronArtz in 411 Stas Landon vs MuscleAssets   
    So, he's not hiding the fact the he's Jack Mackenroth, yet blurs his images?
    And he's not hiding that he's HIV+, but he doesn't mention it, up front, anywhere in his ad... On top of that, he openly advertises as playing unsafe.
    To me, that's not being an advocate for anything but self-profit by any means possible.
  17. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from TruthBTold in 411 Stas Landon vs MuscleAssets   
    So, he's not hiding the fact the he's Jack Mackenroth, yet blurs his images?
    And he's not hiding that he's HIV+, but he doesn't mention it, up front, anywhere in his ad... On top of that, he openly advertises as playing unsafe.
    To me, that's not being an advocate for anything but self-profit by any means possible.
  18. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from LoganClark in Best Escort Experience   
    As a public service announcement, please make sure to directly ask your escort if he's current on all STD checks. Sure, he can lie, but it never hurts to ask. There are some things, even with a condom and PrEP, that can be transmitted. Things that aren't so easily cured with a shot of Penicillin.
    Not trying to fear-monger, but a friend of mine recently got HSV1 from an escort he was seeing. The escort KNEW he had it. Never warned my friend, no head's up. When he confronted the escort about it, the guy acted like it was nothing and tried to downplay it.
  19. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from LoveNDino in Best Escort Experience   
    As a public service announcement, please make sure to directly ask your escort if he's current on all STD checks. Sure, he can lie, but it never hurts to ask. There are some things, even with a condom and PrEP, that can be transmitted. Things that aren't so easily cured with a shot of Penicillin.
    Not trying to fear-monger, but a friend of mine recently got HSV1 from an escort he was seeing. The escort KNEW he had it. Never warned my friend, no head's up. When he confronted the escort about it, the guy acted like it was nothing and tried to downplay it.
  20. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from BabyBoomer in 411 Stas Landon vs MuscleAssets   
    Assets: He's who I think he is, correct?
    I guess the reality show personal appearance money dried up.
  21. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to MiamiLooker in What Happens at the Abbey   
    A Che Guevara poster would certainly give the room an upbeat and international feel.

  22. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + azdr0710 in What Happens at the Abbey   
    ... But can we talk about that kitchen for a second?
  23. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Larstrup in What Happens at the Abbey   
    ... But can we talk about that kitchen for a second?
  24. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + HornyRetiree in Ejaculation Frequency???   
    A timely subject: I recently answered this very question on my Q&A...
  25. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to Bayman4Fun in Hello Dolly   
    I saw Pearl Bailey play the role in Chicago. Billy Daniels as Horace.
    As always, an announcer proclaimed use of flash photography prohibited. Some jackass started taking pics during the big title number. And Bailey stopped the show. Stopped it, just stood there on the catwalk around the orchestra, scolded the photographer and told a tale of someone blinded by the flash and falling into the pit. And then told the entire cast and orchestra to start the big number from the top. The audience went wild.
    Both Bailey and Daniels performed after the finale.
    Star power!
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