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  1. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from hornytwells in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    It was only a matter of time before this thread took an ugly turn: If you've been here long enough, you know the drill.
    I like the style of this kid... He's got moxie. And, based on him not having US citizenship, I imagine he's only got a finite amount of time to cash in. Good for him for having the keen business sense to strike while the iron is hot.
    And frankly, threads like this one are helping keep that iron very warm
  2. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + GregM in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    In today's political climate, no, you're not crazy for worrying. If I were a minority of any sort, I'd be looking over my shoulder a lot more these days.
    I'd disclose and if someone gives you an ounce of pushback, move on. Some people are assholes and it's better you know who they are and ultimately not have to deal with them.
  3. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from wooly in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    It was only a matter of time before this thread took an ugly turn: If you've been here long enough, you know the drill.
    I like the style of this kid... He's got moxie. And, based on him not having US citizenship, I imagine he's only got a finite amount of time to cash in. Good for him for having the keen business sense to strike while the iron is hot.
    And frankly, threads like this one are helping keep that iron very warm
  4. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    It was only a matter of time before this thread took an ugly turn: If you've been here long enough, you know the drill.
    I like the style of this kid... He's got moxie. And, based on him not having US citizenship, I imagine he's only got a finite amount of time to cash in. Good for him for having the keen business sense to strike while the iron is hot.
    And frankly, threads like this one are helping keep that iron very warm
  5. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Strafe13 in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    In today's political climate, no, you're not crazy for worrying. If I were a minority of any sort, I'd be looking over my shoulder a lot more these days.
    I'd disclose and if someone gives you an ounce of pushback, move on. Some people are assholes and it's better you know who they are and ultimately not have to deal with them.
  6. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from EastbayMike in I'm thinking of going to a bath house / sex club   
    I always chuckle when younger guys 'ewwww' at a bathhouse discussion. As if them being on Grindr for 4 hours a night is any better or different.
    At least in a bath, you can directly see what you want, skip (some) of the bullshit and just have some fun.
  7. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Bertster in I'm thinking of going to a bath house / sex club   
    I always chuckle when younger guys 'ewwww' at a bathhouse discussion. As if them being on Grindr for 4 hours a night is any better or different.
    At least in a bath, you can directly see what you want, skip (some) of the bullshit and just have some fun.
  8. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to Epigonos in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    I agree totally with Benjamin Nicholas on this one. As ridiculous as it is in this day and age it is far better to learn early that the guy you are interested on hiring is an asshole. The last thing in the world you would want to happen is have the escort shut the door in your face.
    I always tell the guy I'm interesting in hiring my age. There are escorts out there
    who are not remotely interested in being hired by someone my age (soon to be 77) and I would rather know that early in our communication so I don't get the door slammed in my face.
    Great escorts are NOT racists, ageists or weight conscious. Some loser escorts/hustlers are. Check out this site carefully and you will find lots of great escorts who could care less about your ethnicity or my age. Good luck and don't let the assholes discourage you or get you down.
  9. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + WmClarke in Have you ever wanted children?   
    Yeah. What @Good Grief said.
  10. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + sniper in Have you ever wanted children?   
    That's why you foster. Lower expectations, YOU get paid, and you can send 'em back.
  11. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to Good Grief in Have you ever wanted children?   
    Well.....could be included in Life Learning?
  12. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from rvwnsd in Have you ever wanted children?   
    ... But mainly to have someone to do dishes, make the bed and take out the trash.
  13. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + easygoingpal in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    In today's political climate, no, you're not crazy for worrying. If I were a minority of any sort, I'd be looking over my shoulder a lot more these days.
    I'd disclose and if someone gives you an ounce of pushback, move on. Some people are assholes and it's better you know who they are and ultimately not have to deal with them.
  14. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from rvwnsd in Have you ever wanted children?   
    So, I shouldn't tell the adoption agency my plans?
  15. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + WilliamM in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    In today's political climate, no, you're not crazy for worrying. If I were a minority of any sort, I'd be looking over my shoulder a lot more these days.
    I'd disclose and if someone gives you an ounce of pushback, move on. Some people are assholes and it's better you know who they are and ultimately not have to deal with them.
  16. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to marylander1940 in Puerto Vallarta 411   
    In that case @kov78 please fix the tittle.
  17. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + quoththeraven in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    In today's political climate, no, you're not crazy for worrying. If I were a minority of any sort, I'd be looking over my shoulder a lot more these days.
    I'd disclose and if someone gives you an ounce of pushback, move on. Some people are assholes and it's better you know who they are and ultimately not have to deal with them.
  18. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to Bearofdistinction in I'm thinking of going to a bath house / sex club   
    That would be the Richard Simmons House of Fornication and Gratification!
  19. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from hornytwells in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    You're also making the assumption that filmed porn is anything like real life sex or sex between an escort & client.
  20. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + jrhoutex in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    I'd vote no if it were your first time out.
    Personally, I wouldn't want anyone profiting (for years) off my image without paying residuals. One-and-done ain't my ideal business model
    Since you already have scenes out there, if this adds to the coffers and could continue to do so in the future, go for it.
  21. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from AndreFuture in I'm thinking of going to a bath house / sex club   
    Yes, people talk to each other.
    No, it's not awkward. Not unless you want it to be.
    Safe sex, like in most aspects of life, is an individual decision. Most decent baths provide a ton of protection, gratis.
    The best bath in the States is Steamworks Chicago: Clean, huge, beautiful gym, great looking clientele and the perfect environment for getting in and getting off.
  22. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + VictorPowers in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    You're also making the assumption that filmed porn is anything like real life sex or sex between an escort & client.
  23. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from hornytwells in I'm thinking of going to a bath house / sex club   
    I always chuckle when younger guys 'ewwww' at a bathhouse discussion. As if them being on Grindr for 4 hours a night is any better or different.
    At least in a bath, you can directly see what you want, skip (some) of the bullshit and just have some fun.
  24. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + quoththeraven in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    You're also making the assumption that filmed porn is anything like real life sex or sex between an escort & client.
  25. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + José Soplanucas in To Porn or Not to Porn   
    As I said before, discretion is vital but I am human. I agree with @Benjamin_Nicholas . My apologies to everyone.
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