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Everything posted by marylander1940

  1. Yes, but maybe he should say why he won't take "black" money in exchange for sex. If I was an escort I wouldn't discriminate at all but I'd rather being hired by client A instead of client B. To each his own. Client A http://www.singleblackmale.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/BlackManSmiling_Compressed.jpg client B http://previews.123rf.com/images/gelpi/gelpi1206/gelpi120600108/14113409-Fat-man-running-isolated-on-white-background-Stock-Photo.jpg
  2. Why you don't accept black clients? "no blacks".
  3. Attitude is so charming, LOL... He has racial hang-ups and as an advertiser is willing to bluntly post them out there for everybody to see instead of trying to find out by email about his would-be-clients. I wonder what else is wrong with him. I've never escorted but if was doing I would rather have an in shape black, instead of an overweight white man, just saying... Sounds like: http://api.ning.com/files/BykvwnNi9Ls7XUajIeOe5OiOI3szRfZD*65njh7fkio-BHXWEj2SH1oeSthHfiH7*TOAnzC2SIroCOH7jd5fCrm74ot*zgnp/no_irish.jpg That's why I always require a phone call for a couple of minutes to see if we click, so many young men (usually millennials) don't ever know how to react while talking on the phone. In this case is was obvious he didn't even take time to reply to you in a coherent way, you didn't ask anything out of the ordinary, just basic questions. He should have replied to you something as simple as: Yes, I'll be in town. What do you get into? Are you looking to host or travel? Where will you be staying? At my place I charge XXX and when I go out I charge XXX + uber if it's late a night. Nothing out of this world, he could have typed that even from his iPhone.
  4. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/4837502/twerk-o.gif http://45.media.tumblr.com/c91bb1e1e0836fca5c51da659edb8787/tumblr_mvwuxwu3181syvl0do1_500.gif
  5. At least now he's back on the spotlight. I hope he's filming again soon but it might be difficult to disassociate himself from his former TV image. Only 1% of actors make a living from that profession, I hope he saved his money and collect the royalties. "...men seem to have a easier time with aging than the women do", no doubt at 43 a woman is way to old for many characters. I had the same reaction. http://i49.tinypic.com/sqqzj4.png http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/wentworth-miller--prison-break-wentworth-miller-256372_1280_1024.jpg
  6. The 43-year-old Prison Break star took to Facebook on Monday, revealing that he was once suicidal and addressing a meme highlighting his past weight gain. "Today I found myself the subject of an Internet meme. Not for the first time. This one, however, stands out from the rest," he wrote in the lengthy post. "In 2010, semi-retired from acting, I was keeping a low-profile for a number of reasons. First and foremost, I was suicidal." "I was looking everywhere for relief/comfort/distraction. And I turned to food," the actor wrote. "It could have been anything. Drugs. Alcohol. Sex. But eating became the one thing I could look forward to. Count on to get me through." http://www.people.com/article/wentworth-miller-facebook-post-suicidal-meme-fat-shaming http://www.tvtonight.com.au/wp-content/uploads/miller.jpg http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l0zvbjjEwc1qz5yb4o1_540.jpg
  7. That's where I get my Viagra and Cialis*, and I guarantee you it works at my 76 years of age... *Cialis generic is not for consumption in the U.S.A. and you need to click when you but it that you're getting it for you uncle who lives in Canada...
  8. I know a lot of people who are in the closet and would rather not use their health insurance to get tested for Hiv and other gay issues. Which of this (or other) websites would you recommend for folks who want to use PrEP? https://www.clearskypharmacy.biz/generic-truvada-tenvir-em-by-cipla.html http://www.alldaychemist.com/tenvir-em-300-200mg.html
  9. Ponytail? I also prefer guys who are more clean-cut but in this case I think he's just gorgeous, and he's maturing into an even hotter guy. There's something about a baby face guy... 2006 Nowish http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-O_vITgBEqgI/VcMUvw9rsxI/AAAAAAAAQqk/ma0Ynz0SetA/s1600/jaxton%2Bwheeler%2Bteddy%2Bbear.jpg
  10. http://rentmen.com/Jaxtonwheeler http://www.companyofmen.org/threads/pornstar-jaxton-wheeler-to-beard-or-no-to-beard.109722/page-2#post-1030418
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR_Z33MjQwI
  12. http://static.tumblr.com/7c23e913caac6c5924de993f2b82e692/rhsiqnf/vAhnoacvj/tumblr_static_4xbff8owgiskg4sc44kksck8c.gif http://33.media.tumblr.com/cb67275622c5a8f32c53b16f58eb9747/tumblr_inline_nsiai2wHHJ1rsqbsl_500.gif
  13. http://healthyceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Sebastian-Stan-hot.jpg http://cdn03.cdn.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/stan-details/sebastian-stan-details-feature-01.jpg http://www.thefashionisto.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Sebastian-Stan-002.jpg http://orig12.deviantart.net/3ab0/f/2014/239/6/d/coffee_shop_stranger__sebastian_stan_x_reader__by_tonystarks_girl-d7wef4p.jpg http://images.broadwayworld.com/columnpic/Sebastian%20Stan.jpg
  14. Previously mentioned in this thread. http://www.companyofmen.org/threads/denim-dreams.98625/page-2#post-908332 http://monden.acasa.ro/uploads/photos/original/146673-sebastian-stan.jpg http://40.media.tumblr.com/37d5c37fda5960b8a22d4ad7cff827c5/tumblr_n4i1kbU9vC1rxe0ypo1_500.png http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelmovies/images/7/74/Sebastian_Stan.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140210100206 http://www.hbjzds.com/data_images/wallpapers/35/374387-sebastian-stan.jpg
  15. he doesn't have your passion and work ethic... he won't be around for long. All of this reminds me of Brent Corrigan's 4th priority... http://www.companyofmen.org/threads/brents-fourth-priority.98939/
  16. this one that scary yet made a lot of folks run for their lives.
  17. Very scary! What about this other Brazilian prank? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeeW-5kvJLY
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtbDFEIEEQ4
  19. I think it's time to bring this up again for all rimming lovers! I'll post more later.
  20. INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A girl whose attorney says she’s one of the victims in the sex crimes case that led to former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle being sentenced to more than 15 years in prison is suing the disgraced Indiana man and a former associate, seeking at least $300,000 in damages. The federal lawsuit filed Tuesday in Indianapolis names Fogle and the former head of his anti-obesity charity, Russell Taylor. Taylor’s wife is also a defendant in the suit, which seeks at least $150,000 in damages each from her husband and Fogle. Fogle has paid restitution to his victims, but they can still sue him and seek additional money. Prosecutors who charged Fogle and Taylor last year said Taylor used cameras hidden in the Indianapolis-area homes where he lived to secretly film 12 minors and shared some of the images with Fogle. The pornography was produced over a four-year period. https://www.yahoo.com/celebrity/former-subway-pitchman-faces-lawsuit-1-victims-173914654.html http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/2402771/84702982.png http://www.kappit.com/img/pics/201508_1144_bcgea_sm.png
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