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Everything posted by marylander1940

  1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kaQOjlSH73M/Uk29VPtGrsI/AAAAAAAAW2c/bfpTv0nfPmI/s1600/dieux-du-stade-avril1.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-G51X-MuNdCM/Uk2_bk2rzJI/AAAAAAAAW5c/1GH3yYkrkRk/s640/dieux-du-stade-nov2.jpghttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GYIoCAp-uN4/Uk28FYDrQoI/AAAAAAAAW1I/26Y1gl0XGvI/s1600/dieux-du-stade-janv1.jpghttp://static1.purepeople.com/articles/6/12/91/96/@/1257247-alexandre-flanquart-deuxieme-ligne-du-950x0-2.jpg
  2. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Z3waUSOX0xg/Ul-o86l9s1I/AAAAAAABenI/jLkw2CMfFSI/s1600/Dieux-du-Stade-2014-Calendar-Image-10.pnghttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-69Xq6Sn-sew/Uk2-gG-eaMI/AAAAAAAAW4Y/zdIDsfNxtQ4/s1600/dieux-du-stade10.jpghttp://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/c3/df/65/c3df65436782c866613442d14154b55a.jpghttp://www.iltablog.it/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Rugbisti-nudi-Dieux-de-stade-11.jpg
  3. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VxC89zXiixw/Uk2-ZkxL2kI/AAAAAAAAW3w/0Fg9H5diC-Y/s1600/dieux-du-stade-juil1.jpghttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/-prGjI5B3fCE/UmWFju7qGMI/AAAAAAAAKNc/NdsxJVMkcoU/s1600/photo-du-calendrier-des-rugbyman-2009-image-671095-article-ajust_930.jpghttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/-auBZC8jFn7w/Uk28G8O4uQI/AAAAAAAAW1Q/29zvNBfPmcc/s1600/dieux-du-stade-janv2.jpghttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9na6lsohdTo/Uk2_ZQZuLuI/AAAAAAAAW5M/cMIlHHx2dsQ/s1600/dieux-du-stade12.jpg
  4. Let's buy the calendar! http://www.lefigaro.fr/medias/2013/10/02/PHO92a21b92-2b7b-11e3-b434-7e7a3f9df7fa-805x453.jpghttp://24.media.tumblr.com/b48a0eeb218ed4c89aff5b7ed75614bd/tumblr_mub4flh9Vx1rlfv23o1_500.jpghttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hqdMtbZCwKQ/Uk29WtUGxoI/AAAAAAAAW2k/ttte7qrMODs/s1600/dieux-du-stade-avril2.jpghttp://static1.purepeople.com/articles/7/12/96/27/@/1264735-prend-la-pose-dans-le-calendrier-2014-950x0-1.jpg
  5. [video=youtube;EX6BpbZRWfA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX6BpbZRWfA
  6. And now with Obama Care they can't be turn down because of having a preexisting (in 99% of cases self inflicted) condition...
  7. Josh Riley and Jay Holt also retired this year. PM me if you are interested in knowing the reasons of their untimely decision to hang their "gloves".
  8. I see that often, specially in older guys. I think it's either steroids, HGH (Human Growth Hormone) or Hiv. medications, some of them have the effect of creating a massive hard belly, with or without abs on top of it. Please don't change my words, I'm not saying that all guys with this signs are poz or that poz guys always have this signs in their bellies specially the ones who've been infected recently and have been using new kind of pills.
  9. He has an excellent taste for his companions/slaves! I guess Anton Ferro and other traveling gypsies wouldn't be accepted. Check them out on men4rentnow, his planning on visiting Fairbanks. I hope all his boys are productive and nobody gets stuck up there because he didn't bring enough $.
  10. He can take me for a ride anytime he wants.... http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/images/wabc/cms_exf_2007/_video_wn_images/9158951_600x338.jpghttp://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1387436.1372711073!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/helicopter-pilot-michael-campbell.jpghttp://www.nypost.com/rw/nypost/2013/07/01/news/web_photos/01.1n004.chopper1--300x300.jpg
  11. No, being in his 40 means that for my taste he's old and not my type, or the kind of guy I would pay to have sex with him. I added the last 2 phrases for those of you shallow enough to hire him despite Xander and my information about him. Unsafe sex? Who cares! I fuck or get fucked with condoms, I don't ask about status, I simply assume everybody else is out there doing it BB, that's why I use condoms. Maybe I should have written it this way... "... he's in his 40's. My worst experience, I saw him in Birmingham, he usually goes to cities where there are not many escorts and plenty of guys in the closet. Don't deal with him, he's a famous scammer, an "a la carte" escort, everything costs a little more from the basic rate and if you don't cum fast, he'll keep telling you to do it. I know a guy who was a runaway kid, he sais Jason approached him offering him a ride, took his ID and pushed him into escorting to pay for gasoline, another twink told me he woke up one day with him fucking him raw... If they guys had been women, we would be talking about pimping or slavery." That's like an escalation, from liar to scammer and beyond.
  12. Thanks a lot for saying it! You dared to open your mouth, and now I'll open mine... I know a guy who was a runaway kid, he sais Jason approached him offering him a ride, took his ID and pushed him into escorting to pay for gasoline, another twink told me he woke up one day with him fucking him raw... If they guys had been women, we would be talking about pimping or slavery. Besides he's in his 40's. My worst experience, I saw him in Birmingham, he usually goes to cities where there are not many escorts and plenty of guys in the closet. Don't deal with him, he's a famous scammer, an "a la carte" escort, everything costs a little more from the basic rate and if you don't cum fast, he'll keep telling you to do it.
  13. Watch out DC... Jason Sparks is back in town. Buyers beware! Highly un recommendable. http://www.adam4adam.com/?p=JasonSparksXXXX
  14. As the OP I'm glad about the honest discussion this thread has caused, specially so many posters who have talked about their personal experience trying to lose a few pounds by PM and some on here too.
  15. May I suggest also walking a little big instead of driving every where?
  16. Obesity a disease? http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/19/health/ama-obesity-disease-change/index.html I would like to hear specially for all the obese guys on here, and know if they agree it's a disease or not.
  17. http://25.media.tumblr.com/75af90c03d2e7ea2c7359d7cddd786c8/tumblr_mgvyebArjA1s2ka0wo1_500.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GXFmJ7mBuZo/UH6UTjZ0O7I/AAAAAAAArZc/nbg6qSOH-1g/s1600/tumblr_m0oo5qwqR51qdtudao1_500.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_DwV0m938Rk/T0qwH53Y_5I/AAAAAAAANG0/6glNR-21ywo/s1600/towel7.jpg
  18. DC Chandler was 6'3 and there were always issues about who to pair him with. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_OYJjBd6ZP3Y/SzveJgi8n7I/AAAAAAAAAPs/mlySP8JL1dI/s320/DC_Chandler_Scout_Club_02.jpghttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/_OYJjBd6ZP3Y/SzveJQhx2eI/AAAAAAAAAPk/KP5VDiD7BBQ/s320/D.C.+CHANDLER+1.jpg http://images.tlavideo.com/images/z/ga/4/5/290254_aa.jpg
  19. A very few pornstars are taller than 5'10. Shorter guys look better on camera, they are more likely to have great butts and a 7" average cock looks giant on them. Obviously Austin Wolfe is the exception, he's just perfect, tall, big cock, nice ass, etc.
  20. http://www.weloveguys.net/wp-content/gallery/adam-ayash/adam-ayash-male-model-25.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wrX4JTyGSeQ/UVkXJBEuPNI/AAAAAAAAcsk/IuVsukjj3gk/s1600/AM418_AMM_SBB31413.jpg
  21. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jurXv1_sVdE/ThrzJbTFTlI/AAAAAAAAD-Q/iYF4_SfV98U/s1600/Philip_Fusco-naked-nude-penis-full_frontal3.jpg
  22. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cRsJhTJ5ymU/TZnsBYDMDHI/AAAAAAAANUs/H9dj4SB8sxs/s1600/Vinnie%2BVisco%2B-%2B18-760606.jpg
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