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Everything posted by Daverwr

  1. I’d love to know the number of “Ask Me” in the Safer Sex category. I find that the last few years, Anything Goes popularity has moved to Ask Me. Perhaps that is due to the popularity of PrEP. I’ve also never had an Ask Me say “No” to bareback.
  2. I don’t like that the model can see how much money/time is in your account. That way they drag it out until the very last second.
  3. “Shoot her, Wardell. Shoot her in the head,” due to the pandemic.
  4. My father picks out gays perfectly. He simply says every guy is gay. Of course, he has a very low success rate in the straight category.
  5. Well, you’ve got to admit, it sure would make shopping more fun!
  6. Based on my avatar, which is accurate, it is obvious I cannot offer insight to this thread!
  7. Liza’s dick is a little smaller.
  8. Remember how I said about the 250 mile radius? Never mind!
  9. Only if he’s the only provider within a 250 mile radius!
  10. The really icky one some guys are talking about is Golitely! The worst liquid known to man! It’s so viscous. And the name; talk about an oxymoron. Go lightly? Don’t they mean Go heavily???
  11. Daverwr

    JJ Knight

    He is so HOT! I wonder if he ever comes to PS...
  12. I suggest “Rock, Paper, Scissors” to figure out who tops!
  13. I’ve experienced the same problem when I’m reviewing the posted images for violations. Sometimes it is exact and sometimes it is off a bit. I have no scientific answer for you other than it’s not exact. It may have to do when cookies are saved. Perhaps one of the other moderators have a better answer.
  14. The previous page is rather intense. Most of them melt my everything! So, I think it’s save to say I’ll take anyone that @Trebor doesn’t want as a first choice.
  15. This exact thing happened to me years ago. I tried but I don’t think we were able to make amends. It was an international travel arrangement so it’s impossible to find him again. But, being self-conscious about everything related to me and my body and my sex, I’m forever questioning whether a complement is sincere. However, since the above experience I don’t verbalize it. I even question every moan and groan from the provider, thinking, “Is that real or just acting?”
  16. NEVER! Okay, I say I’m 5’7” when I’m really 5’6”. ?
  17. I think it’s critical to verbally confirm everything prior to meeting a provider, regardless it being included in the profile. Not only does it confirm things for you it also lets the provider Know what you are looking for. It’s a win-win.
  18. I’ve said it before, RM does allow clients to submit a profile which can be accessed by the provider. I LOVE when a provider has read my profile just as I have his. I’ve been with a few providers where I notice in their actions They’ve read the profile. I’ve also talked with a few providers that call off our conversations midstream. I’m hoping it’s because our profiles didn’t mesh and not because of my dazzling conversation skills.
  19. He has the sexiest hair chest when he lets it grow out slightly. Although it would be lost on me, he is extremely versatile and seems to be happy either way.
  20. The B747 was always my favorite aircraft. It’s sad that virtually all airlines have phased out the aircraft. But, it’s happened before with the flying living room (first class, anyway) the L1011. Alas, I’ll have to find a new favorite aircraft. I also remember flying on British Airways Concorde, the slim bullet. It was tight and I would not have wanted to do it weekly. BA realized how tight it was for their meal service for all 99 passengers at the same time that they started offering meals in the Lounge prior to the flight hoping people would not ask for another one on board.
  21. That would be so difficult for both sides. When my mother was dying in a memory care facility, I had lunch with her every day. I like to think it was important for her. It would have been impossible to explain this to her.
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