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Everything posted by Daverwr

  1. The Mexican food is stellar! I spent a week there in a New Mexican cooking school. It is home to a lot of lesbians.
  2. Just like I’ll miss out on some amazing beet creations! ?
  3. Not too sure about that, but for me Not At All! The only time I wanted to touch a lady part was when I was being born. And that’s because I had no way of letting my mother know I’d prefer a c-section!
  4. I’m amazed at the number of gents here that know what female escorts do in their business. Perhaps there are more practicing bisexuals here than I thought. Either that or crime show watchers. ?
  5. Yes, I know. It’s one of those unexplainable aversions. Kind of like beets, as noted in a previous thread. I wouldn’t go to a beet-focused restaurant, even though they would have other things on their menu!
  6. Your concoction would be amazing on a pizza!
  7. Only thing that would worry me is FF, but that’s a different thread.
  8. I recently had a nice conversation with him wondering if he ever made it to Palm Springs or LA. He’s from São Paulo by way of London. He seems very intelligent and with it. If I were in NYC, I would run not walk to him. All of his pics are gorgeous especially his Private pics.
  9. The only salami I thought there was growing up was OM Cotto Salami with the peppercorns! And, yes, they made an all beef version. We weren’t kosher, or Jewish for that matter, but that’s all we ate!
  10. Thanks! I didn’t notice.
  11. Hey, I don’t seem to have In Call/Out Call fields on my display. I’m a premium client and I’m logged in. Any clue? Where should I be looking?
  12. Sorry, there is NO way I’d select a provider named ‘Trouble’. I just don’t see him offering a BFE.
  13. You might look for Boar’s Head. They prepack a lot of their meats at reasonable prices. I’m not sure about kosher, I’ve never looked.
  14. I’d eat that any day! You could also add that to a sandwich.
  15. Love the single nipple piercing. Classy.
  16. I didn’t know the victim Mr. Menendez so this doesn’t apply to him. But, it always gets me when they publish/show statements from people who knew the victim. It’s always “He was a great guy”, “He was always so kind and friendly.” It’s never “Oh, he was such an asshole”, “He deserved it, I’m glad he’s dead.” ?
  17. Thanks, @whipped guy. That works just fine!
  18. One of the subtleties that always brings a smile to me is the sound every time they show the aircraft flying. It’s the sound of a propeller aircraft!
  19. So many amazing lines... “I take my coffee black, like my men”, “I speak jive”, “I picked the wrong day to give up cocaine”, “Jimmy, have you ever seen a naked man?”
  20. I really need to see him in a leather harness. Pretty please???
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