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Everything posted by Daverwr

  1. WHO is the boy in the bottom frame? I’m in love!
  2. Sad, sad, sad. I have lots of memories from the Watergarden. I was at the Watergarden when I learned that Princess Diana was killed. (Not my only memories.)
  3. Lately, weather makes me horny!
  4. Most websites that list prices in Euros or British Pounds will have the bank card or credit processor convert the US $ to the currency of the merchant. It’s just like using your USA credit card in a shop while on an European vacation. By the time the bill comes to you it will all be converted.
  5. I’m sure you would have to! ?
  6. I have no idea about his provider performance, but I can tell his acrobat performance is stellar. He’s was in a burlesque type show before the pandemic.
  7. If I were in NYC, I’d run to Eric Fit. I’ve had some great chats with him. He’s from São Paulo by way of London. www.rentmen.eu/ERIC_FIT/
  8. I’ve been talking to this hot provider in NYC. He is very nice, intelligent and worldly. Perhaps he will meet your exacting standards. (Honestly, we all have exacting standards.) Although it shows travel ending in NYC, he actually lives there. Www.rentmen.eu/ERIC_FIT
  9. These boys need to be in the “Do you Bottom...” thread!?! ?
  10. I’m an exclusive bottom, not a versatile bottom. So, when I hire a provider it’s kind of necessary for him to get an erection. Is it necessary to cum, no, but I certainly do prefer it. If he can’t get it up, I’d close the appointment as quickly as possible. It’s only happened to me once but he ultimately was successful. Of course, there was that time in the brothel in Amsterdam where the boy said he’s had multiple bottoms all day. But that’s another subject.
  11. With PrEP, I’m fine with bareback sex. In many cases the provider is on PrEP also, which is an added comfort. I’ve always performed and received oral without a condom. I’ve never had a provider suggest or request a condom. I never think about STIs which is my error and has bitten me once.
  12. I recently had a stroke too, though it was not caused by possible testosterone infections. Mine was blood pressure even tho it was being monitored daily by my cardiologist. But, my only post-issues are also balance. It’s a bitch to have to act like an old man (57) or a drunk. Please don’t make me pass a drunk test! (Off topic, sorry!)
  13. I believe it’s a typo. He probably meant ‘Gman’, his usual signature.
  14. Actually, I think that look is one of worry about what’s to come next...
  15. Yes, I enlarged the image. It says “Helmet Grease” and “pure *** lubricant”.
  16. IMO Daniel is MUCH hotter than Jacob. Jacob looks like he’s spent some time in a concentration camp.
  17. How drunk do you have to be to see the Wahlberg/Cena resemblances???
  18. These are semi-educated guesses: 1. Theoretically, there is no difference until the temperature reaches 500, then the oven would turn off. The broiler would not turn off until it reaches the Factory preset maximum temperature. 2. This seems to be a factory preset maximum for your oven. Keep in mind that for baking purposes the convection oven is actually set to 25 degrees lower that regular oven bake. So, if the recipe calls for 350 degrees and you are using convection, set the temperature to 325 degrees. That’s all I got! David
  19. Works for me! Let me know what you find out.
  20. Not for me...just now.
  21. Pick me up before you leave!
  22. Nope! They did have some magazines floating around.
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