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Everything posted by Daverwr

  1. Bring a lunch, it takes forever! And you can’t Fast Foward.
  2. My BFF and I had a friend who was a part-time porn producer who asked if he could use his (BFF) house for a movie shoot. He said it would be alright if we stayed. It was total fun, though it was a twink flick so the boys weren’t attractive to me. It was very interesting to watch. And, also boring and tedious. I even got to help with production and such; keeping the cables out of the pool!
  3. If I won the lottery... I always thought it would be great to have “houseboys”, not for sex but for housekeeping/maid and cooking services. Must be tall, gorgeous and gay. They would wear black T-shirts, and black pants/short pants. Oh well...
  4. Daverwr

    Las Vegas

    Question: if you take a provider with you and you gamble, do you have to front the provider’s gambling funds?
  5. Also customer service is, “Where can I find XYZ?” or, “Do you have this in my size?” Don’t say, “I don’t know.” Don’t point. Show me to it or bring it to me.
  6. Some people, including me, honor quality service over low prices. I will purchase from Neimans knowing I will pay more but get the service I enjoy.
  7. Wow! He should have stayed with Dynasty. His song had such a long intro you think it’s going to be great. It’s not!
  8. It’s unfortunate, but Customer Service is rapidly going down hill. FAST! I should know, I’ve managed customer service organizations for over 40 years. One of the problems is the caliber of the agent. Let’s face it, a college graduate is not going to sit at a monitor for 7 hours listen to people bitch for $12/hr. So we get the bottom of the barrel, high school grads and GEDs. We can’t raise the rate without raising the product price. We can see that with stores that provide amazing custom service, Neiman-Marcus, Bloomingdales, Eddie Bauer, etc. Everyone should be able to provide excellent customer service!
  9. Thanks, Guy! I think I’d be comfortable with the shopped version.
  10. Nobody mentioned George and Andrew of Wham! The video of “Last Christmas” sent me to the bathroom everytime. http://i.imgur.com/yaXwFyy.jpg
  11. http://i.imgur.com/iexOKf6.jpg
  12. I‘d happily take care of Just In Case for as long as you don’t need him. Let me know when you are ready... though he may be a little tired.
  13. How much does a standard non-super star make on these sites. I know they vary from $9-15.99 per subscription, but what kind of numbers are we talking? (Prefer hearing from actual site holders.)
  14. Every man listed here, particularly those with shirtless pictures, were my childhood crushes. It kept me from looking at anatomy drawings in the Encyclopedia Britanica.
  15. I would be very concerned about the quality. The elastic may be okay into the first wash, but I doubt it’d made it through the second. What ever you do don’t wash it in hot water. Cold only!
  16. He looks hot and sounds delightful. Go For It!
  17. I’m sure we will be wearing for quite some time to come, not just a few more weeks! My sister sent me a dozen in a variety of colors and styles. At least, @LIguy and I will be stylish.
  18. Damn you, @Gar1eth, I missed a day that I could have had fried chicken with zero guilt! Anyway, I prefer my chicken, actually most foods, cold. The internal temp of 165F is the main reason I don’t cook fried chicken. To me, it’s an art to get fried chicken golden brown while getting the inside 165F. I’ve tried and tried and I can’t get it.
  19. I wouldn’t have any problems with their prior employment. In fact, it might be beneficial if any of my “issues” are sexually related. Now as far as boundaries... be sure I’d look into my porn sources to find the analyst’s prior work. This way I don’t have to keep guessing what’s underneath the clothing!
  20. The curved arrow means you sent the message. A single check mark means the message was delivered. A Double check mark, as @mike carey states, means your message has been read. Sometimes I noticed the double check mark does happen until they start typing a reply.
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