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Everything posted by Daverwr

  1. Are you saying any of our houses or YOUR house???
  2. DAMN, girl! You need to get some now!
  3. Hey Lazarus, Let me start by saying I am totally grossed out with fisting. Now to your situation. I can understand your trepidation, however, it’s only one video. I know I don’t like every picture or video in attractive profiles. It’s rare that you’ll do everything pictured in a profile on a date. I can’t imagine that he would try to force fisting on you. If he does it would be professional suicide. Go for him but tell him what you want first The only time I’ve said “No Thanks” is guys that include fisting in their names, such as FFBERT or FF4YOU.
  4. I get a “window bar” just below the videos. You can select “Related”, “Comments”, and “Playlists” windows. Of course, each of my selections came back with no playlists. But it’s there.
  5. I just logged on to Pornhub. (How can log on and go directly to the Gay section without first seeing vagina?). I picked a random video. There were several “Related” videos underneath. I’ve always liked that feature. Is that what is missing for you?
  6. No, no one is taking a break, lest @Guy Fawkes. I’m just hope to ease the load slightly.
  7. Here it the website: https://www.pixel.labcorp.com/
  8. With a body like yours, I would imagine you could vacation in Poughkeepsie and find all the sex you could handle! Good job!
  9. I was speaking with a provider just now who requires a home Covid-19 test, which returns results within 24-hours. Only then will he meet with me/you.
  10. If I had those “goods”, I’d have them on display as much as possible!
  11. Why the frick did he move his head to the right???
  12. Nope. Cooper and deej are still around and working hard. I just offered to help out because I appreciate the site and everything they do.
  13. My response is, “Oh, Please!” Too much. At this point, you have so many letters associated with this, you might as well include an “H” for heterosexual. That should cover it!?
  14. I guess it is just how I was raised. In fact, I send a follow-up message after a date. I thank the provider and say I had a good time, assuming I did. If I didn’t have a good time, I remain quiet.
  15. It was excellent! I thought it was going to be an erotic massage that might move into something else. Instead it went directly to the something else. Surprising, but I happily went with it. (I have been tested for covid19, tho it’s only good for the moment of the test.)
  16. Just remember, not everyone is as nice or compassionate as we are. ? ?
  17. You ain’t gonna fool me nun. He’s still on my list!
  18. Ribs are a nasty break. But, I also understand the point you’re trying to make. Drs have gotten overly concerned about prescribing opioids. I have generalized pain and got some pain relief crap that was like taking a tic-tac. Since I have great relationship with my primary dr, I sat him down and told him I’m not an addict and we’ll be able to monitor my use between you, me and the pharmacist, also a friend. Give me the good stuff! I now have a stash of Vicodin in my cabinet for the bad days.
  19. Yep, fatty here! I’ll be honest, I go only to see the hot boys that have driven into the city to participate. Well, not only to view the boys, I also go to check out the food booths. I don’t care what they think. It reminds me that lifting weights is obviously bad for one’s personality.
  20. The link to the image doesn’t work. I took it to a separate browser but it didn’t open anything.
  21. Daverwr

    Vintage men

    It doesn’t look like they can be split either! This time I can’t blame them.
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