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Everything posted by Daverwr

  1. Daverwr

    Vintage men

    It does not look like they can be split. It’s a gif.
  2. If the virus is in semen, that would certainly make testing a lot more fun!!!
  3. If I don’t want to fall flat on my face, yes!
  4. I was so in love with Brad Patton. Still am.
  5. I set my VPN to Frankfurt, Germany and still no text. I then tried a Chrome browser. This time I got text on one review. So, I surmise that it doesn’t work with Safari and most reviewers don’t leave text. Would those be correct?
  6. Johnny was escorting from LA several months back. In fact, I called him to discuss cost and other issues. We never connected. I looked but I couldn’t find a listing.
  7. My personal abbreviation is FMB - Fuck Me Blind.
  8. I realize I’m not the audience you want, but I want share my thoughts as a client. I love when I get a shout out for looking at someone’s profile. Often, we start a conversation. A few times those conversations have led to dates. That little Thank You really works for me!
  9. His profile certainly isn’t a straight man. His Semi-Private pics shows pics of his hard cock. One pic was labeled “Fetish: Bareback Fuck” even though it was a pic of just his cock. Also, there is a print on the bedroom wall that appears gay. I’d just ask him “straight” up.
  10. I have NEVER even considered it. Primarily because I have a little dick, but I am basically shy when it comes to meeting people. Oddly, a few people have asked me this question in the past two months.
  11. Born and raised in So Cal, we had it all the time in Mexican food. I absolutely love it. You can put it on everything for me. I tried to grow it once but I couldn’t grow it fast enough. I used it too quickly.
  12. That happened to me when I moved from CA to NYC for drama school. One of our exercises in school was to do something we would never do in our own lives. Mine was cursing. I took the exercise to heart and carried it out of the classroom. One night on the phone with my mother, she called me out on it. She said, “When I come home for breaks, be sure to leave the cursing in New York.” Oops. I did stop until around 50 yo! Now, I’m a f-ing mess!
  13. I apologize if this has been asked before. Actually, I’ve never purchased a massage! But, I want to know how to tell if the masseur is willing/interested in turning the appointment into an escortish appointment? Is there something in the ad (preferable)? Or do you have to say something at the appointment?
  14. I also swear that the glass in the deli and fresh meat case are magnified. The steaks are huge, but when I get them home they seem so much smaller. Fish too - fillets are smaller, lobster tails shrink to shrimp. And it’s not my eyes!
  15. I normally say that, but a provider on this site said not to leave them hanging thinking they may have a chance. Let them know the truth. This is the first time I’ve used the truth. Oh well. There’s an excuse for both sides.
  16. I find that good looking guys that are not famous or known in the porn industry are around $200-300 per hour. For multiple hours, many will discount the subsequent hours. Those that are famous or think they are can be $350-500 per hour, but it varies greatly. Overnights are anywhere from $1000-1200. Those are the basics.
  17. True, but that also holds true to providers, as well. I can name three that did that to me in the last couple of weeks. While I was trying to “making a connection” and “confirming the basic essentials”, they ghost me and stop communicating. So, your frustration goes both ways, my dear.
  18. So, I’ve been away from the forum for a few years. I returned a couple of months ago. I just happened upon your thread by reading the last few entries. Well, that made me go back to the beginning, page 1 of 24! I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the past 2 hours. You put so much heart into your writing. I feel like I know everyone, You, DePaul Twin, Navy Twin, and Older Brother. I certainly hope you are a writer in real life because you certainly have a gift. Thank you for bringing us into your life! Warmest Regards, David
  19. Has anyone done this or had it done to you. I viewed someone’s rm profile because of their front Pic. It turned out this person wasn’t for me. In the meantime, they opened their Private pics and sent me a message. I sent him a message thanking him but said I wasn’t really looking for a Twink. I immediately get a message from rm stating that the provider has decided to no longer allow me access to his Private pics. WTF - Or, more politely, How Rude! Is it really that bad to keep your Private pics open? I really thought they were more of a Rm gimmick rather than a glimpse at the crown jewels ( no pun intended). Thoughts?
  20. Hey, your feeling are all valid since they are yours. For the shopping around aspect, remember, when I’m considering buying a $250+ Shirt, I get to try it on and walk around to get how it feels on me. I’m not suggesting that I should be able to “try on” someone for hire. But, if I’m considering buying something, I should get more than just those that can view it through the window. And, one of the issues with being a merchant, you never know if the person that tried It on will purchase or simply say “thank you”. Even Neiman-Marcus is having problems reconciling that one!
  21. I’m also in the client group and am speaking just for myself. I’ve made plans to have a date with a provider in a few weeks due to his travel schedule. Even though I have his profile virtually memorized, I still like to look at it. If it weren’t there for a week or two, I’d panic. I am sure I would call/text him immediately, unnecessarily. Also, clients of rm can see who has viewed their profile. Can you not do the same? Perhaps, you can use this feature to check your advertising and marketing is performing. Some providers have contacted me directly after I happened to view their profile., which they obviously saw. We’ve started conversations and we’ve actually made connections. So, with a little ingenuity, they made a sale.
  22. Thanks! I never knew there was actual texts! I’m using a VPN now, but I still don’t see text in the reviews???
  23. Wow! You were practically living in a Here gay movie. You really have a true friend. In this movie you are the star. In the sequel, your friend will be the star. He’ll be struggling with his emotions and choices along with three kids and a wife. While at a reunion, you’ll remake a contact. I’m not sure where I’ll go with the ending. Perhaps you have thoughts. Again, you should be very grateful to have such a wonderful “
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