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Everything posted by sincitymix

  1. full service.. well now.. interesting.. i might have to give him a try.
  2. full service.. well now.. interesting.. i might have to give him a try.
  3. he is in vegas right now. some pics show he was ex military.. certainly is super hot looking.. but darn it.. i want more then a massage lol.
  4. he is in vegas right now. some pics show he was ex military.. certainly is super hot looking.. but darn it.. i want more then a massage lol.
  5. he is in vegas right now. some pics show he was ex military.. certainly is super hot looking.. but darn it.. i want more then a massage lol.
  6. Hmm.. i am listed on the title for the house along with my parents, so when they die the house reverts to me in its entirety and my sister has no say in that... though i promised the parents she can live with me if she finds herself homeless or in need. I am also the executor of their will, and also listed as the main beneficiary .. pretty much all their money and accounts is mine, but set up so that the funds will go to the upkeep of the house and its expenses.. my sister was told as much.. she said she doesnt care. i guess communication is key. for myself.. i have no idea what i am going to do...
  7. from what i understand, what you do with other foreigners, they turn a blind eye. dont attract attention to yourself, they turn a blind eye.. touch a saudi and your done for.
  8. i admit i didnt read the article. wasnt one of those i swear i only bought it to read the articles.. moment
  9. i admit i didnt read the article. wasnt one of those i swear i only bought it to read the articles.. moment
  10. its because certain sites and aps will ban you for saying donations. so they say something else.
  11. hmmm if im paying someone for an overnight.. then yes.. i want hard core fucking all night just like when i was a teenager
  12. Ive never hired from a military base just saying.. but from growing up on a military base on Okinawa, and seeing so many good looking fit military.. and naked in the showers at the beach and pools, it certainly left a stamp on me while growing up
  13. You wont know until you ask Im sure an escort will probably just take the hourly rate and times it by the amount of guests or something like that. though it might be daunting to face the possibility that all 30 guests would want to take him upstairs or all 30 together at once lol.. the mind boggles at the combinations
  14. I am glad you had a good time, but unless hes going to bend me over and put all those muscles to use..
  15. No, but if you say you like to suck on a cut cock that has googly eyes pasted on it.. probably
  16. yup, i remember them too, something about had to cancel due to flight cancellation.
  17. he kissed with me.. quite good too.. him and indymarc both.. *shrugs*
  18. to each his own. i happen to love his tattoos.. and up close you notice a lot more details then whats in the picture
  19. i give him a huge thumbs up but as stated i think those are prices for the city he is in. hotel costs and all of that. i hear NYC is expensive
  20. cliff jensen has even more detailed rates listed too. and thats a nice link provided.. have to say the guy looks nice
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