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Everything posted by sincitymix

  1. hes certainly cute, but hes 5'3..
  2. 350 an hour just to stand and pose? thank you no
  3. So once again i am going to be in Indianapolis in December. The guy i hired before advertised mainly on back page and boyscort, which unfortunately are now defunct. I've noticed https://rent.men/IndyMarc (not sure if its the smartest thing on his part to post a pic of him wearing his high school football jersey) https://rent.men/AlexMaverick (i know alex has been discussed before, just wondering if any one has any additional insight, and please no thread tangents on his tattoos, how they are icky and etc etc etc. I like tattoos.) https://rent.men/MidwestMuscle (doesn't look like he tops, unless someone knows differently? ) if anyone else comes to mind, feel free to share
  4. ive been eyeing him. hope someone has some insight
  5. perhaps people will post 5 stars and just make all the categories 1 star negative? people can at least see that much i think
  6. yup. Zachery Scott has a waaaay thicker cock then his videos make it seem. was very
  7. he looks familiar.. who is he?
  8. ive been with derek a few times and each time was amazing.
  9. Law enforcement officer and green valley ranch i believe?
  10. would be more impressive if you said you lick like a cat
  11. Nvr2Thick - please remove this link. It just screwed up my computer and took a lot of time and anti-virus software to fix i had no problem. i have ad and pop up blocker enabled.
  12. well when im giving head ive learned to breathe through the nose but pretty much a nose breather.. sleeping probably mouth
  13. Yeah it happens in real relationships too.. I just got out of one too.. like you said.. sweet as vanilla when he wants something, pays you attention all out.. second he got what he wanted it was ignore city until he needed something else.
  14. hes on friend boy. https://friendboy.pro/boys/MuscleBoy i remember now that i was a bit turned off when i saw the special rates for VGL and very fit.
  15. well keep us informed id certainly be interested in him if someone/you gives a favorable recommendation though some of his tattoos look familiar.. just cant place my finger on it.. not sure if ive seen his ad somewhere else or what...
  16. yeah the phone must have been right up against his face, and i could swear i saw him glance at it once or twice..
  17. hawaii, allows its undercovers to actually have sex with you before they bust you.
  18. sorry, but i think the guy did know he was being recorded, have you seen the size of those lav cubicles? lucky to get 1 person in never mind 2 with one semi bent over... plus the size of the phone and the positioning of the mirror? im pretty sure he knew but in the moment of passion probably said nothing. was aw wrong to post the video? i sure do hope he got some sort of consent recorded or signed... otherwise hes probably screwed. does the employee he deserve to get fire? yes. I know a few flight attendants and pretty much he got caught. its a wink wink nod nod type of thing.. until you get caught.. plus the company hand books are very very specific on inappropriate relationships with customers.. if he was out of uniform and not wearing identifiable information directly indicating he was an employee of the company he would still face disciplinary action (maybe) as a lot of companies have clauses on behavior that could reflect poorly on the company regardless if you are on your own time or company time.
  19. It was expected to get married and sire heirs. You didn't have to love your wife, you were more then likely married for political/territorial reasons. The wife ran the household, you visited her maybe once or twice a year, did your duties sire heirs and offspring to continue the name/clan/familial lines... and then went back to what ever it was/who you were doing. It was common for an older male to take a younger male under his wing to mentor, and that did include sexual activities. It was practice for the younger one to submit to the older. The Spartans did this quiet well with the warriors and the trainees.. not to mention the Athenian intellectuals, and the Macedonians. Was Alexander the Great Gay? In our modern day terminology, probably yes. In the ancient terminology..? who knows, he was doing what his society does, and it was acceptable then... especially being in the military and bonding with his fellow man. It was common and accepted. It is hard to put modern day morals and sexual repression or terminology on an ancient culture who had different societal and cultural norms then our time.
  20. I've found rentmen does a poor job verifying. I've encountered a fake using a really popular celebrity pics, was verified. when i contacted them about it, they said the user had provided reasonable proof. I have no idea what they consider reasonable proof.. though a few days later the ad suddenly had a name change and some of the pictures changed to another person... so id say its still hit and miss.
  21. Hmmm i do remeber something i was told also by a family member, Homosexuality isnt really acknowledged publicly its more accepted as part of ones youth. Have sex with other boys? fine, have sex with other girls? fine.. but when you reach an age, you stop, get married, and have children, and never talk about it.
  22. Its normal for korean males to hold hands. My male cousin wanted to constantly hold my hand when i visited once when we were teens. I was puzzled by it and asked my mom, she said it was normal, plus hes your brother. (family calls each other brother and sisters regardless if cousins or what not)
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