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Posts posted by sincitymix

  1. Just one guy's perspective.


    After 25 years in management, I transitioned to consulting. I do a lot of recruiting.


    Written reference letters mean nothing to me - I tend to disregard them. I tell candidates not to bother sending them.


    Its a frustrating and contradictory world. Employers want references. But all sizeable employers have policies saying they won't give references - they'll merely confirm employment .


    I use an employment application. I insist candidates complete and sign the sections regarding honesty and references... tell them they can complete the rest or attach a resume. The reference section includes a hold-harmless release regarding reference requests of contacts. (Probably worthless,but better than nothing...and it helps me get info.)


    I only accept verbal references. Want verbal confirmation of employment. And frequently get people to say more than their policy permits... particularly when they want to give a good reference. Stated differently, when every previous employer defers to their no-reference policy, refusing to say anything - particularly if I reach former managers outside the HR department - its a potential bad sign.


    If candidates provide a letter, but dont want me to contact an employer... its a red flag.


    ....just my way, my industry....

    I didnt get a job i was really aiming for a few years back due to this. my previous employer does not allow references, they even fired a supervisor who gave a reference for another coworker. she violated company policy. they only allow verification of employment. even the job i was applying for said they dont give references either but require it. so stupid

  2. Hi Ben: Yes, Nevada is a right-to-work state and I was employed at-will. Even so, I didn't think that anti-discrimination covered by Federal law (age discrimination) would be included.

    yeah you have a huuuuuuuuuge up hill battle in Nevada. you'll need more concrete proof then what you have (pretty much the burden of proof is all on you to provide.) .. and good luck on the compensation. i don't think its going to happen, unless the employees in question admit to what they did.. and if they have any ounce of self preservation they wont.

  3. Anyone into dendrology? I'm watching season two of "Versailles". Philippe the gay brother of Louis XIV (pretending to be Louis because he is off to war) is showing the Sultan of Bijapur around the grounds of Versailles.


    They were walking through a grove of trees. Philippe was telling him that they were different trees each that would have blooms of one color of the rainbow.


    Anyone know if such a thing is possible?

    probably if you put some sort of dye in the water. or depending on the tree very specialized gardeners

  4. When I've bottomed never used it. But the other day a little dab and damn I was ready for business. It was liberating. I'm a fan. Lol

    no thanks. i may be in the minority, but i like a little pain when im bottoming :p

  5. A M4M member soon to be visiting my area privately asked me to recommend RM escorts I have hired. I gave him a few names and also added a couple I was disappointed in meeting. He asked me to elaborate on one of the disappointments and I did. Big mistake. He then contacted that disappointment and relayed to him my remarks. Now, that escort is texting me to ask why I'm negatively reviewing him. I find this more than unfair. My comments to the inquiring M4M member were meant to remain just between the two of us. I did not post a review, I only made some candid observations to another member in private. I'm new on M4M, but isn't there some sort of code between members?


    In my opinion, it was very bad form on the members part. He/She should have never brought you up with the escort.

  6. Wait, WHAT? A commission for recommending the best escort in Vegas? Why did I know nothing about that? LOL!!!;) Maybe because my best reward for having met such an excellent guy is the total satisfaction I always feel for experiencing the amazing BFE he gives me each and every time we meat!!! :):):)


    Narrator voice: "The facts are these; Peter Hung is a truly phenomenal escort!"


    TruHart1 :cool:

    I wish he did incalls:P

  7. I went out to lunch with my Mom today. I was driving. After we finished, I asked her whether she minded stopping at a store that was a bit out of the way, so I could pick up a prescription I had ordered. The prescription was for some sildenafil.


    My Mom asked me what the prescription was for. I blanked a moment and then told her, “It is one of my blood pressure medications.”




    if i remember correctly, it CAN be used for blood pressure....

  8. Just a note for you, @sincitymix, if you like those arms in @peterhung85's avatar, you are in for a really special treat when you meet him IRL and see his face and his legs along with...other impressive things about his physical attributes! :);) Paired with his sharp intellect, Hungarian accent and sense of humor, Peter is the complete package (pun intended!)


    TruHart1 :cool:

    I know, i would hire him but i believe if memory serves me right, he is outcall only.. :(

  9. Yes, it answers perfectly. Glad you joined the forum, it will surely help you in the long run to make informed decisions.... and yes .... definitely up for a chat next time you are in Vegas! ;)



    i have to say, i am really liking the look of your arms in that pic peter :D

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