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Everything posted by mattr

  1. https://64.media.tumblr.com/854b5bb9378f6f1f6b1fb2e90b01a68d/e0747d40801e8808-33/s500x750/9cd41dac6738f3ef5aa9efbcb1fc565e3054a62c.gifv
  2. https://64.media.tumblr.com/e5a25a4e3421dd445a85ac8e0f484c39/tumblr_o6uwa2fS2N1vp18zio1_540.jpg
  3. I consider myself solidly middleclass. My goal has been to retire with 25x my last salary saved and invested. I travel, taking at least 2 trips per year although my last trip was early February of 2020 and I probably won't travel again until Q4 of this year or Q1 of next year. I'm about to turn 62 and have always lived below my means. I own my own modest home in a NYC suburb home, have no debt, and have saved almost 30x my current salary. I am basically working for health insurance right now and my goal is to work another 20 months. At that point, I can stay on my companies health insurance plan through COBRA until I am 65 and eligible for medicare. I will move out of NY before I turn 72 and must start taking RMDs from my tax deferred investments (two 401Ks and an IRA). I plan to defer SS until I turn 70, at which point I should get about $3900/month. No one relies on me for money and I don't see that changing. My mother is in her late 80's, in good health, owns her own home, and has enough money to maintain her lifestyle for the foreseeable future. My brother and sister-in-law are both professionals and also live comfortably below their means. I have been contributing to a 529 plan for my niece since she was born and expect to be able to fund half of her undergrad degree by the time she is ready to go to college.
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