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Everything posted by mattr

  1. mattr

    Diego Sans

    I am a big fan of Diego, especially now that he has gotten rid of that unfortunate man-bun http://thesword.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/diego-man-bun.jpg
  2. Go ahead and sniff, you know you want to Butt http://67.media.tumblr.com/6b93da1e6e612ff22a0ff4c3c54d4040/tumblr_met3qm7jaw1qkggbwo1_500.jpg
  3. mattr

    Best Kisser?

    No escort in his right mind would answer that. A better question to our escort friends might be, what makes someone a great kisser to you?
  4. Enthusiastic young man Pecs
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