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Everything posted by mattr

  1. Sorry... my bad! I meant an above average lap dance... I fixed the original post. Interesting though that we were probably there on the same night!
  2. I met Marcus Patrick at Spunk one night... very hot and provided an above average lapdance with no funny business regarding # of songs, etc. Straight shooter if you will forgive the pun.
  3. So far no response....
  4. I emailed Mike and just asked him if he and Jake are one in the same. I will let the forum know if/when I get a response.
  5. 99.9% sure they are the same person... the only thing I can think of is that Mike seems to be a more intense "master" while jake seems a bit more subdued (not much though). Perhaps he wanted to appeal to guys who are not into the master/slave scene without watering down the MikeMasters persona.
  6. Dakota is hot... I can't say I agree with his stance on blacks, but I applaud his ability to read the forum comments and respond without rancor or defensiveness. Of and I wouldn't a couple of hours of sweaty sex with him. Do you think I could eat his jock ass?
  7. mattr


    People who are compelled to tell you how great their life is are trying convince themselves as much at they are trying to convince you. People who are truly happy with their lives don't need to convince anyone else of the fact and want others to be as happy as they are. It is really kind of sad but there is nothing you can do about it. He is likely exhibiting this behavior out of feelings of inadequacy. This reminds me of a a friend who was constantly telling me how great his marriage was and then one day up and announced that he was getting a divorce.
  8. Saw in Luis' email that he is at Spunk tonight in NYC... His Adonis/Spunk name is Chris.
  9. Damn you do have great taste in men! Sexy, great smiles, great chests, and first class asses! I want em all!
  10. He should own the fact that he is 35....
  11. http://rentmen.com/JakeArcher Anyone spend time with him? Anyone know if he really smells "great" after the gym?
  12. Wow... that is quite a website! I am smitten but he may be a bit to rough for me at this point.... I am not ready to be tied up and paddled!
  13. I love a guy hot guy in a jock.... he is particularly fine! #7 rocks me too!
  14. I wanna get ravaged by this pack of wolves..... Kurtis' mix of brains and brawn has him leading the pack with Gavin a close second. I know all the issues with Austin but I still drool over that 6'3 body and that perfect ass!
  15. I have seen some of his videos and have a hard-on for him big time!
  16. I now need a massage... He is a stunner!
  17. This is a completely inappropriate commercial. The only reason Peta did it was so NBC would ban it with the hopes it would go viral....
  18. Dirk is such a kinky fuckin pig too... I love it
  19. I tend to be glass half empty but I really try to be half full.... so I think it is a wash....
  20. He has a new ad on RentMen http://rentmen.com/ANDRESNY
  21. mattr


    It looks like Paddy could easily cross over from client to escort....
  22. The guy in the black trunks has a great ass... the hairy guy is HOT!
  23. Spunk has the best lapdance setup...pvt curtained cubicles. I also like the bar better and there is a stage show with real pole dancing.
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