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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. I suspect it's a combination of the CCP lying and not knowing what was happening. I'm not entirely sure that the US figures will be accurate either, although given time the correct US figures will most likely come out.
  2. I hear you. I am gratified that there are charities that can use the food from cancelled events, and the organisers of those events are prepared to give them the food. I expect the organisers have insurance so they don't lose, but I suspect even if they don't there's a tax deduction for donating it.
  3. Good question, but I'm resigned to forfeiting my deposit. If anyone has a different experience with INNDulge, I'd like to hear about it. I plan to see if I can hand my reservation over to someone else, but not yet. That assumes my option of attending is foreclosed. To be clear, I'm not all that concerned about the idea of travelling or of the meeting itself, I am concerned about the fortnight of being locked down when I return home.
  4. Same in this country. There is plenty of stock, and the supermarkets have been up front telling people not to panic buy. But they keep panic buying. There is plenty of toilet paper and the factories have increased production to make sure of it, but still the crowds strip the shelves. I'm sure restaurants have been tossing food but they probably order day by day, and can adjust quickly to reduce demand. However, when the restrictions on mass gatherings came in, there were venues that had catering for large crowds, and they could no longer use the food. They didn't dump it, they called charities that supply homeless shelters and other charities, so it didn't go to waste. From what I read, the organisations that channel food that would otherwise go to landfill, to people who need it are quite effective these days.
  5. Quite so, Oliver, but there are two sides to the preparedness to be honest. One, as you rightly identified is being prepared to be honest with the person who is currently your primary healthcare provider, the other is being prepared to be honest with any health care worker. If the issue is the provider, change them, if the issue is what you are prepared to say, change yourself. Of course, this is not just an issue for sex workers. It applies equally to anyone with any degree of shame or fear about how their behaviour will be perceived: gay people in a homophobic environment, women seeking reproductive health services in a conservative area, and no doubt others.
  6. Who are you flying with? American have cancelled almost all Asia flights, but I assume they'd reroute you if it's with them.
  7. 'Drinking from a fire hose', but in this case, literally!
  8. I fear they might foil your advances.
  9. Well, this has all escalated rather quickly. There's no travel ban as such, at least not now, but as I mentioned in another thread, Australia now requires people arriving here to go into self-isolation for 14 days, including returnng Australians. That probably makes my trip to Palm Springs untenable. I have two weeks to decide on my air ticket, in which time I get a credit for the full value, so I won't cancel precipitately, but it ain't looking good.
  10. I misunderstood this part, hence the correction in the original post. The announcement was about 1430AEDT, so anyone travelling from pretty much anywhere but New Zealand who weren't in the air were too late to catch a flight to arrive before the restriction came into force.
  11. [MEDIA=twitter]1239076790959632384[/MEDIA]
  12. [MEDIA=twitter]1239080537844670466[/MEDIA]
  13. American Airlines slashes international long-haul fights starting Monday. Australia and New Zealand flights are among those cancelled. Qantas hasn't announced any further cuts, so pending any announcement on that score, AA codeshare services on QF metal will probably be available. http://news.aa.com/news/news-details/2020/American-Airlines-Announces-Additional-Schedule-Changes-in-Response-to-Customer-Demand-Related-to-COVID-19-031420-OPS-DIS-03/default.aspx
  14. I've found that stuff lasts FOR EVVA in the fridge, and while fresh is better, it's fine for a lot of things.
  15. The Australian Government has just announced that they are imposing similar restrictions to those announced yesterday by New Zealand. After tomorrow,From midnight tonight everyone arriving in Australia will be required to self-isolate for 14 days, and cruise ships will not be permitted to arrive in Australian ports for the next 30 days.
  16. [MEDIA=twitter]1239001071735001089[/MEDIA]
  17. I may have mentioned it before, at least one of supermarkets has taken sanitiser off the shelves and you have to ask for it at the service desk.
  18. But that would exclude most of the Caribbean countries and territories and Belize (Ok, I know they are in here for being south of the border, not South America) and the Guianas. I can't see a big issue with the current delineation.
  19. [MEDIA=twitter]1238419691267223559[/MEDIA] (Coles and Woolworths are the two major supermarket chains in this country. I assume that Aldi has a similar reputation in the US as it does here, and from the thread also in the UK, of selling some odd merchandise to get people into their shops.)
  20. There is serious discussion here from the medical folks that appear in the media (and I'm talking about our public broadcasters, not the more excitable commercial media) that if we are going to impose any further travel restrictions it would be for people coming from the US rather than Europe (there are already restrictions on arrivals from Italy). The view here is that the situation in the US is not under control. That said, we are not likely to impose any further travel restrictions as the possibility of importing cases would not affect the overall caseload now that community transmission is increasing.
  21. I have two conflicting thoughts about this. First, I don't think airports are a problem, contact with other people is passing, so they are no more risky than going to the shops. Wash your hands, don't touch your face. Aeroplanes, slightly more of an issue, you're near three or four rows of people for an hour or so (the rest of the plane probably doesn't matter). Second thought, I enjoy road trips (generally by myself), so treating yourself to a drive down CA1 could be delightful.
  22. This just appeared in my time line. Probably not for the first time. So, if anyone needed a bit of cheering up ... [MEDIA=twitter]1238081405713821698[/MEDIA]
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