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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. My post looked like that, and that was not what I intended, so I edited it. I was just surprised. I'm a bottom, and two bottoms can have a lot of fun without penetration. If an escort is a bottom I wouldn't rule out hiring them but I would be disinclined to suggest that they change what they do to suit me.
  2. I totally failed to read what the speaker was representing. Once that penny drops this is incredibly clever. Apparently it's from 2007 or 2008. [MEDIA=twitter]1236290359489114114[/MEDIA]
  3. You surprise me, Victor. Clearly you can do whatever you want, but I didn't expect that. You're always a stud to me.
  4. I'm not into cruises, although I have done an Antarctica one and am open to being convinced. More to the point, I booked flights through DFW and haven't factored in a meeting with @Benjamin_Nicholas. I guess I have to live with my choices.
  5. Tap water, or boiled tap water isn't the same as distilled water, but that's not really the question. The real question is what do you need from the water. If mineral purity is the issue then distilled water may be what is needed, if what is needed is biologically safe water then boiling it may be enough.
  6. I've started watching a young escort here who claims to be straight and offers 'things that your partner won't do'. He specifically talks about seduction of a top into being a bottom and similar scenes. I must say I'm tempted.
  7. Indeed, feigning COVID-19 might not be the smartest idea. All moot points now.
  8. Could do that even if I had checked baggage as you have to collect it to clear customs and then drop it off on a conveyor belt after clearing. I suspect they wouldn't believe the illness story and would cancel the return ticket.
  9. I wasn't sure, thanks for clarifying. I just couldn't resist the temptation to assume you knew the answer and were asking for 'comic effect'.
  10. A belated but heartfelt happy birthday, Tyler.
  11. A COVID-19 101 discussion from the Radio National Drive program this afternoon, with a professor of virology at the University of Queensland. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/drive/covid-19:-myth-busted-and-fact-checked/12030674
  12. Most of Australia is 100km/h (62mph) or 110 (68). The Northern Territory has an open highway limit of 130km/h (just under 81mph) but used to have no speed limit. New South Wales, where I live, has 110km/h on divided highways and all highways in the west of the state, and 100km/h on other roads.
  13. Amazing little critter! [MEDIA=twitter]1234831418397790209[/MEDIA]
  14. My understanding is that 'burner phone' now refers to services like Google Voice that are actual phone numbers and to all intents and purposes behave like one. But they lack some functions, like some types of text or accepting foreign phone calls. I don't know how they work, but assume it is VOIP or something similar. A 'normal' phone that uses one of the standard telcos but which you only use for certain specific purposes, or for a single project before discarding, may have been called a burner phone in the past but the definition has moved on from that.
  15. He lives in Brisbane, so delts for dollars would have worked. (He was born in Australia but grew up in Tonga.)
  16. Yes, I'd have to go through customs and immigration at LAX but it would not the same plane, rather whatever onward flight I was on and probably a different terminal. It would be the same as if my ultimate destination were NYC or anywhere else. If I were denied entry the rest of the ticket would be an issue between me and the airline, and possibly my travel insurance company. I'm used to arriving in LAX, SFO or DFW and having to clear customs and immigration before catching an onward flight, so the Delta flight would have been no different. This trip I'll be doing just this in SFO before catching my Alaska flight to PSP.
  17. You're both right. A cheap J flight was attractive, and if I were flying with Delta I would have taken the otherwise awkward flight to LAX then on to where ever and back to the LA basin. IIRC, there were options on JAL and Cathay into LAX for about the same price as the DL roundabout fares. As things worked out, I got a ticket on Qantas that worked better for me, and that was into PSP. My original post was to illustrate the sometimes bizarre price differences with fares over indirect routes. It stuck me as extraordinary that I could save $4,000 flying two extra sectors instead of just getting off the flight at LAX.
  18. So sorry to hear that, TB. Hope he is good now. So far, COVID-19 is an issue of confidence, it frightens people and they stop doing things they had planned. There is a real risk, but not a serious threat to most people. Some people may stop hiring but many will not, but the 'some' will make things difficult for working guys. TB, I'll have a bottle of red on hand whenever you're around.
  19. I think 'cancelled' in the social media sense, of being made a 'non-person'. As far as I've seen he hasn't made a dick of himself about faith so I doubt his alleged 'cancellation' will have much effect. He's no Israel Folau.
  20. There's probably a better place for this post, but there's a tangential link here, so... I had an interesting thing when I was looking for flights for the weekend. I usually travel Qantas, and pay for flexible economy or discount premium economy then rely on the points lottery if I want to upgrade, but I search on an aggregator to see if there are premium cabin, or any other deals just in case. This time I searched Sydney to Los Angeles and used 'all airports' instead of LAX. Delta had business class around AUD10k R/T to LAX but around AUD6k to Long Beach, Ontario or Orange County, flying into LAX then to LAS, SLC or PHX and back to those LA-area airports. I was almost tempted but Qantas came up with a bonus elite status points deal that worked better for me at the time (and I bought flights into PSP on that).
  21. And, just now, #toiletpaper is trending No1 on Twitter in Australia.
  22. I am seriously worried about all the toilet roll manufacturers. I mean, they won't sell a single roll for the next 12 months.
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