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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. From what I've read, the point of masks (not that the wearers share this view) is that they stop droplet transmission from infected individuals, not that they protect the wearers from the virus.
  2. That's amusing. For most of my life the phone company was government run and part of your phone bill was a handset rental. Only later was it possible to buy a phone and plug into the network. The move from rotary dialling to push-button was simply part of the progression of what was the 'standard phone' that they rented to you, so it didn't cost any more to switch. What they did continue to charge for was called number display. That was free from the start on mobile phones but not on landlines. Landlines here are now a thing of the past, what was a phone line is now an internet connection and 'landlines' are VOIP, and called number display is free (and having a 'landline' is simply part of your internet connection). (Landline to landline calls in Australia on my plan are 15 cents flat unlimited time.)
  3. Boomer here (according to the charts). Phone When I left home for uni we still had manual phones, i.e. pick up the receiver and wait for the operator. Our number was Tumut 745. By 1975 (late in my uni course) I could call home by dialling a town code from Canberra (where dial phones were a thing) and ask for my mum's number, then feed in coins rather than call through the Canberra operator. Dial phones (gasp) arrived in 1976 or 1977. The first house I remember living in (when I was about three) was in the bush (about 2km from the nearest other farm house) and had a party line with five or six other houses on the same number. You wound a handle on the phone and the operator would come on the line. And anyone else on the same party line could pick up their phone and listen, as they would have heard the ringing from the winding of the handle. One day mum was at home with my sister and I (dad was a teacher at a small school some distance away) and a red-bellied black snake went in under the house (she had almost picked it up thinking it was the garden hose). Mum got on the party line and within 20 minutes two or three farmers from nearby properties were there to help, and left her with a .22 rifle should the snake come out. TV Like others above, only two stations, one ABC and one commercial, and black and white. Colour only came in 1975 and regional affiliates of the three metropolitan commercial networks (and hence a total of five stations) only came in 1989 (the 5th was a second public broadcast 'multicultural' station).
  4. Never been there but what are Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire like? Or Sint Maarten? Flights, particularly on miles might be a problem!
  5. If you are booking an appointment with an escort, no time is too long or too short, do what you want to do. That said, you may find an hour is too rushed, and an extended period makes for better play and more fun. I would say start with two hours and work out after your first meeting if that is enough, too much, or not enough time. For me, if it were @peterhung85, @tristanbaldwin or some others, 90 minutes would not be enough.
  6. 'Social mobility' is complex, but it is something that is measured on a society wide basis in most countries. On those rankings, as I recall, the US scores are relatively low. It does not refer just to people becoming millionaires, and to a large extent using that as a metric is a distraction. Those sorts of stories are more in the nature of anecdotes rather than data. Overall measures of social mobility include measuring how common is it for people to move up even one quintile.
  7. You posted it on #4 above. If it was the wrong icon, you can click 'Remove' to the right of it and replace it with the one you intended.
  8. For the moment, unlike cancellations of flights to China, Delta's changes are most likely driven by commercial rather than safety factors. Qantas and Air New Zealand have both recently cut some services to Asia due to reduced demand, Air NZ just this morning (Thursday). Offering refunds as well as rescheduling when they did it acknowledges the safety concerns some passengers will have, but also serves the commercial purpose of helping them manage down the passengers who would have used the cancelled services.
  9. And heaven help you if you didn't use fancy note paper, or better, a card.
  10. On a complete tangent, amusingly, when the Australian Signals Directorate, our equivalent of the NSA opened a Twitter account, its first tweet was, 'Long time listener, first time caller'.
  11. [MEDIA=twitter]1232209632950571008[/MEDIA]
  12. You are the person he goes to to pour out his fears and seek some comfort and reassurance. It's not his brother he needs to or should seek that from, that has to be a rational discussion of the dangers and advisability of the choice. You gave him the emotional outlet to enable him to have that rational discussion with his twin brother. BZ.
  13. After that bombshell was dropped (#261) I had to consider my plans seriously, but after much soul-searching I've booked, a week at Inndulge (15-22/4), flying in via SFO and out via DFW (so one seriously long A380 sector, @nycman). I'm looking forward to renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. Unfortunately other things prevent me from continuing to NYC this trip. I plan to attend all three events that Oliver lists in his announcement post in the other thread.
  14. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-samuelhgg.156049/
  15. I should add that here, mortgages are variable, not fixed rate and full recourse, so we can't walk away from a property.
  16. I have always paid them off before the end-date, but I still have a mortgage to enable a line of credit with my bank. (Not sure I need that now.) I am only disappointed that there were no graphs to explain the payment process. (That was a joke.)
  17. Since you have travel and accommodation that can be cancelled at no cost, I wouldn't stress too much now. Travel was still happening yesterday from China to South Korea (the ABC correspondent, ours not yours, did it then), and if that hasn't stopped your arrangements are far less risky. What you might want to research is travel that doesn't involve both Korea and Japan so you only have to worry about one country. So, if Delta has US to Tokyo flights rather than via Seoul, think of changing that. Ultimately, take wide advice, not just us in here. Edited: I was seriously looking at Cathay and JAL to travel for Palm Springs and would still be but for a Qantas deal for bonus elite credit for flights booked now.
  18. This video warrants its place in here, but I had to post it for Cathy Wilcox' caption. [MEDIA=twitter]1231532343002726401[/MEDIA]
  19. For the most part they are out or under control, helped by the heaviest rain in 30 years in some places. Many of the burnt areas on the 'Fires Near Me' map maintained by the rural fire service web site have been removed, the south-east corner of NSW is the exception. The remaining fires are at 'Advice', the lowest of three fire alert levels. (The other two are Watch and Act, and Emergency.) https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/fire-information/fires-near-me
  20. Big guys tend to know how to manipulate your arse so they can get it in there. Or they should know how.
  21. Ok, I haven't hired him. I have met him though. And. Book him. He is one of the go to guys. But if you aren't sure, ask him to meet up so you can determine if you want to hire. Ace is da man.
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