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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. I just looked at an ad that I know had comments and they are still there. (I'm not using a Dutch VPN, I'm outside the US so don't need to.)
  2. I can certainly see that and agree it's a risk. For me, it's hypothetical at the moment, I'm not on the point of booking any flights. Then again, CX doesn't fly any A380s.
  3. HND? Haneda airport? I would still consider flying CX and the transit stop that requires in Hong Kong.
  4. Spoiler alert, if you are a Karen, you may want to choose not to read this thread. [MEDIA=twitter]1228550232431976449[/MEDIA] Then again you might laugh your tits off.
  5. I think they're great. It's what operates the QF SYD-LAX flights and the main choice on SYD/MEL to LAX. I missed the chance to fly on an Emirates A380 (QF ticket) from Christchurch to Sydney last month and ended up on an A330 from Auckland. Who else flies them and where? https://simpleflying.com/airbus-a380-routes-guide/ (Qantas no longer flies to Dubai.)
  6. Holee fcuk! Happy I wasn't on board! [MEDIA=twitter]1228716036117221376[/MEDIA] From the comments, the aircraft exited the runway onto a taxiway although it doesn't look that way in the clip.
  7. I'll go traditional on the accompaniment but a bit radical on the bread. But the ham has to be good. So, ciabatta toast didn't work for me but Turkish bread did, and preferable to an English muffin.
  8. Yup, so much so that 'spaghetti bolognese' has been called our national dish. Blatant cultural appropriation, and any resemblance it might have to any Italian cuisine is purely coincidental.
  9. I suspect that there are guys here, whether they have met you or not, who would make an effort to keep up with your ads anyway, but thanks for posting the details.
  10. An interesting article. A farmer in the UK in 1810 writes about same sex attraction in his journal. https://www.losangelesblade.com/2020/02/13/200-year-old-journal-challenges-notions-about-historical-attitudes-toward-homosexuality/
  11. The only facts the policeman (cute or not) had was that G-man was driving at that time, that the computer indicated that the vehicle was not registered and that the sticker proved otherwise. He has no way of knowing whether the car had been driven while unregistered so couldn't make a judgment on that. I suspect a contributing factor is that police forces in the US are atomised, and by that I mean that there are many of them with sometimes overlapping jurisdiction. This would make it more likely that one particular officer wouldn't have access to the latest data. Here, to register my car I have to get an inspection certificate and pay liability insurance. The computer won't let you register the vehicle until both come through. I have been able to do that within half an hour of completing the other two steps, so I assume that the [single] police force in the state would have access to the latest registration data in about the same time frame. We don't have stickers of any sort now, so I would need the paper certificate (annotated by me with the on-line receipt number) if I were pulled over. If I were to be ticketed, most likely the ticket would be cancelled if I wrote to them quoting the time I paid and the time of the ticket, without going to court.
  12. IIRC safe/BB information isn't displayed if you aren't logged in. I could be wrong on that. I would add that in ads, escorts may show what they will do in an appointment, in the same way that an escort who will bottom for their partner but not for a client might put Top in their ad.
  13. I was trying to think where best to put this, Grindr Scams came to mind, but in the end it's going here. [MEDIA=twitter]1224511152459259906[/MEDIA]
  14. My point is that if you are looking for secure communications with someone, then the point to point comms using it are secure. That is the purpose for which it was designed. Where it does not provide protection, and this may be seen as being beyond the scope of what it was intended to do, is where another WhatsApp user sends you something: whether it is someone you have already established communications with, or as this case seems to indicate, someone who can find out your WhatsApp address. The other point to bear in mind is that if something you have sent or received via WhatsApp is still on your phone, the point of failure has become your phone not the app. If someone, be that a bad actor or the authorities, either has your phone, or has electronic access to its data, the fact that you might have received something via WhatsApp or any other secure means is irrelevant. They can read or copy it. If you want to ensure that doesn't happen, delete the data or copy it to somewhere that is safer.
  15. I heard a discussion of this on a tech show (Download This Show, ABC RN Friday 31 Jan, https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/downloadthisshow/the-curious-case-of-jeff-bezos/11909208). Apparently he was sent a piece of malware via WhatsApp and it was able to infect his phone regardless of whether he had even opened the WhatApp message. (It's not clear whether he did or not.) So the privacy of what was sent wasn't compromised, and everything was encrypted from other parties, but that doesn't prevent the app from causing problems. That indicates to me that for the purposes we are discussing, WhatsApp is fine.
  16. Most people have a mind to start with.
  17. Although our prime minister may have started using the gesture with the sort of inane alacrity some associate with 1600 Penn Ave NW, and that may have given some people pause in continuing to use the thumbs up, it absolutely is not the equivalent of a middle finger rampant! (A thumbs down is the opposite, disagreement, unhappiness or dissatisfaction, but it is not a rude gesture, it's simply a neutral 'no'.)
  18. My home town: Tumut Beach-side suburb in Adelaide (and river in SW Victoria): Glenelg
  19. A true gem. I met him at Palm Springs and didn't 'do' anything. I did a quick round of the pool party and said good bye to him, but that was a 2-3 minute deep kiss. Truly memorable. I'll be back if I can.
  20. This is a bit of a concern, although I suspect going home via Hong Kong on CX will be fine. I checked on Qantas' FF page and they had rewards seats from Singapore to NYC on CX, JA and QR in all classes (and China Eastern through Shanghai, but I'm guessing that wouldn't be anyone's first choice in the current circumstances). No other west-bound options though. (They also had seats to BDL through LHR/ORD on combinations of QF/BA/AA, but only in economy, and some first on QF sectors.) I'm guessing AA would have similar options, perhaps more on other One World partners.
  21. There is certainly that. The Australian government has announced that if it is able to mount an evacuation flight from Wuhan, the passengers will be quarantined at the immigration detention centre on Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean, something that it was fairly quickly noted would not have been proposed if the evacuation flight were coming from, say Aspen.
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