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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Ok, the circumstances are not particularly relevant, but my wallet and backpack were stolen over the weekend. I recovered some of the stuff (it was dumped in the street) but a heap of stuff is gone. Credit Cards Easy, I called the companies and they were cancelled. This was my priority. The problem: all my cards were stolen so I didn't have a fall-back. Now I just have to wait for them to send replacements, and they said 3-7 days. Passport I jumped the gun and cancelled it but in the morning I found my backpack and recovered it. But the cancellation was irrevocable and I'll have to go through more hoops to replace it than would have been needed if it were still valid. Lesson: if something that's stolen won't affect you the way a credit card can, don't cancel it until you're sure it's gone. Airline Cards I have two airline frequent flyer program cards that double as loadable credit cards. The amount I have on them is limited but I needed to cancel them and that was easy enough. Drivers Licence I could have requested a replacement on line, but that required a credit card for the fee and I didn't have one. At the office (a 20 minute drive away) it was simple (it's a state government organisation), helpful receptionist assisted me with the right forms and directed me to the counter I needed to visit. Paper licence issued with the photo version to be posted within two weeks. Medicare Federal bureaucracy this time, helpful receptionist, 15 minute wait and interim national insurance document issued with replacement card within two weeks. (I need that to access any health care providers at the Australian resident rates.) Bank With no cards and no cash, I was constrained in what I could do. My main bank is a high street bank so there is a branch I could go to, worth thinking about if that's likely to be an issue. I knew my card number (even though it was cancelled) and account number (I have a list of those details, although I knew my Visa card number without the list). With that info, the process of withdrawing the cash I would need until I had replacement cards was easy. Retail Loyalty Cards I have two, with accrued rewards points. Not urgent, but their on-line sites have adequate replacement mechanisms. I have one other, but I'll be able to fix that next time I shop there. Transit Smart Cards I have Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne pubic transport cards (and others but they weren't in my wallet, except a NYC card that is now a lost cause). I've cancelled them but I'll be able to easily transfer any credit to a new card. I'm sure I've missed some. This has forced me to think about what I can do to limit the effect of a theft. A couple of points would be to keep any cash completely separate. and to keep a credit card separately as a back-up.
  2. I would offer another suggestion as to how to characterise this and similar threads. That is, that a poster offers his experience in a meeting that didn't go quite has he'd envisaged it. It doesn't mean he is seeking validation. Maybe he wants advice on what he could or should have done differently, but even then new insights can only keep being offered for so long before they start repeating what has already been said. At that stage there is less reason for him to keep commenting. There are other things that threads like this offer apart from advice or validation for the OP concerned, and that includes awareness by readers, particularly those new to the game, of things that can happen in a meeting so that they can be forearmed.
  3. My South American experience is quite dated but it accords with more recent experience elsewhere. Use ATMs on arrival. (I used ATMs in Argentina, Peru, Ecuador and Chile and they paid standard international rates, and in some countries they would dispense local currency or USD - noting that I was drawing on an AUD account.) On my trip earlier this month I changed AUD for NZD at 87c, on arrival I withdrew more from an ATM in the terminal at 103c, so I got 16c less per AUD from the Bureau de Change than I was paid from the ATM.
  4. A diversion. I once read a list of preferred ways of contact: 1. Text. 2. e-mail. 3. Phone call. 4. Climbing in through my bedroom window. 5. Linked-In.
  5. Yes, it is happening, all are welcome and multiple people have long since booked flights and accommodation. Most of the details have been covered in this thread (and if you search for threads about previous years' meetings you'll find details on them that will give you a feel for how this year's will run). In summary, a dinner in a local restaurant and a pool party, with other meet-ups of varying degrees of formality. The Canyon Club and Inndulge are two of the more popular accommodation venues, and forum members socialise around the pools in those establishments and engage in other assignations (and not so secret meetings).
  6. It's a default Tumblr image to indicate that the image posted is behind some sort of password or other access control on the site.
  7. Some people can flaunt it (e.g. BN), others, not so much (e.g. me).
  8. Clearly I should have driven home from the airport after Aotearoa, changed my clothes and jumped on an aeroplane to go to Washington and .... Nah, that wouldn't have worked. But. Guys. Have a great meeting in DC this weekend, don't do anything I wouldn't do (and as you don't know what I would do, that means do whatever you like).
  9. Thanks, it was an amazing trip, we had a ball. I still have NZD in my wallet so I'll have to go back.
  10. Yeah, 'thread', that's it, 'thread'!
  11. I'm using a Windows 10 computer and Firefox, and I get the generic visit Tumblr image. I haven't been checking the gallery for a few days so don't know if it worked differently before. Same deal when I looked using Microsoft Edge. That would seem to indicate some sort of permissions problem, and as it goes to a Tumblr default image it implies the permissions issue is with that website.
  12. I'm late to this discussion, but I think the hive mind has confirmed your initial gut feeling that it would not be a good idea. The list of answers to the question, 'What could possibly go wrong?' is not short anywhere, but I suspect longer in a conservative community. To the suggestion that there might be an answer other than a straight yes or no, I disagree. HBO makes films so the choice is binary. The calculus might be different if your story was being sought for a PBS radio documentary or a print piece, but those formats are not on offer, at least not now.
  13. So sorry to hear about these issues, wishing you a swift recovery.
  14. mike carey


    I'm used to being able to read the narrative comments on reviews while I'm at home in Australia and not being able to see them when I'm in the US. Before SESTA/FOSTA they were able to be read in the US. I was travelling with in New Zealand for the last two weeks with some US-based guys and they commented on the fact that they could see the comments. Escorts outside the US can post their rates on RM, unlike their American colleagues.
  15. I had noticed the icon there forever (well, I don't know when it first registered that it was there) and had always seen my avatar there for my comments, so the speculation above about what the P represented was obvious to me. I hadn't noticed that it showed how many times I had posted.
  16. One must endeavour to maintain one's standards!
  17. Quite so, the point I was making in my post is that at this remove from the tournament itself it's not possible to know, and that based on experience so far the health hazard although possibly present in Melbourne, by then may not be 'significant'. Novak may have been raising his concerns, as you suggest, in case the hazard to tournament play turns out to be significant. As I mentioned earlier, organisers here have been proactive in reorganising schedules to mitigate hazards. He may also have hoped for an early decision from the AO organisers, such as closing court rooves, that may have been to his advantage.
  18. Quite so, the point I was making in my post is that at this remove from the tournament itself it's not possible to know, and that based on experience so far the health hazard although possibly present in Melbourne, by then may not be 'significant'. Novak may have been raising his concerns, as you suggest, in case the hazard to tournament play turns out to be significant. As I mentioned earlier, organisers here have been proactive in reorganising schedules to mitigate hazards. He may also have hoped for an early decision from the AO organisers, such as closing court rooves, that may have been to his advantage.
  19. I think we're more likely to 'get on with things' but not to pretend nothing was happening (stiff upper lip can be more like the latter) . You're right, the ATP Cup is underway and of the three cities Sydney is the only one that is smoke-affected, and worse so than Melbourne. I don't think that the smoke will be a serious health issue in Melbourne, prevailing winds are from the west and the fires are mostly east of Melbourne, so I think Novak is raising the issue or as we would say 'trying it on' to see what the reaction might be. As you mentioned, it's still two weeks off. In contrast, the lead up tournament that was to be played in Canberra was moved to Bendigo, a couple of hours from Melbourne. Canberra has the worst air quality in the world at the moment.
  20. Once upon a time in Iran ... [MEDIA=twitter]1210100234271023105[/MEDIA]
  21. mike carey


    I can understand you would think that way in a state like Texas, assuming that you regularly drive between cities rather than just in the DFW metro complex, and that's how I think here even though my most frequent drive is 200km with a couple of others in the 300-400km range. That said, from what I've been reading battery range is increasing fast but I'm still more inclined towards a plug-in hybrid than a pure EV. The other thing that will likely come up and surprise us more quickly than we expect is for the existing car companies to become the biggest players in the EV market at the expense of specialists like Tesla. Some of the European car makers are talking about phasing out ICV production sooner rather than later, and ticket prices are already approaching parity.
  22. Oh, I don't want to go to sleep, I want to be awake and present!
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