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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. One hopes not to gain such attention!
  2. Happy anniversary! I guess that will give you something for which to celebrate Boxing Day in the future. (Here, Boxing Day is more noteworthy as the first day of the post-Christmas sales, when almost everyone bar retail employees has the day off and can shop, and it's the first day of two Australian summer sporting rituals: the Boxing Day [cricket] test, this year against New Zealand, and the Sydney to Hobart yacht race.)
  3. Getting in early I see, but there's no time like the present to get all those greetings in!
  4. On this warm, if somewhat hazy (story of my life for the last month or so) Christmas Morning in Melbourne, my heartfelt wishes to everyone for a happy, safe and blessed Christmas* and a rewarding and healthy new year that brings you all you wish for yourselves and your loved ones. (* Other seasonal holidays available.)
  5. Would it have been impertinent to observe, 'And no sooner have you landed than you become one of them'? Of course there's more to it than that, as from the way you wrote it he was a local returning home rather than a critical outsider, and it was as much a description of the 'beautiful' people he'd left behind as it was any sort of critique of Detroit.
  6. That's no doubt true, and a sacrifice, whether this or a bigger one may assuage the stock market, but persuading foreign customers and foreign regulators may require something different.
  7. I'm not sure the board gets it if they think that the CEO taking the high jump puts them in the clear, https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/boing’s-ceo-sacked-after-737-max-aircraft-controversy/11824960 This was from Tuesday morning's breakfast show on Radio National.
  8. Oops, maybe I should have put that differently. I was being a smart-arse.
  9. Alternatively, the crux could be 'what do you mean by "love"?' If I (from the other side of the equation) say that I love you, what does that mean? Disclosure: I love your persona on here and your blog.
  10. As an outside observer, I somehow hadn't even thought that you would consider it 'work'. You seem to be all in for loving whatever you were doing. Call me naïve!
  11. I had thought of saying just that! Not sure it would have been conducive to the sort of meeting they wanted, though!
  12. 'Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong.'
  13. Who knew that 'know' was a four letter word?
  14. It might in the US but if the action he took against the leaker was in the UK it wouldn't incriminate him. Although form what you wrote, it's not clear he even knows who that is.
  15. That looks like a default 'Year/Date Zero' on a computer or an application, so probably a machine generated time stamp on the review rather than its actual date.
  16. And it's so effing cold when you get there, although I may be ready for 'cold' by then. Still won't be going though.
  17. Curiouser and curiouser, I have a blank box in the posts referenced and when I use the URL I get a '403 Forbidden' screen, so there must be some sort of block that excludes me. That could be geographic or perhaps some sort of password access or other control on the site.
  18. Whether @Kurtis Wolfe is his advertised height or not, his intelligent and on-point comments are one of the reasons this site can be so good. For me, at least, others are entitled to their opinions.
  19. Add me to the list, have a great birthday, Victor!
  20. I'm sure @VictorPowers doesn't discount seniors!
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