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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but I'm too lazy to look for it, but one time I saw a photo of a fox's tail on social media or a sales site or something like that with a caption to the effect that it looked like a perfect cat toy. It was attached to a tapering stainless steel object several centimetres long. 'Cat toy', that was one of those wipe-the-coffee-off-the-computer-screen moments.
  2. Such a generous deal! What a guy!
  3. To be clear, I was referring to ads that were taken down, not expired ones. When they are taken down they disappear from your buddy list but if they are put back up they reappear. I wasn't sure if we were both talking about the same thing.
  4. I have observed that if you have an advertiser buddy listed, RM keeps them on your list (and hence visible) even when they change their screen name. Ads also reappear in your buddy list if they are reactivated after having been down for some time.
  5. @Alex_xx has come up frequently in discussions here and has contributed to them too. A search of the forum comes up with over a page or mentions.
  6. A reasonable conclusion to draw but not necessarily accurate (I don't know how fancy your friends are). I've been to a few formal dinners and the like where people adjourn to the bar after dinner and a cheese plate would be set out along with coffee.
  7. Less so in a restaurant meal, but in a mass formal dinner I would expect there to be a cheese plate after people retired from the dining room. With port or cognac.
  8. I am surprised that a cheese course is in any way surprising, different countries, different ideas I guess.
  9. Or if he did, he wouldn't lack the funds for hiring.
  10. Amazing story, @latbear4blk, I wish mine was even half as interesting. I was securely closeted for that whole time.
  11. Mike, that's amazing, I wouldn't have the balls to even ask much less assume that someone in those settings was available for hire. A non-functioning gaydar means I probably wouldn't even notice someone was interested there.
  12. Humorous map shows what the word "Yankee" means across the world.
  13. Part of the 'why' would be why go around the world. One reason is that sometimes RTW tickets are cheaper than a return ticket, it then becomes a question of 'given I'm going RTW where to stop?' as sometimes those tickets mandate a certain number of stops. Regardless of that if you're doing the trip and have the time to spare, why not stop at some random places.
  14. No difference for me. What matters is how comfortable I was on the flight and how well, or whether, I slept. Getting off a 12 hour flight*, east or west bound makes no difference, it's adjusting to the time-zone difference after arrival that is the kicker. I find arriving in the morning then forcing myself to stay awake until the normal clock time (not body clock) for going to bed is the best approach. Incidentally, I found that it worked on my SYD-LAX-JFK flight which arrived in the late afternoon. It arrived in LA early morning so I treated the transcontinental flight as part of the 'staying awake all day' regimen. One thing that Qantas is experimenting with on their long-haul research flights is how they manage time changes on flights. Rather than serve a meal then turn the lights off at the start of the flight, then turn them again shortly before arrival for another meal, they are telling people to change their clocks as they board, then run cabin activities to match time of day at the destination. They've flown JFK-SYD and LHR-SYD so they're covering both directions. * I find that if you can deal with 12 hours, extending it to 14 or 16 hours makes only a marginal difference.
  15. Yes, and why gentlemen like Peter do prosper. From drinks and chatting beforehand to the bedroom he is such a lovely man.
  16. 'Long flights' is in the eye of the beholder, but 'one of the above' should suffice. I'd go with the alcohol. On my last Y long haul flight, the steward was very good at bringing another little bottle of wine.
  17. Rent.Men does allow narrative reviews, they are just not visible in the US after SESTA/FOSTA or whatever those laws are. In the US you can view them by using a proxy server or VPN. I agree that reviews without any narrative text are not much value.
  18. Hi @Bentley_xxl welcome to the forum. I would echo @azdr0710's comments. Openness here is a good way to broaden your appeal, although this is only a small proportion of the market. I don't know that seeking clients in public is the answer, in those settings you have no idea if people are even open to a meeting (but it's worth trying). There is always a market for built guys (swoon), but if you limit how far you will go, you need to be clear about that (as you are in your RM ad).
  19. Qantas has opened a new first class lounge in Singapore now that they have reinstated A380 flights through the city (their London flights formerly went via Dubai). The number of first class seats on those flights is vanishingly small so the main customer base for the lounge is platinum (and One World Emerald) frequent flyers. I've only used their First lounge at LAX and was impressed (Mr Nicholas may have been less so). https://www.qantasnewsroom.com.au/media-releases/qantas-opens-doors-to-brand-new-luxury-first-lounge-in-singapore/ United Premier doesn't get you through the door but I expect you'd have access to a similar level of Singapore Airlines lounge.
  20. Not an exact analogue to your experience @tassojunior (and I wouldn't bother with the rigmarole you went through) but I just had a sort of good experience. Some months ago my mobile phone company notified me that my prepaid plan would be retired on 5 Nov, and that I would have to recharge with a different plan after that date and would lose all my accumulated credits that normally roll over with each recharge. (Don't judge me, it cost $20 per 60 days and I had quite a build up of credit minutes dollars and texts, but losing them hadn't been an issue of outrage because $10 per month.) On 4 Nov I recharged it for a final 60 days, planning to work out what to do when that time ran out. Couple of days ago I tried to buy a data add-on (my plan only covered talk and text) but couldn't do so on-line so I called them. Cue the usual 'your call is important and all our agents are taking other calls' delay. Spoke to the dude and explained what I wanted to do and that their system wouldn't let me, he goes, let me look at your account. Long and short of it, he says he can move me to a different plan (the one I thought I would go to) and all my credits would carry over. OK, $500 became $110 but that amount buys the same number of minutes in the new plan as the higher amount did under the old plan so nothing lost. So I'm happy I had a minor win but sort of annoyed that there was no hint that this was possible in their initial correspondence or the web pages I looked at trying to work out what to do. So, sometimes talking to a service provider gets you a better deal that you wouldn't have got without asking even though you may not get the 'sign-up' benefits.
  21. In one of his posts above (quoted below) he refers people to his web site, which is https://www.romancharter.com/. He has that posted in his forum profile although not in his signature here. Posts with his rent.men advert are almost two years old, entirely likely that he has moved on from that site.
  22. @oldNbusted I don't disagree, and that may well be why fewer escorts than clients answered the question. I agree it's a false dilemma but not one of which an escort should be afraid. If I knew an escort preferred regulars, if I were interested, I would see that as a challenge to become one rather than a disincentive, as a new client, to ask. I have successfully negotiated the 'will schedule more readily with prior clients' hoops on at least one occasion.
  23. Noting the forum this is in, interesting that most of the responses (stand fast @hypothetically and [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER]) have been from clients rather than escorts.
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