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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Lol, it does kind of wreck the image! I must be odd, if I want a meeting with any sort of role-play (of any sort, not just with an escort), I sure as hell don't want to conduct the discussion to set it up 'in character' for the eventual role. (And I also want to turn it off at the end. I'd like to think aftercare with a BDSM meet was a case of turning off the role play rather than pretending to care!) Sorry for veering off topic.
  2. You have to look at the 'benefits' of each scheme according to what you have to do to gain them. If there is 'inflation' in the metric used to calculate a benefit (like EQDs, but not miles or segments) every so often the 'price' of the benefit will increase. That's what AA and now UA have done with their top elite tier. As I've mentioned before, my FF program of choice (QF) has had the same elite qualification numbers for as long as I can remember, but it's based on cabin class/flexibility and distance (distance bands not exact km) not the cost of the ticket, so the (say) SYD-MEL credit has stayed the same even though the cost of tickets has kept going up. Status seems for many to be the most valued benefit from the programs, but while you're looking at 'inflation' in the cost of that, don't forget inflation in your FF points. As Benjamin says, the days of banking them are over.
  3. I know, I need to get off my computer .... [MEDIA=twitter]1190040917408976897[/MEDIA]
  4. I saw a tweet, kid turned up with a sign saying, 'I love ceilings'. Householder: What are you? Kid: I'm a ceiling fan. *Householder gave kid all the candy.*
  5. Noting that I am speaking from a different legal jurisdiction, it may be possible, but in accepting it for registration the court would not be making any judgment on the validity or otherwise of the will. So it could still be challenged. The best protection would still be to have a lawyer draw it up as they would be aware of possible grounds for it to be challenged and prepare it accordingly.
  6. Social commentary about social media.
  7. In November last year, just after I got back home from New York, his ad came up, and I sent him an RM message lamenting that I had missed him and complimenting him on his porn demeanour. He did reply but only about the acting side, not on my comment about missing his arrival as an escort. Aside from not mentioning escorting, it was a gracious and pleasant reply.
  8. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/2019-dc-forum-members-gathering-during-mal.144792/page-3#post-1671114 @ArVaGuy indicated that he would, don't know if he's still able to do so.
  9. I was going to comment that he was surprisingly thoughtful about porn, his background as a Mormon and his self-image. But then, I'm actually not surprised.
  10. I'm loving this thread, a place for all those little bits of whimsy you might hesitate to post as a new thread. [MEDIA=twitter]1188975199342874625[/MEDIA] The background. A couple of days ago I came across a tweet from a senior politician who spoke of being attacked on twitter for a post that appeared to be some sort of personal exposure. That's what their original post had looked like. The attacks spoke to the tendency of people to take individual tweets at face value when there is a clear context easily discovered. Turned out that they had written it as a contribution to a short fiction project, fiction that would fit in a single tweet, and the clue to what it was was the hashtag #meanjin280 (the name of the magazine running it and the character number). So, when I saw this tweet I knew what it was doing and that it wasn't a confession of an actual mouse incident. Or perhaps it wasn't.
  11. Diabolical, @ArVaGuy! I'm sure your wishes will be granted! Less than six months now, time I got my arse into gear.
  12. Glad to see you back in here, @JuniorNYC. I see my problem, I used an old e-mail address. The urgency of my next trip to NYC has just increased (noting the may be caveat to your being back).
  13. As far as I'm concerned he can talk any way he damn well likes!
  14. What @westernsyd said. I've rarely hired in Melbourne and not in Perth or Adelaide, and I don't frequent venues enough to comment. Escorts from Sydney and Melbourne do visit Adelaide at times, so it's worth checking rent.men to see if any show up, if they pique your interest.
  15. I read elsewhere a little while ago someone express a degree of disdain for the overuse of the word 'curate', and another poster comment that they were glad that someone else had the same thought as they did. It reminded me of a segment on the radio just yesterday about a 'celebrity book curator'. While I share the disdain for the overuse of the word, this was an occasion where I thought its use was strangely justified. The man's business was collecting a range of books to form a small library for his clients, very much to be read but also as a display. I thought 'curate' worked because it involved not just any copy of a book, but of seeking out better copies, hard cover, leather bound, first editions and the like. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/blueprintforliving/meet-thatcher-wine-book-curator/11631870 The program is pretty much a collection of random items, which you will see if you click on 'View Full Episode' or 'Blueprint for Living' at the top of the page. On the short shelf life of 'popular' terms, I think back to a segment on a serious science program about the changes in Fremantle leading up to the defence of the Americas Cup yacht trophy in 1986. It referred to the gentrification of the port city and the proliferation of chic cafes and restaurants, intoning that the city was reaping the advantage of mining considerable quantities of Trendium, something that while good while it lasted was perhaps doomed because Trendium had a short half-life before decaying to its sister element Tedium. Sadly I can't locate audio of that item.
  16. I feel that I need to comment on this thread so I can have the last word.
  17. I have seen no difference in the accuracy of the feature before and after the change to the way it opens. When I've looked at profiles in Sydney and New York, by way of example, I get the same proportion that after zooming in show a CBD location near the Town Hall, or somewhere near Battery Park as those that show what appears to be a more specific street location elsewhere in the city. Whether either is accurately reflecting where they are, or a location they have entered manually is impossible to tell without calling them to ask.
  18. I sent him an e-mail a couple of months ago and received no reply.
  19. Yep, sure do. Broadly, solicitors do legal work, provide advice, draft legal documents, attend more minor court cases and so on, so if you're going to see your lawyer, it will be a solicitor. Barristers (as distinct from baristas) are advocates in court trials, usually on more serious cases.
  20. No matter how often I hear this usage, I still have a momentary 'WTF?'. Here, 'solicitor' is a word for an attorney.
  21. Thanks for sharing this. Kudos for trying to do it even though it didn't work out. The alternative was to spend the rest of your life wishing that you had done it. At least you know it was never to be. I never had the urge even though I was in the air force. Once or twice I got to sit in a pilot's seat in a C130 and the pilot, who was a qualified flying instructor, said I seemed to have the feel for what to do. That may have been just talking me up, I don't know.
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