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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. I came to this forum at a time when I hadn't been in the US for about 10 years, and of course here, in Daddy's Reviews and wherever else, I saw men that I could never hope to meet as a casual hook up (well, that's how I saw, and for the most part, still see it). The first two guys I contacted were, I thought, so far out of my league it wasn't funny. Both responded favourably and I eventually hired both. One has since retired and one I am in regular contact with and meet. I now take the view that if you don't ask you won't meet them. Some insanely hot guys will meet someone my age because they like that, and some don't care about age. So, both here and in the US I will ask. Because I am not in a major market I say it won't happen straight away and ask if they'd be open to meeting when we are in the same city. Some say yes, some say YES, and some ignore me. Don't assume that a gentleman will dismiss you.
  2. Tonight's episode is about a couple who having had two children from their IVF cycle and were faced with the decision as to what to do with the remaining embryos they had frozen in storage, and their decision to donate to another couple. If you want a bit of a cry this should do it.
  3. The first of the jets arrived in Alice Springs today, flying on a CASA waiver of the grounding. CASA (the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority) approved the aircraft to be flown with experienced Boeing pilots and with the MCAS turned off.
  4. mike carey

    Eric Hassan

    @Eric Hassan is one of the nicest guys I've met. Glad you had such a good time @DMICS.
  5. I've met @IronMaus but haven't hired him. He is indeed a sweet guy.
  6. Valentines Day (or Haloween for that matter) isn't on the same level as Christmas and Easter here for this sort of marketing, and we don't have Thanksgiving.
  7. Yep, any combination of those, and sultanas (a smaller type of dried grape), they will sell 'peel free' and 'no fruit' (i.e. just sweet bread with cinnamon or mixed spice). Some people don't like certain types of fruit, or just like the sweet bread rolls (why, I'll never understand!). The shops claim that they only sell them as early as Boxing Day because 'people like them so much'. Of course they do, and they buy them because they are there. If they weren't, I'm pretty confident there would be no petitions or protests. Here it's not a sectarian thing, protestants and catholics alike eat them. I wouldn't be surprised to see a woman in a hijab with them in her shopping trolley. In recent years I've seen versions with brioche style bread. And buns with chocolate chips instead of fruit. Never miss an opportunity to milk extra sales out of an idea!
  8. What's not to like about a dude in a pair of speedos or a muscle shirt and a little Santa hat?
  9. Such blatant northern hemisphere exclusivism! <snigger> This is so funny, what could possibly be more normal than a 35 degrees Celsius Christmas Day. Now if it snows, that is odd (and it leads the evening news bulletins).
  10. Lol, same thing here in reverse (well, sort of). Hot cross buns are an Easter staple here (I don't know if they are a thing in the US - sweet bread rolls with raisins and currants etc, with a white cross on the top) and the super markets have them on their shelves the day they open after Christmas. They seem to have eased off until 1 Jan now, I suspect their staff complained to management about the public mockery they received. With social media, the combination of outrage and mockery has risen to new levels in recent years.
  11. WTAF, I am special. How very dare you say I'm not! You jumped up 'celebrities'!
  12. Nice tour around you recent months of travel and activity, Mr Nicholas! Oh to be that guy in NOLA (not that I ever would be!).
  13. Oliver, I assume you are not asking what an intersex person is per se, but what are they if as asserted by others there are only two sexes/genders. The answer is of course clear, they are 'neither of the above' as they are physically and/or by their chromosomes neither male nor female, but the 'binary choice' proponents don't allow for that.
  14. Yep, I'm not there often, if I were I would probably use taxis if the timing made it necessary. The times I've been departing, it was on 6pm Qantas flights and I gave myself heaps of time. On one trip on a first-snow day in November, I was there at least four hours before the flight but the crew were over two hours late due to the snow on the road! If things are going to go wrong they will.
  15. You can't be too careful about those! Lucky that your cat has your back.
  16. I'm sure there are plenty of guys in LA and visiting who you can fuck! Home town reminiscences are wonderful, though!
  17. SRSLY? Because he specifically bought YODA pants rather than generic YOGA pants.
  18. I did that trip by train to meet an escort in San Jose, zero stress, about an hour. But then he was close to the station so cab/uber at the SJ end wasn't an issue. (Then, I'm a bit of a public transport nerd, went from WeHo to LAX that way [perhaps not the wisest decision] and have used subway and LIRR between JFK and Manhattan rather than cabs.)
  19. A possible cause is that he used a URL for which he has permission but we don't. If so, when he checks it will still appear to him that the image works.
  20. With the tweet I posted, it showed up in my timeline with only the top half showing, so I had to expand the image for the full reveal. That certainly enhanced my ROFLMAO reaction!
  21. [MEDIA=twitter]1175989759367241729[/MEDIA] Quite amusing.
  22. For a long time I'd read posts in the forum saying HK this and HK that, and I'd be thinking, 'This post is making absolutely no sense', and I finally realised they were about Hells Kitchen. I'm glad there's normal HK service in this thread.
  23. You may have noticed (or not) that I said 'chosen number'. That was deliberate. I'm sure some try to fit in as many as they can, and others try to set a measured pace. I thought three to five depending on how long appointments were, but I also thought that if they had an overnight they may have as few as one the following day. I really don't care, it's for you to pace yourselves as you wish.
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