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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. I tend to think that it would make it difficult for me to hire them, but I certainly don't resent it, and wouldn't complain to an escort about it. He sets the time frame and if I want to see him I need to fit into that, not complain it was too difficult. I understand completely that you guys tailor your stays in cities to the time that you think you can fill with your chosen number of appointments per day. Here's a hint, if you're worried that the dude will be too busy to meet you, don't gripe about it, ask him. He may not be too busy. As Keith said, it is what it is.
  2. I wonder if Individual 1 knows that the Australian prime minister arrived in Washington on a modified A330.
  3. Fair point, sorry I missed the sarcasm. There was still a serious point to be made (not one I would necessarily have bothered to make if I'd picked up on your intent) that for Silk Air (unlike say South West) that even a few months' grounding is worth finding a cheaper storage location.
  4. @DanteV, thank you for that useful perspective for us as clients. By all means we can have our views on whether or not to pay a deposit (or at the start of a session for that matter), but it is what it is. The gentleman may have established that it works for him, he may be new in the business and still be feeling his way (as it were). We can express our reluctance to pay, but sounding off in here doesn't really achieve anything. It may sway some escorts who read and/or comment on our conversations, but I suspect that the amount of heat it generates in here is vastly greater than the effect said heat has on escort business models. Like so many other characteristics and practices of the gentlemen we seek to meet, take them as they are, decline to accept what they offer or how, or make an exception because what you see is desirable enough for you to override your normal choices. If something we don't like doesn't work, it would stop. This practice hasn't stopped.
  5. When I wrote that I was thinking of Davis-Monthan AFB but didn't intend to exclude other places, such as SoCal.
  6. To an English speaker it sounds as if the k is silent, but kh is the Latin alphabet rendition of the Cyrillic letter Х which is pronounced something like the ch in the Scots word loch (lake)
  7. The same reason that airlines store aircraft in the Arizona desert. The dry air minimises corrosion. In the case of Silk Air in particular, Singapore is a small country where ramp space is at a premium, storing them in Australia would be far cheaper and it's not far away. (Note, the article may have answered the questions but I'm not an FT subscriber.)
  8. Thanks Easygoingpal. https://rent.men/BIGzac
  9. It doesn't expand but the system doesn't forget them. If you read a page of unread threads, it will move the next page up to replace them (only if you hit 'New Posts' again, if you refresh the screen it will show the same ones but marked 'Read').
  10. No, that's fine. I'm happy to say when I don't know something! Look forward to it, nothing certain but I expect to be there. I could be in SF at some stage too. If I'm flying to or from here for PS, it's via SFO (QF's 49-er flight from MEL.)
  11. @Gar1eth, I assume you're talking about new postings that aren't replies to or quotes of your earlier posts. The only thing I can think of is that somehow you've unwatched the thread. At the top right of the page to see if the little box says 'Watch' or 'Unwatch'. If it says 'Watch' it means you won't receive notifications. Click on it, and it will prompt you to choose system alerts or both them and an e-mail.
  12. Joey DM'd me separately about a masseur, but I commented to him on this too. I've had my eye on Tradesman but haven't been able to meet up with him. When I'm in the Melbourne area I'm usually 70km out of the city so it can be challenging, so much so that I rarely hire there. I have a couple of guys Buddy listed, such as https://rent.men/pedrolatinguy, so I'm still on the lookout.
  13. He's overrated, especially on masseurs. Seriouslly, Joey contacted me after you mentioned me, and I had to apologise for not being any help on this subject. I'll reply separately on his thread about escorts.
  14. Don't underestimate the appeal of the places you are visiting. They can be as alluring as the company on board. I did a 14 day cruise from Argentina to Antarctica and the ship's company, the excursions ashore and the camaraderie among the passengers kept the interest level high the whole time. (There were 57 passengers, Aus/NZ tour crew and catering staff and Russian ship's crew.) I also did 7 days in the Galapagos that was less cohesive as a passenger group (14) but still busy and engaging throughout.
  15. Welcome to the forum, Alex. The crowd here can be tough at times, but it can be fun here as long as you don't take it too seriously. Strike the right note here and you'll do well!
  16. If you go to the main screen, it shows each forum that has unread items in bold. When you click on those forums one at at time, it takes you to the earliest item that you haven't read. That's what he was saying. Of at least that's what I think he meant. Anyway, if you want to use the 'New Posts' option, as I sometimes do, you have the option of going to the last item and working forward. I think that's the only option for reading from oldest to newest. However it will only show 10 pages, if there are more unread threads than that, they fall off the end.
  17. Colour me sceptical but something tells me that a good Bordeaux or Burgundy is more likely. Or Krug or Veuve rather than red.
  18. Indeed, and I did say 'may', and I too would pick DCA over the other two for DC, have done for 30 years. I wouldn't fly into NY if I was only going to DC (or Boston), but when I travel to the NE I usually go up and down the NE corridor. When I book, the QF web site tells me what aircraft will operate the connecting flight on AA. (Part of my decision process, MAX or no MAX is that I'd prefer the trans-continental flight on a QF 787 to whatever AA offers.)
  19. Yes to all of that, but I'll reserve judgment on whether I'll fly in them, at least in the initial period after they return to service (if they do). Which regulators approve them will be one factor. I have flown on one once (AA from LAX to DCA last January, so after the Lion crash) so I know they can operate safely. I may chose my flights in the US more carefully (say, QF metal to JFK rather than AA to other east coast destinations). All this is in the future.
  20. Well, yes, I suppose I did, but I was happy to go out on a limb and say it 'will' be different. As you say, I may end up being wrong, it could become so notorious that everyone will be scared of that aeroplane.
  21. The biggest difference I can see is that the Concorde was a niche market and the 737MAX is a mass market aircraft. Passenger reactions to the two will be different. One thing potentially in favour of the MAX is that the passenger base may be less likely to be paying attention to what sort of aircraft they are flying in. As to when it will return to service, the FAA and other regulators will be aware of the perception, right or wrong, that they were lax in their original approvals of the operating certificates and will be careful to ensure that they don't leave themselves open to such impressions about the return of the type to service.
  22. Thanks for that post @bostonman. Like you I've followed Brian's progress both here and on Facebook and we've exchanged messages but never met. We missed each other by a couple of days in April in California. Your story is entirely unsurprising, as that's exactly the sort of person he's come across as.
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