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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Precisely, grammar mistakes are easy to make, and not everyone is a native speaker. I often see errors when I reread things here that I had posted earlier, and even typos can look like grammatical errors rather than simple stuff-ups. I would make an exception (and obviously this doesn't apply to ads) when someone makes a grammatical error while critiquing one someone else had made.
  2. Sulphur-crested cockatoo 1, Garbage bin 0. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/sep/02/clever-cockies-learn-to-open-sydney-wheelie-bins-and-drink-from-bubblers
  3. Interesting article, thanks Nate. Yes, some sort of Venn diagram, varying from concentric circles to two that are entirely separate. On indeed more than two of them! The final few lines are interesting, the author clearly sees and for whatever reason respects the distance between the on-line and in-person identities of that person.
  4. And in the circumstances entirely appropriate. You were both there independently, he was there to socialise with all the forum members present. Yes, you could be miffed that he didn't talk to you until the end but for him your earlier meeting and the meal were compartmented, and his obligation to you had ended when your appointment concluded. PK, I'm agreeing with you not arguing, you met, it worked then you both went to the forum dinner. The End. He set up another meeting, bonus.
  5. @IronMaus, I'm sure I'll see you for a chat again.
  6. @purplekow I wish I could remember the portrayals of the wives in the BBC series in the early 70s (the Six Wives of Henry VIII, and the companion series Elizabeth R with Glenda Jackson). I'm sure they would have glossed over some of the characteristics of the protagonists.
  7. I would say the lessons are don't snoop, you'll find out things you didn't want to know, and judge people by how they treat you and not by particular things you might find out about them by whatever means, unless those things go to underlying character. Guns in the US do not do that (although in Australia they would be far more of a red flag as they would be illegal). Whether you should have left is a moot point, you were unnerved and you left, you can't change that. (Nor can you change the fact that on this occasion you snooped.) As to the future, you know what not to do on at least one count. Should you see him again? I would say yes but would understand if you decided not to. You can't unknow what you now know. Bear in mind that you won't know if any future companion is packing, but you will know that although he was, on balance things went well. He checked up on you after all. But I wouldn't mention what you knew unless and until your business relationship was otherwise solid, and maybe not even then.
  8. I have to speculate that 'dumb as a rock' would detract from one's ability to appreciate the good fortune in the other elements of this description!
  9. It's happened to me on rent.men and on JoeMyGod's site, only started recently. Edit: Correction, it does it when I click on a link to a rentmen.eu profile before it asks me to choose it or rent.men to view it.
  10. I would have thought that even if the eventual rate charged were contingent on other factors (like exclusivity, billable hours foregone during travel etc) that most escorts would have factored those into the rate they quoted rather than give a 'discount'.
  11. I agree absolutely, context is everything. When one is talking about a real live person, it would be inappropriate. In the context of a stage performance that seeks to bring to life people who lived 450 years ago I don't think it fails that sensitivity test. If the real women could be brought back together and adjust to 21st century sensibilities (and, for some, to speak English), it would not come as too much of a surprise if they did so themselves.
  12. I think your concern is understandable, but I wouldn't fret about it if I were you. In a way this appointment was a proof of concept that it can go well in such circumstances. Even if he had made this an exclusive trip for you, you would have had no control of what he did up to the moment he went to the airport. As you note, his extended stay made responsibility for other expenses for the visit his rather than potentially yours. (I'm aware this is the 'Ask an Escort' forum and that I'm not one.)
  13. Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived. No matter how they became exes, they all did.
  14. [MEDIA=twitter]1166886150750920704[/MEDIA]
  15. Colour me usually pretty vanilla, but I suspect Mr @Benjamin_Nicholas was alluding to rubber sheets aimed at some sort of kink (not that I care to contemplate it) rather than acquiring them out of necessity.
  16. We followed each other on Twitter, and after he dropped out of this forum we exchanged a few tweets, most recently about the terrorist attack in Brussels. After that he stopped posting there as well and has since deleted his account.
  17. But your rate is written in code. I mean, who could possibly work out that you need to delete the commas and the full stops to discover what your rate is.
  18. I don't think they are mutually exclusive. People can be reasonably fluent in English without having all the grammar down, and still speak with a strong accent. From my experience, many Chinese speakers seem to have difficulty with plural and singular in verbs and nouns, there could be other tics in their English usage as well without detracting from their ability to conduct a conversation.
  19. I thought sarcasm was the lowest form of wit!
  20. Yes, you would think he could strike the right note with that.
  21. You've heard about the cow that jumped over the moon. Not quite such a big deal, but ... [MEDIA=twitter]1165420556197322755[/MEDIA]
  22. Your question is ambiguous. Is flying them in a necessary part of the question, or did you mean an overnight OR only an overnight where you flew them in. If it is the former, I did that with Alec Andrews when I visited LA and it was great. I have also hired a guy who was flying into the city (and I was flying in across country to meet him), and that worked too, although not an automatic repeat. From my perspective, I would be the one who flies, not the escort on my dime.
  23. He has been discussed in detail in here and has joined the discussion. Still, it's not unreasonable to include a link in a new thread about him. I would not be surprised if @Romani pipes up in here again. I won't comment on whether he is on my list.
  24. @MrMattBig, you're showing you are the real deal in a sea of others who may be.
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