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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. To be specific, both the colonies (now states) of Queensland and Victoria were named for Queen Victoria.
  2. I am like profoundly like embarrassed for calling the Maritimes the Atlantics. Like I should have known better.
  3. Indeed, it's lamentable. Never been to the Atlantics or the prairies, I should get on with it.
  4. Wow, that's some travel history. I'm only just over half way through the 50 states and three provinces but every continent, But I'm not a millennial.
  5. I've posted previously about Qantas' plans for additional long-haul fights. They have announced today that they will be using delivery flights for three B787s to conduct research into projected commercial flights between London and New York, and Australian east coast cities. The flights will carry about 40 people, made up of the crew and Qantas staff members. https://www.qantasnewsroom.com.au/media-releases/qantas-to-operate-project-sunrise-research-flights-direct-new-york-london-to-australia/
  6. Ok, so gratuitous comments here. I have stayed in hotels in the Times Square / Penn Station area on recent trips to NYC. I use IHG and Hilton hotels if I can because I am in their loyalty programs. Most of the nights were $100-$150, although the weekend of the NY marathon prices were out of control. The Hilton Embassy Suites (on 37th (?)) includes a cooked breakfast if that's important to you, and your guest could have breakfast with no questions asked.
  7. That's what I thought but didn't weigh in here. When I was there in (ahem) 1982 it was clear to me that it was an entertainment and dining precinct not a red-light district. My enduring memory is running into Marty Feldman there.
  8. There are escorts and clients out there looking for each other. They clearly think it's worth being out there looking. In the last few days I've messaged several escorts, told them how old I was (even though my RM profile says that anyway) and told them I was not in town just now so couldn't hire in the immediate future. I received positive replies from all of them, not marketing spiels. My conclusion is that the business is alive and well.
  9. Haven't seen anything like that. I'll keep an eye out for it.
  10. True, but it can be used as an ironic exaggeration, downplaying any negative connotation.
  11. Anyone who can put up a shingle and make a buck (or a euro) as an escort can be one. They are the ones who decide whether they should do it, not you or me, or anyone else sniping from the sidelines. I can question how they make money but if they are doing so, what I think is irrelevant.
  12. Damn, I'm a redhead (or was) so no salt and pepper here. Or at least no pepper.
  13. Am I running late? [MEDIA=twitter]1162498376547651585[/MEDIA]
  14. Sorry, I didn't mean to limit you, I just thought you were not for travelling that much! I sort of thought you might explore a place down under, but not necessarily the land down under. Hehe.
  15. Translation: Be in NYC and call Dom.
  16. I guess they couldn't call it 'nickel and dime', that would have a whole different meaning.
  17. Translation: If only women knew their place and didn't try to get into the workforce, that's where men belong. Leaving aside all the reasons related to the health of mothers and their children (and there are many), providing paid maternal leave usually makes business sense (perhaps not for minimum wage insecure jobs, and some small companies). Trained employees are an asset to companies, and maternal leave helps them retain that expertise, and knowing that it will be available makes female employees more confident in their place in the company. Companies that provide leave are more attractive to prospective female employees, helping them attract good staff. Even when it is not legally mandated, many big companies do provide generous maternal leave: it's a business decision, not an altruistic one. It may come as a surprise, but some companies do provide nurseries on site, they make it easier for women to return to work. In many countries governments fund maternal leave, although some mandate it as an employment condition. In Australia the government funds 18 weeks at the minimum wage, but when that was introduced, many big companies already offered 12 weeks at full pay, and most have maintained that. Some countries also fund paternal leave, as that makes it easier for families to manage the early years of childhood. Some allow couples to choose whether the father or mother takes much of the leave, some in Scandinavia allow some leave that is only available to new fathers.
  18. My apologies, I should have posted this last night. Some people may, unkindly, see reasons why I might continue to watch this series.
  19. New series just started tonight on ABC TV in Australia. It looks promising, and is exactly what it says on the packet. It's based on a blog that was written three or four years ago. https://diaryofanuberdriver.com/ From his writing he was obviously a smart guy and in the 2016 election campaign the ABC put cameras in the Uber and had the real driver (not the character in this show) talk about politics to use as a vox pop. They then had him on their news panel show to talk about it. The show is on the ABC's catch-up service now but I'm sure it will come up on some of the international streaming services.
  20. @BSR, Spar is a convenience store brand here and I wondered if it was also present in Mass. Turns out not, but the Dutch company is present in a large number of countries. Without the stores being a thing in New England the odds are this is not where this Boston quirk is derived from them.
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