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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. As André said, there shouldn't be an overnight charge if you are merely offering use of a guest room, but it's something that you have to discuss and agree on. If the escort wants to charge you, you don't have to agree for him to stay. That said, it's open to you and the escort to agree on any arrangement if he is staying at your house, from sharing a bed to using the guest room. I have shared a bed after a paid session, and NOTHING happened, he didn't need to find separate accommodation. I would have been happy to pay again if that sharing a bed became something else.
  2. @VictorPowers trains and planes can be unreliable anywhere. In the North East, trains are likely to be quicker and cheaper, but not always. When I was last there, I used Amtrak not flights, and I have Amtrak points to show for it. (There are buses too.) I travelled to various locations between DC and Hartford, usually booking shortly before I travelled.
  3. @VictorPowers trains and planes can be unreliable anywhere. In the North East, trains are likely to be quicker and cheaper, but not always. When I was last there, I used Amtrak not flights, and I have Amtrak points to show for it. (There are buses too.) I travelled to various locations between DC and Hartford, usually booking shortly before I travelled.
  4. I've never even been to Quilpie.
  5. @studchaser didn't call escorting sexual slavery. He was characterising the attitude of clients who hire escorts for overnights and longer and expect the whole time to be taken up with sex as treating the arrangement as sexual slavery. That characterisation is debatable, as you said a paid consensual arrangement is hardly slavery, but it's quite different to saying that escorting per se is sexual slavery.
  6. I can see prices for escorts anywhere except the US so prices for foreign escorts are definitely on the site. I don't know if those are visible in the US (I don't remember if I looked when I was there). The fact that I can't see US prices would seem to indicate that those are simply not on RM rather than that they are hidden from people accessing the site in the US.
  7. Everyone has their own fetishes.
  8. Haha, perfect! Although for me 10 inches may be a bridge too far! (You may be able to redeem them for gift cards. If so spend those instead of cash and put the cash amount into your escort fund.)
  9. I'm tempted to do that, but no airline points, and $1 a stamp. Here, almost all bills can be taken into the post office, they scan a barcode and you can pay any number of them with one cheque. Or you can use a CC (so, points) or electronic funds transfer there. As it is, the last cheque I wrote was July last year. (If you live in a small town, almost anything you can do at the post office will help keep it open.)
  10. Not an expert (on halal, either), but my understanding is that kosher and non-kosher food cannot be in contact or use the same implements, so that may be the reason for the seemingly obsessive wrapping. (By way of anecdote that may be instructive—albeit within kosher not between it and non-kosher—an air force friend of mine flying on El Al had the meat-based meal and was then refused milk in her coffee, had to have soy.)
  11. Cheeky birdie. [MEDIA=twitter]1148711741846671361[/MEDIA]
  12. I'm fortunate to live in a climate that is warm and dry in summer (rarely over 40°C, 10-15 days over 35°C) and at some altitude (not all that much, 600 metres, but it makes a difference), and have never needed air conditioning, helped by the building alignment (no west-facing windows). (I own another unit in the development, and it does have a/c, and west big west-facing windows.)
  13. @azdr0710 should retitle this thread as 'Random Comments'. Seems that's what it is becoming. Could be fun.
  14. More 'it's about to stop flying' than 'will it ever fly', Qantas is retiring its B747 fleet next year and as part of its publicity for that it's scheduled flying the aircraft on domestic routes over summer (November to February) https://www.qantasnewsroom.com.au/uncategorized/boeing-747-domestic-services/ My guess is that the flights will sell out (discount economy seats are currently twice the price of those on any other flights on one flight I checked). I suspect it's something that will have nostalgic appeal to a lot of people. Qantas had used them on Sydney to Perth flights years ago but not since the A330 became the mainstay on that route. Another gimmick Qantas has deployed is two dedicated frequent flyer award flights to/from Japan. The Melbourne to Narita flight in October on an A380 has sold out all the premium cabin seats. So it's succeeded in taking a lot of FF points off the contingent liabilities ledger.
  15. mike carey


    On the contrary, most members welcome providers' interventions here. By commenting you give us the opportunity to become more familiar with you, have a better idea of how you operate. You wouldn't be the first if you gained clients based on how you interact with us here.
  16. That, and outside the US, English speakers are not as likely to think about names such as his as a deliberate statement of how he feels or his beliefs. So an Australian or an English speaking Canadian would generally not think they were making a loaded statement by choosing the name. A Canadian would be more alert to the way it would be read in the US if they were thinking of going into that market. (I hope I'm not misrepresenting the True North.)
  17. mike carey


    Effeminate and being a top are not mutually exclusive.
  18. mike carey


    I hear what you are saying, @Epigonos, and I'm not so prescriptive in my views. If I were to follow your guidelines, that would rule out Tristan Baldwin, something I wouldn't dream of doing.
  19. mike carey


    I don't understand what the issue is. You assess the dude based on what he says, you hire him or not. Some guys become attractive when you read what they say in social media, Andre.
  20. The considered, analytical voice @Mikegaite, why am I not surprised.
  21. No, I obviously misunderstood you. If you have an established relationship clearly you can plan a non-sex session. Sometimes it may go there anyway but sometimes not.
  22. @TruthBTold I don't know if it's possible to have an escort-not-sex session with a gentleman if you have met before. I would say do the movie/theatre thing whether you intend to have sex or not, but if sex happens, just roll with it. I'm looking at meeting an escort who suggests cuddle only sessions (as well as other 9.5 inch activities). Maybe the cuddle-only meeting would happen, maybe not.
  23. Asking for iTunes cards as payment is a frequent scam. Yours may be an exception.
  24. Agree, if you're going to drink fruit juice at least drink one that has 'pulp' in it, or juice your own fruit and eat the pulp separately. (Better still juice vegetables and incorporate the pulp in your cooking.) I wouldn't stress about modern varieties of fruit, they are bigger and have more fructose but they have more fibre-bearing flesh too.
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