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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. I'm not an escort so I'm not commenting on their incoming messages of various sorts, but about mine. I never miss a text because I get about one a week that isn't a notice from a bank, phone company or similar. But I do receive enough e-mail for me to miss things in sorting through it. I can only imagine that escorts would receive enough texts and e-mails for them to miss some requests, and that's before considering any filtering that their devices do or network glitches. I would assume mischance rather than deliberate intent if there were no reply and try again. But give him a bit of time.
  2. Now you're confusing attractive and marketable. Marketable is adhering to commercial opinions of beauty. Those are opinions.
  3. Haha, so 'distant past' and 'unspecified point in the past' are different? I think my cheeky characterisation stands. (Yes it was a flippant put down of 'back in the day'.)
  4. Living in a society that habitually shortens words then adds a 'ie' or an 'o' to them (veggies or arvo [afternoon]) I can't agree. (Veggies would be vegetables, vego would be vegetarian.)
  5. Lol, I'm trying to start a sourdough culture right now!
  6. As a foreigner, this is even more complicated. Most of the electronic options rely on having a US bank account (apart from PayPal), or are subject to the sort of reach-back @Kurtis Wolfe mentioned. So far I have relied on folding cash, but I'd be delighted if a reliable electronic option were available.
  7. Absolutely correct. Benjamin wasn't saying that he didn't benefit from privilege. He was saying that given whatever else his background afforded him, his parents didn't add to that by funding his college.
  8. I disagree on the 'heirloom' part, it's a useful word for old varieties of vegetables that haven't been murdered by breeding them to meet 'modern' standards of commercial acceptability.
  9. Yes, that's what people mean by it. Please allow me my allusion to fairy tales!
  10. Exactly what I'm doing right now! #GoBlackCaps And I was up all last night watching the Australian Women play England Women in the first Ashes game.
  11. I think 'back in the day' means 'once upon a time'.
  12. The cheque's in the mail. (Well, the green stuff, to be accurate.)
  13. @Rod Hagen, great post. I like you more and more!
  14. mike carey

    Muscly Belgian

    I assume he has retired. We followed each other on Twitter and his account is gone now.
  15. mike carey

    Muscly Belgian

    No, but now you mention it!
  16. Oh, I know that. My post wasn't about you!
  17. No direct news, but I had him buddy listed on RM. His ad has been 'expired' for some time but his profile has now dropped off my list so I assume he has deleted it.
  18. High on a hill .... To be honest, I would be surprised, nay shocked by such a revelation. However, that you might have one somehow doesn't surprise me. The only thing that does surprise is that evidence thereof hasn't yet appeared in your blog. (I may have missed it, of course.)
  19. The day I put on a frock will be the day that I have a cleaning woman.
  20. I am not a Kenyan. Just thought I'd put that on the record.
  21. I don't have one, but it worked for me.
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