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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Not your typical 'critter'. Seen at the beach in Glenelg, in Adelaide last week.
  2. I would have used grotty if the situation arose without even considering whether it had successfully crossed the Atlantic (or the Pacific).
  3. On reflection, guilty as charged, so sorry for that. At first I was only familiar with the name of the operation from the film but have read more about it since. As others have said, knowledge of the battles themselves or the film are a snapshot of a certain time now well in the past. Unconsciously I had been answering the question, 'Is the term a bridge too far really about an actual bridge that was too far away to be captured in WW2', rather than what you wanted to know.
  4. And as Occam's Razor would predict, the film, or rather the book about Operation Market Garden, is the origin of the idiom.
  5. It will be morning soon enough, and then you won't be in the dark! You'll be enlightened.
  6. And with appropriate flair, but never consider an unfashionable one!
  7. I was just reading a newspaper article about Qantas allegedly improving its frequent flyer program in coming months and two comments below the article struck me for different reasons. First, one commented that of 15m members, having only 100 complaints made to a recent Senate committee enquiry was no big deal. I disagree, most Australians wouldn't complain, they'd quietly seeth and if annoyed enough go elsewhere. The second was more insightful. It noted that many treat an airline, or its FF program, like their football team. They wish it well, and continue to support it and hope it gets better. I would add that it doesn't mean they'll watch, or go to all its games, or that they don't have a second team or watch other random games. Edited to add, I'm in Adelaide watching the cricket, and flew here on [really quite good] Virgin Australia business class flights, and I'm a Qantas platinum member.
  8. The better ones do. Ben would be able to guess which ones i know best. But further discussions of that should perhaps be in the Travel Desk. Or at a stretch Fetishes. Or maybe you're right, True Travel Stories!
  9. I'd not heard of it, sounds like a hoot!
  10. @WilliamM's thread on her death has been merged with this earlier one.
  11. Different cards may apply interest in different ways, but my understanding of the method that applies in general to cards in Australia is that the due date, which is at the end of the interest-free period, is the decision point. If you do not pay the balance by then, interest is charged on the amount owing from the date that each charge was debited to your account, so that could be up to 55 days' interest on amounts owing. Interest after that date is then charged on the daily outstanding balance, including any new charges incurred, until the debt is paid down.
  12. I'm listening to the Saturday afternoon sports show on ABC Radio and in between the coverage of the tennis being played and that will be played with the AO starting tomorrow, and the imminent pool rounds of the Asian Cup in Qatar, they had a story about the Bills putting out a call for people to show up at the stadium on Saturday night to shovel snow off the pitch.
  13. I recently bought a half-kilo bag of psyllium husk for about $14, at the supermarket. That's about $US9.50.
  14. I don't think he was saying you did anything shady. Rather, he more likely meant that by saying you'd caught up with Apollo you were throwing shade in a different direction. That was how I read it anyway, and thought it was funny!
  15. If he hasn't answered, are you sure you are using a current active phone number? It's not unknown for escorts who retire or make themselves available only to existing clients to disconnect the contact details they used when they were actively seeking clients.
  16. Alternatively, "If you want more salt, add sliced hot dogs."
  17. Let me think about that, I'd have to leave tomorrow, and DC -10 degrees, Canberra +25 or 30? Yeah, nah.
  18. And if someone were to announce now that it was on, that could be somewhat too short notice for some of us to arrange to attend!
  19. Queensland (state in Australia) or Queenstown (town on the South Island NZ)?
  20. Indeed they are, but @BSR was not comparing them to each other, he was comparing them with each other. And there are similarities between them.
  21. The question is not whether we like it or not, but about whether standard etiquette is moving away from phone calls without a heads-up being socially acceptable. I tend not to accept calls from unknown numbers now, but generally will accept them if I know who the caller is. Even then I'll decline if I can't conveniently take the call. Those of us who are in the dinosaur community need to be aware of what current social norms are for calls even if we can ignore them among ourselves!.
  22. On a far smaller scale, Amazon has also acquired the Australian broadcasting rights for all International Cricket Council, or ICC, events abroad for the next four years. ICC events held in Australia must be law be offered first to Australian free-to-air broadcasters, but there are none here during the contract. In what I'm sure is totally unrelated news, the existing rights holder cut my monthly subscription from $25 to $10 for the next year. They have other content I will continue to watch although I may pause my subscription more often now ICC content won't be there. I had never considered Amazon before but no doubt I'll be checking their offerings soon.
  23. Kia ora everyone. The issue came up a week or so back of a member not seeing a provider's signature (which contained a link to his ad) and asking the provider to post that link. The display (or not) of signatures had been canvassed as an incidental comment in an earlier thread in this forum. As that was some time ago, and this time it was raised in a Travelling Providers thread which we will delete once the provider's trip is over, I thought I'd repost my reply to it here in a thread that likely won't be deleted. Initially I had noted that it may have been an artefact of viewing the thread on a mobile device, as I recollected (with no level of certainty) that some devices may hide signatures. I also said I didn't know whether visibility could be selected in settings. Until I looked at settings later. I'm happy to be corrected on any of this.
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