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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. My bad in part too, I misread hotness capital as hottest capital.
  2. I think you may be confusing Dubai in the UAE and Delhi, the Indian capital.
  3. https://www.joemygod.com/2019/03/australia-bans-boeing-model-from-their-airspace/ The Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has stopped B737 Max 8 flights into Australia. So far it only affects Fiji Airways as Singapore based Silk Airways (that flies into Darwin and Cairns) had already grounded its fleet. No Australian carriers operate the type.
  4. There's certainly a perception problem with the B737 MAX8. Whether it's a real problem remains to be seen, but for the moment perception is everything. Good news for Airbus and Embraer for the moment.
  5. AUD 20, CAD 7, USD 14. The US authorisation lasts 2 years, the Australian one year.
  6. The United States, Canada and Australia already have similar schemes so as a citizen of one of those countries I'm really in no position to complain, even if the process is tiresome.
  7. Happy birthday TB, have a great day.
  8. Well, that's a little unfortunate: [MEDIA=twitter]1103598370378170368[/MEDIA]
  9. Yep, what's already been said, a positive contribution to the forum. And sexy AF.
  10. Thanks for posting the link. I don't think I had tried to look at your profile here before. I've certainly enjoyed reading your posts here. I don't know if it's just me, but when I tried to check your profile here there was an error message to the effect that you restricted access to it. Your choice of course.
  11. Happy birthday Tyler, hope you have a great day!
  12. He's a bit of a badass, but in reality a humble man and an inspiration. He has recently married his long-term female partner having declined to do so until same-sex marriage was legalised in Australia. He runs charities for Zimbabwe (where he was born). He went to the referee in a top level rugby game to call out a homophobic slur made by a player. He also made a rare sportsman's apology that was actually an apology. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-04-07/david-pocock-shows-sporting-world-how-to-make-an-apology/7306588
  13. Blush yes, but no need for a major sorry exercise, these things happen. Both Gabriels are desirable, Mr Clark is my unrequited love (this is hyperbole). I wouldn't knock Mr Cross back, though. (*Plans trips to Canada and the UK.*)
  14. It may have such a tone, but that belies JJT's history of blogging his reviews of escorts (refer to his forum signature block), and of attending forum functions.
  15. Gabriel Clark is French-Canadian (maybe also UK citizen, I don't know), but this thread is about Gabriel Cross. (Edit: Gabriel Clark is on my list, he has what comes across as a genuine (and engaging) personality in his English language vids that I have seen.)
  16. Yes it is, but that only covers it in transmission. There's no equivalent of the telco copy of information about the communication, but what's in the device isn't encrypted. So, data can be accessed if the device used is in LE's hands. I don't know whether data (metadata of calls and the content or metadata of texts) can be recovered if the user has deleted them. If deletion makes such data unrecoverable, obviously both users would have to have done so
  17. So, I've travelled to the US again, and I had a great time. I went to DC (with and without the shut down, so I saw some Smithsonian museums that I thought I'd miss), Philadelphia and New York. I didn't see everything I wanted to (hello TB) but I did see a lot. The $14 trip (I'm a senior, hey) to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island is amazing. But one thing I wanted to talk about, unconscious bias. We all talk about it, about race, sex and privilege in general. Some of us decry it but it's real. I come from the southern hemisphere and from a right-hand drive country, and for both of those things I have my own unconscious bias. Walking around New York, I tried to set my bearings. I tried to work out what was north, and what were other directions and I failed. In my mind, the sun is in the north and it moves anti-clockwise during the day. All my assumptions were wrong in the northern hemisphere where it is in the south and moves clockwise. My world was turned on its head. Similarly, my world assumes right hand drive (and keeping to the left). On the Metro I see the signs that say where trains are going but I expect trains on the two tracks to be travelling in the opposite directions to those that they are. It's unsettling. They are minor examples and examples where an unconscious bias is easily identified and explained, but they show how your worldview can be influenced by how you perceive reality. In a similar vein, I have to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit when I am I the US. I understand both but think in Celsius. I was in the process of converting a temperature when talking to a guy in a hotel lobby when he stopped me and said that he was Canadian and 'spoke Celsius'. In NY I was talking about the weather and stopped and said that I was using Celsius, and the people I was talking to said, 'Oh, proper measurements'. (They were European.)
  18. Setting aside any snark (to be clear I don't think there was) 'college' is both a place and a process (attending, learning, doing exams, graduating). It'd be odd to mean that you went through the place, I agree, but not so odd to say you went through the process of obtaining a college degree (I would say university not college, but that's a separate issue). It's reasonably common for people here to say that they put themselves through uni by working in retail or in restaurants, or something like that. Are you saying that you remember the parties at college? That would be an achievement. Of course, alcohol is legal for 18-21 year olds here.
  19. Ok, flights and accommodation booked, staying at Inndulge 11-16 April. Flying Melbourne to San Francisco on the new QF49, and if you think that number has some significance, you'd be right. It marks the links between California's gold-rush boom city and Victoria's of two years later. (The Chinese called SF 'Gold Mountain' and Melbourne 'New Gold Mountain' [Xin Jiu Shan].)
  20. That sounds like perfectly normal English to me. The other examples, not so much.
  21. I couldn't possibly comment on whether TB was involved. Don't hesitate, go to PS for that weekend.
  22. Oh, I'll be back there, just don't know when. I hope to go to PS in April and may track through SF, but I don't know. I want to meet a certain gentleman again, and if I can't go to the NE, socal is an option.
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