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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. @BasketBaller, I'm delighted for you, and look forward to the next instalments when the forum returns in the new year. And as PK suggested, at the lunch in January.
  2. Logan has signature with his name and rent.men profile but there's no hotlink from it (you have to copy and paste the text into your browser).
  3. *Gasp* And rumour has it no range practice was involved.
  4. I couldn't possibly comment! But I note your previous post above.
  5. Damn, now I'm home I find out about things to see in NYC!
  6. Lol, I'm sure you would. I already have a list!
  7. @easygoingpal two very tempting men!
  8. So, close to San Jose, and one of the attractions there!
  9. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/2019-mid-atlantic-leather-weekend-18-20-january.135504/#post-1632575 Can I suggest anyone who is considering attending the DC lunch in January contact @ArVaGuy before the weekend to exchange contact details. PM me also, if you wish, and I'll pass your details on to him (in case he is not here before Saturday).
  10. Yup, at the risk of going peak nerd, one round trip a week for 50 weeks a year on American at an average fare (net of taxes) of $90 each way would get you to Platinum Pro.
  11. Did you hire him when you were here?
  12. In the middle of last year, a Sydney woman had a DNA test. She received more from it than she had bargained for. At almost the same time, another woman, in Jacksonville, also had a test. Both had been born in London, one in 1947 and the other in 1951, and both had been adopted as babies. What their DNA told them was that they had similar ancestry. In fact, that they were probably half-siblings. The ABC made this great radio documentary about them. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/earshot/me,-my-half-sister-and-her-biological-mum/10461548 (Spoiler, it's not a gay story.)
  13. I'd never heard of it either. A quick look at the links above clarifies things if you are familiar with some of the places involved. Pilwarren is a private nudist resort on the River Murray east of Adelaide (the capital of South Australia). The nude games are at Maslin Beach in the southern suburbs of Adelaide (clearly a separate place). Maslin's is a nudist beach, not specifically a gay beach, but never having been there I don't know how gay-friendly it is.
  14. What? You only heard of the British Broadcasting Corporation a few days ago?
  15. Alec is one of the nicest men I have met. I wish he had kept in touch with previous clients even in a platonic way, but that was not to be.
  16. All the above said, there are escorts who will travel to your location if you pay a certain amount for a hotel for them. You pay their accommodation and they will meet you for a certain time. You need to ask them, don't assume anything. My rule of thumb is if I want to meet a gentleman, I travel to them,
  17. Big thanks to those who reached out to me before and during my trip to the US. I had a great time (not much hiring but that was never my main objective) and saw temperatures in NYC drop from 20 degrees to snow over two weeks. I regret not being able to meet everyone who contacted me (and perhaps regret not reaching out to some who didn't, but that's a separate issue). I'm looking forward to being in NYC again, probably in January.
  18. Sort of à propos of @Kenny's comment on dog whistles, after the state election in Victoria on Saturday where the conservative opposition campaigned (and lost, big time) on law and order (subtext: alleged Sudanese gangs) and classic Conservative hot button issues (LGBTI issues, a safe injecting room) a commentator observed that dog whistles no longer work (or at least work less well) because people now see through them and know exactly what they mean. Much of the recent debate here on the right has been about how the [conservative] Liberal Party was abandoning its base and losing ground because of that. Some hard right pundits claimed that the Liberals lost on Saturday because they weren't right wing enough. The more widely accepted interpretation is that although the Liberal Party may have had a conservative membership base, their more progressive electoral base had abandoned them on Saturday. One moderate Liberal senator opined this morning that Liberal voters were sick of conservative views shoved down their throats. [There may be no lessons in this for the US. Here we have compulsory voting, so staying at home on election day isn't an option.] As to Steven's questions, is what I have said necessary in these forums. My answer is no, but it might be interesting to some people. Is it really a political discussion? I would say no, but it is a comment on how politics works differently in different countries (and that observations on one polity don't translate to another, political systems and popular attitudes to issues are too different). If we have a politics forum, should it be about politics in general, or about activism for issues that affect this community? One of the fallacies that we fight is that general politics and LGBTI politics are separate. They are but they aren't. While there are specific battles that are ours and ours alone, all political issues affect us as much as they affect anyone else. The argument that something is not an LGBTI issue is an argument to marginalise us. We don't need other people to tell us what we as a group should be interested in. That said, although I can see in interest in discussing politics in general, I see little appetite here for specific activism.
  19. Listening to Canberra radio this morning (Monday) there was a discussion about cyclist/pedestrian shared paths around the city's lakes and the heat that can be generated in these interactions, and in discussions about them on the radio. Eventually someone texted in to the station wondering if there had been a sale on Cranky Pants over the weekend. I reserve the right to throw that comment into some of the occasional heated discussions that occur in these forums. (The radio presenter also said he planned to steal the comment.)
  20. It is in your signature. Signatures are not always visible if you're reading a post on a mobile phone. Oh, and welcome back, good to see you here again.
  21. It is in your signature. Signatures are not always visible if you're reading a post on a mobile phone. Oh, and welcome back, good to see you here again.
  22. I dislike canned [green] beans, and don't think all that much of canned peas or asparagus. So I'd be with @MikeBiDude on this one. But I agree that anyone who can persuade Americans (or Australians) to eat more vegetables deserves some kudos.
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