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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Radio discussion a couple of days ago about feral deer in the Kosciuszko National Park, someone texted in: I was in the pub and a bloke offered to sell me 8 legs of venison for $100. I said it was too dear. Someone else tweeted: You get more than eight legs from 100 bucks.
  2. Regardless of DNA and country of origin of components, there is an element in the makeup of both men and cars that can make them 100% XXX. There are [decreasing numbers of] cars that are 100% French, Italian or German (or English/British) regardless of where they are assembled or from where the components come. Same with some American ones (muscle cars some to mind). Not so much those from some other countries. Global supply chains of course mean that the reality no longer matches the perception.
  3. I'd seen him on RM but nothing more than that. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
  4. There was a segment on this film last night on the evening news program on ABC. https://www.abc.net.au/7.30/peter-jackson-has-restored-wwi-footage-for-new/10516590 Looks like a brilliant reconstruction of so much WW1 footage.
  5. Perhaps with scalloped potatoes rather than the fat-laden thawed hash browns? There's enough fat in the other ingredients!
  6. I wondered that too, but thought if it were the case I would have received some sort of notice, so I watched and waited. I noticed that no one had been posting so assumed a shut down. It was only later I went to the Lounge and saw the notice about it. Steven, the cheque's in the mail. (Hold that, maybe I should send it to Guy instead.)
  7. And @VictorPowers is gracious enough to recognise that there are enquiries that do not lead to an appointment, but that are nevertheless real.
  8. Indeed, I could have. As it was, the snow disrupted my departure, but before you say anything, I realise there were places where it wasn't snowing!
  9. People are entitled to their own views of what is an appropriate use of a flag or of images that reference a flag, and to vary their hiring preferences accordingly. I can see a problem stamping on an actual flag, but not with standing on a flag beach towel (it that is what he was doing). I could understand a militant defender of a flag objecting to its use on beach towels or underwear, but this does not seem to be the objection here. Non-Americans tend to have a more relaxed attitude towards imagery of their flags than many Americans do. We can be just as respectful for flags, but at the same time be happy to accept that the image of a flag doesn't always carry the full symbolic weight of the actual flag. From reading this thread, views amongst Americans vary on the subject.
  10. Easy, he tells her that it's really a card for free McDonalds coffee, but they had this special version for people who are ashamed of going to fast food restaurants.
  11. I've never been subjected to an evacuation, but early in my career, I spend eight or ten hours one evening with a crew of guys on an air force truck moving people's furniture to a community centre in the face of a flood. The flood ended up peaking 3 metres higher than had been predicted.
  12. The idea that either escorts or clients could better track the progress of regular interactions with something like a rewards card (as well as that idea might work for coffee or sandwiches) brings to mind the observation that some know the price of everything but the value of nothing. (I was going to attribute that to the Bourbons, but their flaw was to have forgotten nothing but learnt nothing.)
  13. Isn't it mandatory here (it is in most jurisdictions in Australia)?
  14. The location of the federal capital was specified in the constitution. It had to be in an area to be excised from the state of New South Wales, but more than 100 miles from Sydney.
  15. It's not on the agenda. There was a proposal some years ago but the people voted it down.
  16. Both 'klicks' and 'k's' are in general informal usage for kilometre in Australia. IIRC 'klicks' was more common in military usage. Of course, here talking about distances in kilometres is standard, not a 'different' usage confined to the military.
  17. I was chatting with someone over dinner a couple of days ago, and mentioned the Indiana time zone thing. I got this glazed look and, 'How the fuck do you know this shit?' Half Australia has DST (basically the south/east) and half doesn't (the north/west), so we go from three time zones in winter to five in summer. At least everywhere that changes now does so on the same days in April and October [the first Sunday in both cases].
  18. Meh, 685km is perfectly clear.
  19. I assume, then, that you dislike Wagner's music.
  20. You've set up a false binary. They represent vastly different styles and eras of art. Art by female painters is not a class of art within which it is possible to make any sort of sensible choices. It makes about as much sense as, 'I don't care for Frida Kahlo, I prefer fries and gravy.' You can't consider the art of Frida Kahlo without also considering Diego Rivera and their collective place in 20th century Mexican art.
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