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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. And I doubt my ability to walk thereafter. Well, I wish!
  2. Ah have no doubt they are, but one or two gentlemen on the south side deserve special consideration. Not that I could name names, of course.
  3. Of course that includes all of Washington DC, but that aside I need to work on my schedule. There are some people I need to meet regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they are at.
  4. 26 of 50. All states and mainland territories here (plus Cocos Islands). 7 continents.
  5. I text with Victor regularly (once every six months at least) but I can't seem to be able to arrange anything else. I wonder if 11,000km of ocean has anything to do with it. I think he remembers my name.
  6. I defer to your judgment, maybe I just saw the Navy town rather than the southern one.
  7. I have no idea what y'all are talking about.
  8. My exposure to the South is limited (Tampa and Norfolk hardly count), but from my short time reading this forum I was thoroughly aware of that encoded message. I love it.
  9. I'm so sorry to hear that, PK. May all the good memories overshadow the understandable grief you have at the moment.
  10. I know I'm not the target audience, but I'll turn the question around. I have heaters rather than central heating, and I have had a few evenings already when I haven't needed to turn them on, but not consistently so just yet. The conventional wisdom in this town is not to plant out your tomatoes until Melbourne Cup day (the first Tuesday in November) because of the risk of a frost killing them.
  11. Just when you thought flights couldn't get any longer, Singapore Airlines have resumed their Singapore to Newark non-stop service. Nineteen hours or something ridiculous like that. The great circle track heads just west of due north over China, Mongolia and Siberia before heading into New York over Hudson Bay and northern Québec. The service will be operated by new A350 aircraft configured with only premium economy and business class seating.
  12. @thickornotatall, London was and remains a great city. As the capital of empire it was the hub, and arguably the capital of the world. It wears that legacy with confidence. Washington is now, perhaps, the imperial city of the world, at least for the moment, but it seems not to recognise that its imperial role gives it any sort of cultural pre-eminence, New York does that better. In the 19th century, the capital of Portugal moved to Rio, the British capital could have easily moved to Mumbai or Kolkata [but not to Melbourne, Sydney, Cape Town, Singapore, Toronto or Lagos], but it didn't. London remained a magnet for the empire. It is now a magnet for Russian oligarchs and middle eastern millionaires. They are drawn by its history and culture and contribute to its continuation.
  13. I'd prefer not to go to a gym where you get rabies.
  14. Alternatively, use of non-standard grammar can be a marker used to filter out people from things like employment. Pointing out deviations from standard grammar can help the person concerned overcome the barriers that its use would otherwise impose on them. Picking the time to offer the advice, or even whether to do so, can be the tricky bit.
  15. On reading the OP I thought around what constitutes 'great', and it is not just one thing: a great voice, a great catalogue of performances, an iconic style, a notable backstory or one great role. The first name that came to mind was Édith Piaf. Others when I think about it rationally rather than in any sense emotionally include Julie Covington for her role in the original recording of Evita, Paul Robeson, each of the three tenors. There are others.
  16. Go to the top of the page, click on 'Thread Tools' on the right of the page, then 'Edit Title'.
  17. Did the doctor tell you to avoid completely or minimise? Did they also tell you what you should eat to make sure you ate enough, and the right things for your energy and nutritional needs? Did they give you target amounts of protein (meat and plant) and which vegetables and how much of them to eat? I don't know the answers to these questions. Removing whole groups of food from your diet makes it more difficult to eat a balanced diet, I suspect that's why Diabetes Australia recommends consulting a dietician. Finally, did your doctor make his 'avoid' suggestions based on your level of disease progression and residual insulin levels or just give you all-purpose advice; and have they reviewed it as your condition has changed. I'm not asking you to tell us the answers to these questions, that's one of our business. Rather they are questions you might consider in dealing with your doctor and any other health care professionals assisting with your health. (Does your doctor have any sort of special interest in diabetes - I know a lot of gay people chose a primary care doctor who specialises in LGBTI health issues - and is there a diabetes organisation in your area who can recommend doctors and assistance services. If there is, they may even have a local Facebook group.)
  18. I hadn't looked at anything about type 2 diabetes, but some things about his treatment that @Avalon described didn't ring true. I had never had the impression that someone in his situation could not eat carbs under any circumstances, more that highly refined carbs (sugars, white bread, white rice) that enter the blood stream quickly (High GI) are a problem because they cause a sudden sharp rise in blood glucose levels. Obviously don't know the details of his condition so I pass no judgment. I did some quick reading on the Diabetes Australia website. They have this page on Managing Type 2 Diabetes, https://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/managing-type-2 (there is more detail on linked pages, including a page on eating well and a specific document about using a low carb diet). There may be some information there that is informative for those of us who are fortunate enough not to suffer from this disease. One thing that is mentioned on the page I posted is, Your healthcare team including your doctor, specialist, dietician and Credential Diabetes Educator, can help you with blood glucose monitoring, healthy eating and physical activity. Clearly that is easier achieved in our health system than in yours. It also recommends that people living with diabetes should consult a dietician for personal dietary advice. I hope you have been able to do that and are not just relying on your own research. Others have mentioned services that may be available. It may be worth investigating what ability some of those have to tailor what they do to provide assistance in a way that helps your diabetes management. I know that exercise is next to impossible, and I have mentioned it before, but exercising in a pool if you can possibly get to one (and I don't mean swimming) using the water to provide buoyancy and resistance can be an option for people for whom exercise on dry land has particular hazards.
  19. A seal slapping a man with an octopus. (Not 'a man with an octopus', the seal uses one to do the slapping.) https://twitter.com/marceldirsus/status/1045043649363496960
  20. That way of listing ingredients is a little confusing, it seems to list the components of the meal and the ingredients of each. Here, labels have to list the ingredients in descending order of their proportions, and they also have to list the mass of carbs, protein, fats and salt (maybe others) they contain per 100g and per serving. They also have to list the kJ per serve. Do US labels not have to do that?
  21. Twixt means between, so it meant there is a cold plunge of some sort (tub or something) between the steam room and the showers. (Edited to correct my stuff-up.)
  22. Pfft! Next thing you'll be claiming there's a palatable use of kale.
  23. Oh, wait, you said being a dick, not looking for dick. My misunderstanding. Sorry.
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