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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Well, doesn't that sound like #notallmen? I'm joking of course. To be serious for just a moment, it's a common enough occurrence for the joke to ring true.
  2. The theatre, comedy and cabaret scene in Melbourne can be pretty damn good.
  3. Ok, this isn't about what I ate today, but it's about food so close enough. It's about a young Kiwi who was writing sweary Instagram reviews of cafés and restaurants for the benefit of his university mates and after the owner of one establishment responded and some of its customers chimed in he was interviewed for an article. His Instagram following took off so thespinoff.co.nz met him for a visit to Dominion Road in Auckland. It's a good read. https://thespinoff.co.nz/food/25-09-2018/bagels-bigots-and-bad-language-meet-nzs-most-controversial-food-blogger/ *Language warning*
  4. When things went wrong on QF32 in 2010, the plane might have crashed. But it didn't for a number of reasons, including quick-thinking, teamwork and effective systems. The Qantas A-380 had just taken off from Singapore on a flight to Australia when it had a catastrophic engine failure that disabled many of the aircraft's systems. The aircraft had a flight crew of three and happened to have a check captain and a trainee check captain, so three of the five were senior captains. (As an aside, yesterday the results were announced of an Australian Transport Safety Bureau investigation into the crash last year of a light aircraft in Melbourne in which the pilot and four passengers were killed. There had been an incorrect setting of a control, that had occurred because the pilot had failed to follow a check-list.) This is an interesting 25 minute discussion on the lessons that health care could learn from the systems and flight deck dynamics that are enforced in the aviation industry. The discussion involves a medical academic and the pilot who was the captain of that Qantas flight. http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/healthreport/what-the-healthcare-industry-can-learn-from-aviation/10265132
  5. Lol, touché! I can work it out too. I meant that saying 'weight 180lb' does not convey to me an idea of how big a person is in the way that 80kg does, or even 14 stone still does
  6. Before the SI was introduced here, the stone (14lb) was the weight measure (it was mass, to be precise) used for people, we never weighed people in pounds. I knew I weighted 13 stones but had no idea that that was 182lb. I now know I am about 83kg, but still have no idea how much that is in pounds.
  7. The origin is largely irrelevant now, it came into vogue in the revolution, and SI just makes sense. The multiples of 10 being the biggest factor in its favour. If the imperial system were based entirely in base 60 (the way time and degrees of arc are) that would be understandable, but weights that go 16oz = 1 lb, 112 lb = 1 hundredweight, 2240 lb = 1 ton, and lengths that go from inches to feet to yards to furlongs to miles are crazy. An acre is what, 43,560 square feet or a chain by a furlong (10 square chains) and a hectare is 100m by 100m.
  8. You may be right, I regularly read all the recent posts so I don't miss the posts requesting donations (I blow the spa entries away but that's a separate issue). The number of red thumbs up icons speaks to the number of members who have donated this year. Pinning it everywhere could be tiresome for people like me, if not for you. In any case, welcome to your new status as a funder of the site!
  9. @VictorPowers, I assumed you were speaking from experience and that you were using multiple platforms and that 90% of your traffic was from RM. Reading it again, you didn't say that. You said that if RM was 90% you would advertise there. The advertising is not all at RM, so you have options, stud.
  10. @Lance_Navarro turns me on every time.
  11. 'Substituting' is not a path to either being a vegetarian or a vegan. You need to decide on ways that do not call on the use of meat or other animal products. Substituting implies that meat is normal, you can work on the basis that meat just isn't there. I'm not about to do that but that is a separate issue. I'm a white man who lives in Wiradjuri country.
  12. Oh, he will start to push your limits in how you chat. Isn't that so, young master?
  13. I'll ask him next time we chat. Assuming I'm talking about who I am thinking of.
  14. Aside from licences, there is an issue of legal status in the country. I don't know the specifics but I suspect that EU (and European economic area) nationals have the right to work in Switzerland (not just as escorts), but outsiders do not. That may be a consideration.
  15. You don't just try, you carry it off in spades.
  16. I've been listening to Life Matters on ABC radio here (http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/lifematters/) and found out that as we age we need more protein in our diet. (Look at Should we be changing our diets as we age on 19 Sep 18). So eat that meat, @Epigonos, unless you want to eat an elaborate combination of pulses. Leaving aside the fact that eating heaps of beans and other pulses is great for gut health and fibre intake.
  17. I made a little pizza thing [wholemeal scone (biscuit for you) dough] with tomatoes, cheese, capsicum (red pepper) and bacon for breakfast, and roast lamb (leftovers) with potatoes, and cauliflower and broccoli for dinner.
  18. Funny thing is, in much of the rest of the English-speaking world people will call the adoption of US terms 'dumbing down'. I assume they are joking. Without being in a place where I can confirm, here signs saying 'Exit' are the standard as safety signs. Sometime the doors above which they appear will have signs saying 'In Case of Emergency' or some such. If you're at a railway station, the information signs will often say 'Way Out to [George Street]'. I recall posting an image here of a picture of one of those information labels on products with flags for the languages being used. There was a Union Flag labelled 'English' and an American flag labelled 'Simplified English'.
  19. I think the first adaptation of the novel was the French film La Cage aux Folles (1978) and that The Birdcage (1996) was either a remake or an American film based on the same novel. It's understandable that the first version one sees would look like the 'original' and other versions irrespective of when they were made appear to be the 'remake' but it ain't necessarily so. Same deal with Seven Samurai and The Magnificent Seven.
  20. Wow, I just looked at the Lounge, no 'Happy Birthday Steven' thread but before I started one I did a search for one and this came up. Talk about a narrow miss from posting a duplicate. Steven, have a happy birthday and another great year of challenging us, provoking us, annoying us, and making us roll out eyes at the interminable posts. The fact that your birthday showed up in the Forum Birthday List proves you are a real person and not a DNC or Hillary bot. I hope you are having a great day even if it is 45 degrees: there's always the pool.
  21. I successfully exchanged text messages with Russ (so his phone number allows contact from abroad), and yes, I use WhatsApp too. Russ doesn't.
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