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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. To reiterate one point that's in the FAQ linked to above, make sure you omit the leading zero on UK phone numbers. When I installed WhatsApp, the application automatically detected all the numbers in my contact list that used it (I already had most of my contacts in the full international format). In my phone's contact list entries that were WhatsApp enabled had an icon for the app.
  2. Leaving aside crossings (Channel, Irish Sea, Japan to Russia, Danish straits, Cook Strait, San Juan Islands) I've been on two, 14 days cruising the Antarctic Peninsula from southern Argentina, and a week in the Galápagos Islands. Both were on small ships and unlike those mentioned as hopping between dully similar ports, those were to successive stops in richly varied natural settings. Both were superb.
  3. Actually, I was a little sad about it.
  4. http://www.abc.net.au/news/image/8969252-3x2-940x627.jpg
  5. +1. Well, not the Detroit part. My first impressions of you, @Kurtis Wolfe, were not from your porn or other social media presence, it was from your whip-smart and insightful contributions to this forum. That was prompted me to look at you more closely, and none of that changed my opinions of you, and nor has any of the febrile conversation in this thread. I agree, I would have let some of the hypercritical comments go. Everyone has a view about how other people should run their businesses, few of them are grounded in enough knowledge to be taken seriously unless they are limited to 'this is how my interactions with you affected me'. Even those comments are more credible if they relate to an actual business dealing not a hypothetical discussion. Good luck, mate, you still have some fans in here!
  6. They are, and they already fly non-stop to Houston. https://www.airnewzealand.co.nz/flights-to-chicago
  7. I've heard that used in the US armed forces but not in Australia. It's used to answer phones when they person doesn't know the rank or gender of the caller: they assume officer until they determine otherwise and cover both bases with gender. The two junior ranks in the RAAF are aircraftsman/aircraftswoman and leading aircraftsman/woman. They're the only 'gendered' ranks we have.
  8. One thing is certain, whether you like it or not is not part of the definition of art. Nor is 'everyone likes it'. There are consensus views on what is art, but no single authority.
  9. Oh, yes, that will happen. There will be people who say that they should use that money from developers for [some other worthy thing].
  10. Art enriches us all, we should not need to rely on the munificence of some rich dudes to have it. Government isn't some entity that controls or assists us individually, it is a manifestation of us as a community. It provides facilities that collectively we need, it provides services that are part of the operation of a civilised society, or any society for that matter, although hunter-gatherers don't set up a government, they just do things together. Likewise with art. Public art enhances public spaces, it provides a focus for us as we walk around, like a public garden or park it gives us something to sit and contemplate. The ACT government used to have a 1% levy from development projects that it placed in a public art fund. It funded commissioned sculptures that have been placed around the city of Canberra. There were objections that eventually torpedoed the scheme, but since then developers have included public art in projects they built. When you consider the scale of the enterprises that our governments are, the cost of public art is chump change, if your county or city (like our local councils or the ACT government here) stopped funding any public art it would probably save you a dollar on your property taxes. Of course we still should encourage those rich dudes to fund more of it.
  11. I thought your first response had answered the OP's question perfectly. 'Although this is a forum for clients to ask escorts questions, what you asked is the sort of matter we don't discuss with clients.' I don't know if he was being innocently or deliberately disingenuous.
  12. I think he knew that but was making a word play on the apostrophe making it read as 'The list belonging to Bad John'. My apologies if you were playing the straight man to his gag.
  13. Fantastic offers. I would note that JFK to Sydney is roughly three times as far as JFK to Zurich.
  14. There is also medicinal cannabis (cannabis oils and the like) that may be an option if your state permits that.
  15. I wouldn't feel guilty about it if I were you. If the government sets up programs of any type to provide services to eligible people it does that because it has decided that those people need the services. It's not charity. In this case, Kaiser as your health care provider has identified Medicare as a source of some of the funds for the health services it provides you. You have no cause to worry about that or any other way that Kaiser obtains funding for the care they provide you. If you still feel guilty donate to a sexual health charity that supports people who are not eligible for any government funding for their care.
  16. It hasn't got to that stage yet. There are 140 Australian forest-fire fighters in California as we speak. Our bush fire services typically have a small cadre of professional staff and a huge cohort of volunteers, it's mainly the professionals who deploy to the US and Canada. It makes the news here, when they deploy and in the last couple of days, coverage of what they are doing there. (I was going to say up-over as the opposite of down under, but thought that was too obscure!)
  17. The last few days, through drought and wind but not hot weather, we've had bush fires in NSW and Queensland. In fucking winter.
  18. There'll be hell to pay next time I make one!
  19. You're welcome. I don't try to be obscure in the words I use, honest.
  20. Rather apposite in that case!
  21. Coming so soon after the flurry of conversation on the metric system (of which I had said I was done, but oh well), I had to laugh at this. Saying 'over 40°C' means 'hot', and makes a general point about temperatures in the 40s. Using 'over 104°F' makes it about that specific temperature in a way that the original didn't. When we converted to the metric system, a topic of note was soft versus hard conversions. A hard conversion is where you write 'add 226.8g of butter' in a recipe when you meant half a pound, a soft conversion would be to use 250g (a quarter of a kg) and adjust proportions of other ingredients to match. I always find it amusing when news items cite ridiculously precise measurements of things because they have made a hard conversion, and it's just as amusing whether that conversion is to or from SI.
  22. 'Inaccessible' means he has blocked you.
  23. Yup, it ain't rocket surgery, as they [don't] say!
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