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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Not a gay- or escort-related thread but an interesting conversation, nevertheless, about the RMS Carpathia, the ship that rescued the survivors of the Titanic in 1912. She was sunk by a U-boat on 17 Jul 1918, almost exactly 100 years ago today. http://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/conversations/conversations/9988180 The interviewee is the author of a book about the ship.
  2. I'm not disgruntled by this, nor am I gruntled.
  3. I'm not superman, so I guess that doesn't count.
  4. Now you mention it, I did see you say in another thread that you were about to hit than magic number.
  5. I don't know, but I don't see why not. A republic can have an overseas empire, whether they call it that or not. America did after all.
  6. Possibly, but the French colonial empire was generally later than the Empire periods in Europe.
  7. As likely the first person in the forum to see in 19 Jul, let me be the first to recognise a birthday for @TylerandAce. Now, is it Tyler or is it Ace. Or is it your anniversary in here? Regardless, happy birthday to two of the hottest men in the forum. Or one of them. Or whatever significant day it is! Mwah!
  8. Absolutely, but if, as I suspect it's from 1950 or earlier, not seen as such then, but rather as saying, 'We're all in this together'.
  9. No, I would guess it's historical, the Asian face symbolises Vietnam. These were the faces of the empire when it existed in Africa and Asia, the white of metropolitan France was not illustrated. The modern black blanc et beur was intended as a characterisation of the modern, multicultural French Republic (or more specifically Les Bleus). Whether it is accurate, or masks (deliberately or not) an underlying racism is debatable.
  10. It's @Lance_Navarro's birthday! Happy birthday, hope you have a great day, and all the fun you can manage.
  11. I would say a rule of thumb is how someone treats you, what they identify as is less important. Whether Tristan is gay, bi or straight, our time together was perfect.
  12. Sydney Water has a program to feed waste water through digestors and use the solid waste for crop and pasture lands in the west of the state. There are strict tests for things like heavy metals. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-07-07/sydney-waste-turned-biosolids-fertiliser-helps-nsw-drought-soil/9931664
  13. ABCTV's flagship current affairs program had this program tonight. http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/out-of-the-dark/10000580 Let me know if this is geoblocked.
  14. Indeed, Versailles is what it is, and it's not something we can or should criticise. It's fine to criticise people who think copying its style today is appropriate. Doing so is no homage to that era if French design, it's an ostentatious statement of self-aggrandisement.
  15. Not as insufferable as English colleagues would have been to others had they won.
  16. Among the other dignitaries, the French and Croatian presidents came onto the presentation dais hand-in-hand.
  17. La France, black, blanc et beur. (A motto of France, black, white and Arab.)
  18. Vive la France. A great game, I was prepared to say Croatia was robbed after that penalty, but in the end it was probably not decisive. Les Bleus are worthy winners It has to be said that Russia put on a great tournament.
  19. The boys are straight, but they are gay allies (with the equal marriage survey here past year, a host of people and companies came out in support of it). At one stage, someone stole their mother's handbag in the club. It fairly quickly became public knowledge whose bag it was and it was returned intact very quickly.
  20. Kenwood are a company that make electric food mixers, they were (and may still be) a sponsor of the South Sydney Rugby League Football Club in the National Rugby League. The four gentlemen are the Burgess brothers who play for the club.
  21. Been there, but only for refuelling stops and in the middle of the night. An American military base, no local population but they drive on the left.
  22. There may be exceptions in some cases.
  23. Entirely sensible of you, and I think there is an important distinction. Of course, anyone providing any sort of service is entitled to set their pricing however they chose, but pitching it to the market in which they are operating always makes sense. I'm guessing that the two long appointments were from people who contacted you based on your US ad and would expect your usual pricing to apply. A casual appointment in a Canadian city would expect, unless you made it clear otherwise, to pay in local currency. How you determine the local currency price is entirely your call. I won't say anything about 'soft' or otherwise.
  24. In payback, overnight the Sharks defeated the Jaguares in the super rugby in Durban, although both qualified for the playoffs.
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