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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. That's one thing that's really easy here, and it's the same system at all the banks. Merchants put a merchant number and an account number on every bill, you go to the bank's site (or log into their phone banking) and enter that detail and the amount into the BPay option. You can use any account to pay or your bank credit card if the merchant allows card payments. Australia Post also has a payment system that uses its own set of merchant and account numbers. You can use that by phone or on-line and you can also take paper bills into any post office where they scan the Post Billpay barcode then you pay over the counter, and they take cheques and credit cards (I'm not sure if you can pay all bills by card). [You can take multiple bills in and pay them in one transaction, with one cheque. The bills are itemised on the receipt.]
  2. It's @TopTierTop's birthday! He sometimes generates mixed feelings here but from what I see he's a good guy. Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day.
  3. I still have cheque books but rarely use them. Using a credit card or bank transfer means that more of the details are in your statement (rather than just 'cheque #15') and I have an unhealthy obsession with the points that I earn from credit card transactions. I am tempted to use cheques when companies have a surcharge for CC transactions even though I have to pay postage to send it in: they charge for using plastic but don't acknowledge that they also bear a [probably greater] cost for banking a paper cheque. All that said, I had to pay the marketing fees for selling a property yesterday and it was over my credit card limit so I used a cheque. The funds have already been deducted from my account.
  4. Interesting! One interpretation is that it's a bit creepy, but another is that he sees your initial approach as half way to hiring him and knowing that you were half way means he is half way to securing you as a client. Thus, contacting you is potentially a higher return use of his time.
  5. I have a slightly different take on furs, although I agree with the `as it's done now` part in relation to the North American and European fashion industries. In this country furs often mean (or meant) fox and rabbit fur, and I have an old rabbit fur floor mat (probably made by my grandfather from rabbits he had trapped). Both these animals are feral pests in Australia and they are shot and otherwise hunted to reduce their numbers. I see nothing wrong when they`ve been shot with using their fur for apparel, any more than it`s a problem to use leather from food animals. Harvesting feral animals for some economic purpose seem like a good idea to me. (Unrelated point, feral goats in marginal arid areas here are mustered for a booming goat meat trade.) I`m sure the zealots in Peta would have issues, but zealotry does that.
  6. True but he shared the surname of Louis Mountbatten, the last viceroy of India, who was very close to the family and was blown up by the IRA. If he had any other name, I doubt the story would have surfaced.
  7. Ai-yah! *Quickly checks diary for travel opportunities. Drat, not for a while* Don't you already have that in the form of 'multi-hour appointments are at multiples of hourly rate for first-timers'?
  8. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/06/13/stephen-hawkings-voice-beamed-black-hole-ashes-interred-westminster/ A recording of his synthesised voice accompanied by music by Vangelis, has been broadcast to a black hole. The one chosen is the nearest to us, and is about 3.5k light years away
  9. I was driving west from Sydney over the Blue Mountains today, and in Blackheath (elevation 1050m temperature 6ºC) at a stop at traffic lights the border collie in the back of the pick-up in front of me climbed out of the truck onto the road (over the back, not the side where there might be oncoming traffic). I was alarmed for the moment, but then I noticed that the driver had opened the rear driver's side door of the cabin. The dog calmly walked down the side of the truck and climbed into the cab. Those moments when you wish you had a dashcam!
  10. True, but I think we got what they meant.
  11. True, but I think we got what they meant.
  12. I admit I haven't met any Marines in the context envisaged in this forum, but over my years I have met hundreds of American servicemen and women. Typically the Marines are the smartest, most thoughtful and most intellectual. Not all, of course. And no, that is not setting a low bar. SF
  13. I admit I haven't met any Marines in the context envisaged in this forum, but over my years I have met hundreds of American servicemen and women. Typically the Marines are the smartest, most thoughtful and most intellectual. Not all, of course. And no, that is not setting a low bar. SF
  14. An easy test to pass if that is measured in centimetres, I wouldn`t much like the idea if it were in inches.
  15. An easy test to pass if that is measured in centimetres, I wouldn`t much like the idea if it were in inches.
  16. Indeed, Gov Scott has so ordained. No preëxisting condition coverage for you!
  17. Indeed, Gov Scott has so ordained. No preëxisting condition coverage for you!
  18. I was hitherto unaware that there was a form of privilege in having good mental health.
  19. Wow, amazing random luck that the other profile came up. You can edit your original post to show that you made a typo, and refer people to the link you provided in post #4.
  20. Cancer is a severe human weakness and self-destruction merely advances a better evolutionary gene pool. What utter nonsense, mental illness and depression are not genetically based, there is a host of causes. Mental illness happens in the most nurturing of families. Hoping that mentally ill people will die will not reduce the future incidence of illness.
  21. Really Travis, Shuck ain't lustin afta nobody, she's a good Christian married woman. Wash yer mouth out.
  22. Last visit to RM 26 Dec 2009. I don't like your chances.
  23. I've posted elsewhere on this subject (Friday Funnies, I think) without thinking to check in this forum. Another article, this time in a bit more detailed about the team's visit to Yass. The video in the article was in one of my earlier posts. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2018/jun/06/yass-queens-queer-eye-cast-descend-on-rural-australian-town-for-mini-makeover
  24. I cycled it. Well as far as Los Angeles, not San Diego. But that was some time ago.
  25. (From the Oxford Dictionary) congress noun 4 [mass noun] The action of coming together. ‘sexual congress’
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