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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Reminds me of *Tangent alert* Fiat means `fix it again, Tony`.
  2. I think that applies particularly to yachts! Or, 'Standing in the shower tearing up $50 notes'.
  3. That may indeed have been why TB didn't have time to answer them! He answered mine when they started, 'I might be in your area some time in the next 12 months' or some such.
  4. Not that that will influence your day, of course! I expect that national sex day in Australia will be on 6 Sep.
  5. That's a bit harsh, you get likes based on saying things that people like or agree with, not on whether you're a nice guy. That said, this was not Exhibit A in the museum of getting likes.
  6. Happy birthday to a great guy! Hope you have a wonderful day, Mike!
  7. +1 on both sentiments. Hope you continue to improve TN.
  8. WhatsApp uses the phone number as a label for your service and connects you to other users independently of it via the net, it doesn't use the telecoms switching system to reach your phone. Apart from any initial validation it might use it has no further use for your link to the telephone number you use. As a WhatsApp user, at least on my android, the number enables the system to find other contacts who have the app. So, if you change your phone number but not the one used for WhatsApp there is the possibility, arguably remote, that you will be linked to a future user of that number. (Imagine LE searching your old number because of something the new phone user had done and finding your WhatsApp.) If the new user wanted to use the app, in the best case (from your perspective) they would be unable to do so, and in the worst case they may be able to override your WhatsApp account to create their own.
  9. Go to the top right of the screen and click on `Inbox` then type in the name of the person you want to send it to. Or, if they are in the thread you are in, click on their name on the left of the screen and then click on `Start Conversation` in the dialogue box that comes up.
  10. Posting this here as a follow-up to my previous post. Two of the Queer Eyes guys appeared on an ABC Radio National program this morning. Their segment is from 17.30 to 31.30: http://radio.abc.net.au/programitem/pel3PK8ZVD?play=true The following 2 minutes talks about use of the word 'queer' as a lead in to a segment on language, English language dominance and a little more, that runs to 44.00.
  11. Fair point, I was being snarky having been snowed in there a couple of times. I guess every place has a threshold with the amount of snow it can cope with and these thresholds vary depending on how much snow they usually get. Washington no doubt copes with far more snow than Canberra would.
  12. As has been alluded to by others, the moderators will remove reviews from here but invariably they leave the post here and edit out the 'review' part and replace it with red bold text saying this is not the place for that review. They will occasionally delete posts or even whole threads if they are inflammatory, but that is vanishingly rare (or I haven't noticed it) and inappropriately placed reviews do not fall into that category. If a review was in here and there is no longer any evidence of it having been here, I would assume that the poster had removed it himself. (An exception, Escort Travels threads seem to be removed when the period they cover has passed.)
  13. There's a town called Yass (only two s's) just outside Canberra so of course the crew from The Queer Eye had to go there to film for the show! https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/of-course-the-queer-eye-guys-visited-a-town-called-named-yass_us_5b17f26ce4b0599bc6df3e76 Edit to add a twitter thread.
  14. It was, 10.30pm. I hadn't noticed that additional 6 point.
  15. I happened to catch my message count today at 6,666 a number starting and ending with 666. Am I cursed? You`ll be happy to know that by the time you see this I will have passed that frightening point in my history in the forum.
  16. To stay down this rabbit warren for a moment longer, I like the way the Economist in an article discussing a merchant banker, an astronaut or an engineer in general terms (as opposed to talking about a specific person on one of those roles) will use 'she' rather than 'he' or 'they' just often enough that it jars (in a good way) and challenges assumptions.
  17. From the leading edge of the calendar, allow me to wish @MartyB and @pitman the happiest of happy birthdays for 5 June (which it is here as we speak)!
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