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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. If it's term insurance (in Australian terms a policy that has no investment value and only pays anything when you die) that may be an option, but as others have suggested there are too many ways it can all come unstuck (challenging the assignment of the funds by will beneficiaries for example). Rather than assign the value of the policy to an escort, if you still see a point in maintaining the policy, it would probably be better to pay for escorts from your other assets and have the insurance go into your estate to meet your limited wishes to provide for beneficiaries. If it's an endowment policy (i.e. has a cash out value) you would probably be better off cashing it out yourself and spending the proceeds on the escort(s) of your choice.
  2. Diesel in my small town is $AU1.47 to $1.55 a litre lately (that's about $US4.25 a US gallon). It used to be more expensive here than in bigger places, but it's been competitive or even cheaper in recent months. I have no idea why.
  3. I tend to hold doors open for others irrespective of gender, but I've never come across one of those women who resent the perceived condescension. I would not hesitate to tell them that it was a common courtesy, not a 'ladies' thing.
  4. I'm not sure having a good back is a consideration here, but I ache for T&A.
  5. So much of what is said in this forum is about 'me, me, me'. We talk about the things we want to do, our sexual ideas, we talk about our political ideas (and defend them to the point of obsession). We focus on ourselves. We resent things that don't affirm us. And then we read @BasketBaller's latest recounting of the Plebe, the de Paul twin, and whatever else. That points us in a different direction. It elevates our souls. I feel that I know him and his boys, I rejoice in their every-day reactions and what they do. I know it's not all plain sailing but I like to think that we have their backs. I for one look forward to the next paths they take.
  6. When I was in primary school in the 1960s we had a half day holiday on 24 May for Empire Day, and that was the day we had fireworks (in WA that was on 5 Nov).
  7. I've been looking at him for a while, and imagined him pounding me while telling me the Brumbies were a bunch of girls. Oh, and this is him: https://rent.men/sarugbymuscle
  8. What MBD said, a couple of guys I have checked out or have on my buddy list do this. If they are on line it shows up, but if they are not the site doesn't say when they were last on-line, it just says 'private'. I presume it adds a little distance between them and potential clients.
  9. An example, her veil was described here as featuring floral designs from across the Commonwealth so in that there was a nod to the Firm's wider role than just in England. Its power is there (and I said England rather than the UK deliberately), but it has, and acknowledges a wider remit.
  10. They were not supporting the Crown they were supporting celebrity.
  11. Sorry if this is a repost, but I recall in another context someone saying that 'climb through my bedroom window' was preferable to LinkedIn.
  12. If I were at home I would, but my football team is playing at the time it's on TV here, and I'll be at the game. The ABC (our public broadcaster) has a program that analyses advertising and each week they invite two advertising agencies to create an ad to sell an unlikely proposition, and the panel votes for their favourite. Tonight's episode invited them to pitch boycotting the royal wedding. This is one of the ads (the other is more about the role of the monarchy here, but it's in the link below). Other ads created for this segment of the program are here: https://www.youtube.com/user/GruenHQ/videos
  13. I realise it has a special place at thanksgiving but that doesn't make roast poultry (even with an American bird) a uniquely American cuisine.
  14. Fried chicken probably qualifies but roast turkey is just roast meat.
  15. Up until the legalisation of equal marriage, Australian law mandated that the words said had to include the statement that marriage was between one man and one woman entered into for life. The validity of a marriage under civil law and whatever a religious group deems necessary are different things. Here, the state confers religious celebrants the authority to conduct marriages recognised under civil law.
  16. mike carey

    Best Kisser?

    Mike and Tristan are both worthy claimants.
  17. I studied Chinese at university. It would not have been a good look not to be able to use them. (You can got away with using them as a shovel to push food into your mouth, but you know you have the knack if you can pick up something like a peanut!)
  18. Here's an interview of André Aciman speaking about his latest book, Enigma Variations, and CMBYN. http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/drawingroom/andre-aciman:-love,-desire-and-enigma-variations/9740132
  19. You're not out of line asking but you are if you expect him to agree. Some escorts will have dinner off the clock after an appointment, others will not, or will strike a different rate where dinner is part of the overall meeting. Just remember you are paying for his time regardless of what you do in that time. There are some clients here whose standard approach is to describe the whole meeting they wish to have, which may include a meal, and ask the escort for his price.
  20. Thank you for the nod in the title to those of us for whom 'hockey' means astro-turf (or grass), a ball and the summer Olympics!
  21. The thread is about terms or expressions that people hate, not necessarily that are wrong. 'Concerning' generally means 'about', not of concern (i.e. worry). While I'm not disconcerted by 'this is concerning to me' I wouldn't use it, I'd use 'of concern'.
  22. My reading of the situation ... Involuntarily celibate is one of two things, unable to meet a suitable partner and reconciled to it, and unable to get laid and blaming the entire world for their inability to do so. This mob of losers, the 'incels' are entitled misogynists who think they own women and blame them (and those men who are successful in meeting women) for their own inability to find a partner and think it is some global conspiracy. They wouldn't hire because they think they are entitled to it free, and as Dan Savage noted in his article about it, why should female sex workers be expected to be the buffer between society and these dysfunctional and likely violent men. The first type of people unable to find a partner could and would hire if they could overcome their embarrassment and fears to do so. https://www.thestranger.com/slog/2018/04/25/26093525/on-sexual-deprivation-sex-workers-incels-and-violence
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