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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. He hasn't logged into the forum since 20 Apr. I chatted with him on WhatsApp a couple of hours ago in London. You could try sending him a text on that app.
  2. As I understand it oils and latex don't mix, but IIRC silicon lubes and latex are not a problem.
  3. Am I alone in finding this whole conversation distasteful? Given the range of escorts and how much of their time they devote to this activity 'averages' are pretty meaningless. Why do those of us who are not escorts even care? This conversation tends towards disparagement of escorts and assuming that they do not declare their income to the relevant authorities. Assumptions about hourly rates, and how often they see clients are not useful. Guys see different numbers of clients, for different length appointments, some have other business pursuits. I would suggest, that as clients we judge escorts on the experience they deliver and don't even think about their business model.
  4. @WhiteguynextdoorHugeCock you speak to many dreams in this forum, I can neither confirm not deny my thoughts. Good luck!
  5. For clarity, in the absence of any other context, 'tomato sauce' in Australia means ketchup. (The type of sauce you put on pizza or pasta would also be called tomato sauce, it that's what it is, but it would need the specific context to make it clear that that was the sort of tomato sauce you were talking about.)
  6. The one I remember is, 'A piece of tin, a piece of board, and oh my gawd, you've got a Ford'.
  7. One more reason to make sure that I'm at the 2019 Palm Springs meeting! Woohoo!
  8. Symbiotic relationships between humans and dogs have been around for millennia. I have seen the case made that they domesticated us, not the other way around. Not a pet relationship but on the south coast of New South Wales in the 19th century, killer whales trained human whalers to feed them. They herded prey whales to the boats and in return received the tongues.
  9. I'm sorry, I don't see bestiality in any form as being acceptable. Any presumption of consent is preposterous.
  10. My thoughts are with you, @Funguy
  11. As I read through this, I got as far as '35 degree weather' and assumed you were talking about going back to PS for the weekend, it was only when I read 'with a luscious tan' I realised that you meant 35F and 'going back' meant going home after the weekend. Who says I don't automatically think in Celsius!
  12. I may well be, will have to reconsider.
  13. @Eric Hassan, I'm glad you are so up-beat about your situation and wish you a speedy recovery. You seemed similarly positive on Monday evening when I first heard of the accident. Still in shock, I suspect. I guess the next challenge will be sitting still in aeroplane seats on the way home! (I remember my brother getting a nasty knee wound in a motor bike accident and then within days having to take the three day sleeper train trip from Canberra to Perth for the start of the university term. His cabin mate (a uni friend of his) was NOT impressed when David used the hand basin in their cabin to piss.) Fortune has smiled on you (relatively, at least) but it's a salutary reminder of how tenuous our hold is on this life, and if nothing else does, should prompt us to enjoy each day to the fullest. It's also useful dose of perspective on how small some of the disagreements we have in here really are. My thoughts are with you and David over the coming days.
  14. I was alluding to the oil money he made in Texas, and I did say I didn't know how much money he had before that. Point taken.
  15. If I understand correctly, when she dropped out of college to marry George it was before he had made his money, although I don't know how much he had to start with. She could not have known where he or their marriage would go, and how the future would play out. Oh, and her trademark pearl necklaces have been universally referred to as fake pearls, not what you would expect of someone who was 'all about the money'.
  16. Or perhaps: Some guys do not give a fuck, Dylan gives a fuck. Some guys could not care less, Dylan could care less. I've been known to say, 'I could care less, but not very much less'.
  17. I suspect you might have that arse-about in @VictorPowers' case.
  18. Thanks latb, I've read and enjoyed your first two blog posts about the weekend.
  19. PrEP and condoms both provide a degree of protection against HIV, and condoms provide a level of protection against other STIs. None of them is absolute. From my perspective, people need to recognise the various levels of protection that are provided, and not condemn people for making a judgment as to what level of protection they are comfortable with.
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