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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. The Qantas Dreamliner to make the maiden journey from #Perth to #London is VH-ZND with Captain Lisa Norman, Captain Jeff Foote, First Officer Dave Summergreene and Second Officer Troy Lane. Source
  2. Yes, that's an anomaly. It can be the longest flight if they fly eastwards (15,000km) rather than polar/westward (12,395km). The route it takes depends on tail winds (eastwards). That must be the one Qantas was referring to in their media release yesterday as well. [A quirk I should have mentioned to go with my comment about NYC-HNL and HNL-SYD is that SYD-SFO is shorter than SYD-LAX.]
  3. It is listed as sixth longest (great circle route). The longest was, and still is Doha - Auckland, followed by PER-LHR, AKL-DBX (EQ), LAX-SIN (UA) and IAH-SYD (UA). Qantas claim PER-LHR is only the third longest. Qantas touts its seating on the 787s as less crowded than other carriers, and IIRC it has longer seat pitch in economy. Part of the reason for fewer seats is that they have 42 business and 28 premium economy, so there's less space for economy. Seventeen hours is a long haul. I've flown SYD-DFW in economy on the A380 and survived, it wasn't too bad but I'd prefer to avoid it if I can. I've been to the US twice in the last couple of years and the other three trans-Pacific flights were SYD-SFO, SFO-SYD and LAX-MEL (all B747), two of which were in premium economy (points upgrade not cash), and they were good. If you want a serious break Hawaii is the best bet (if you're flying from NYC, HNL-SYD is the longer flight). Fiji Airways (stop or stopover in Fiji) is also an option. If you just want a flight that lands so you can stretch your legs, there is also Air Tahiti Nui that flies LAX-Papeete-AKL, then QF or NZ on to Sydney or Melbourne.
  4. Ok you may shoot me but, 'Also the thread should be titled "How Does . . ." not "How Do . . . " Spelling and Grammar do matter!' [i probably should have put some commas in there too.]
  5. @Russ does that number work for international calls and/or texts?
  6. Roughly equal to the tonnes of fun to be had!
  7. Yes, the legal tender rules only say what a business is obliged to do, they can choose to accept whatever form of cash they want. And before anyone asks, with 5c being the smallest coin, the law here is quite prescriptive. If the amount ends in 1, 2, 6 or 7 cents, you must round it down to 0 or 5, if it ends in 3, 4, 8 or 9 you can round it up to 5 or 0 when people are paying in cash. If you pay with a cheque or electronically they must charge you the exact amount.
  8. Serious question. In Australia copper coins are only legal tender up to 20 cents. That is, you do not have to accept payment in them for amounts greater than that. (It's moot now, one and two cent coins have long been removed from circulation but they are still legal tender.) Other coins have higher legal tender limits, 'silver' coins (5, 10, 20 and 50 cent: $5) and $1 and $2 coins $10 and $20 respectively. Banknotes are legal tender for any amount. I suspect that the law is less prescriptive in the US. Would you even have to accept a shit load of pennies?
  9. ABC radio has a daily (weekdays) interview program that features an hour long interview with someone, occasionally famous but more often just interesting. A couple of days ago it was with the Sydney public transport historian who spoke about the over 150 year history of Sydney Harbour ferries. Today was a South African woman who had migrated to New Zealand who had, basically on a dare from her work colleagues, joined a stand-up comedy competition and won it. She's on a comedy tour of Australia at the moment. (http://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/conversations/) Anyway, in the course of the interview the fact that she was a lesbian came up, and she talked about meeting her wife and their decision to have children. When they discovered that a baby was on the way, she told of calling both of their families to tell them the happy news. When they called her wife's family, someone on the other end of the line excitedly asked whether the pregnancy was planned or not.
  10. Well, this probably isn't really funny, but it's worth a run here. It purports to be a letter from an [actual] publisher in Sydney 90 years ago. The address does exist. [And of course the letter is dated 10 April.]
  11. And quite reasonably so. I was vaguely aware that the gay area was called the Village so that's a reasonable thing to write in English. I don't know what the area is called in French, and that would be important to know. Of course a bilingual person would not necessarily say the same thing in an ad written in both languages. He may well have written 'from the Village' in an English version, but used the more general wording 'from the city' in French, but he only wrote in French. I'm not arguing about the point you made, just musing on the complexities of translation literal or otherwise.
  12. I know! I know the lack of someone to represent Terra Australis del espiritu santo is unfortunate. (The great south land of the holy spirit.) Much of the civilisational pride of the Americas is what happened in the southern hemisphere, both indigenous and settler. Wear it with pride and represent the great South.
  13. Peter, you reply to and respond graciously to guys you haven't even met. You encourage them. It would not come as a surprise if you did the same when someone wrote a review.
  14. Is this the first public photo of @COLLEGEDOM?
  15. Huge news Tristan, I hope that it all goes well. Moving to a warm climate could be just what your dad needs, if you can convince him.
  16. Friends, Romans, countrymen. Wait, that was the wrong intro... I've just written to Oliver to confirm that I will be unable to attend the gathering this year, much as I had hoped to be able to do so and renew acquaintances from last year and indeed from the January forum lunch in DC in 2016. I have already mentioned it to a small number of guys I chat to separately. As so often happens, other issues have come up that compel me to be at home for most of April. I'm sure that the festivities will be just as jubilant and enjoyable in my absence and I wish all of you the best for the weekend. Have one for me. (You can take the 'one' to mean whatever you wish!) Mike
  17. Ville means city or town, not village, but yes, I can travel covers it better in this context. (I can move would be the translation to use if it were an ad for an LTR.) I had the same thoughts about chaamt.
  18. I agree that a client should not expect thanks from an escort, for the reasons you cite. But if a client writes a good review, even though the purpose may be to advise other clients, it is still good for the escort. If someone did something that helped my business, I'd be inclined to do something to encourage them, be that thanks or something else. Saying thank you would be inexpensive. (Cynical, I know.)
  19. You can delete a post you've made at any time. If someone else has posted using your words in a quote (like I just did with your question) you can delete your post but not the copy that was quoted. Just click delete below your post (between edit and report). I don't recall if you can delete a thread immediately after you've posted it. But you certainly can't delete a thread you've started if there have been other posts on it. You can generally delete all your posts on the thread and edit content out of the title. If you really want to get rid of a thread, you can ask the admins to delete it, and they might do it.
  20. And meanwhile an Australian participant in a panel discussion in Davos strikes an elegant pose. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/02/28/03/49A601E300000578-5443519-image-a-12_1519789976980.jpg
  21. 14-15 Apr. See the two pinned threads at the top of the Lounge Forum.
  22. @PrettyboyJake, there are several other FTM escorts in the forum, and they post frequently. I'm sure they will contact you either on here or separately. I won't presume to name them.
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