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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. When you find yourself in a hole (no, not that sort) stop digging. Any relevance this thought has to certain threads on the site is purely coincidental!
  2. I went to the glow worm caves on an earlier trip to Aotearoa, it was a family bus tour so we went where were taken. It was interesting and sort of cute, a worthwhile talking point after visiting, but not a 'don't miss' attraction. As azdr said, the Ohakune vegetable statue park is a cute must-photo attraction if you're there, but I wouldn't make a special trip to Ohakune to see it. Stop there if driving through, but not a dedicated trip. There are good consolation walking tracks at the park headquarters at the southern end of the Tongariro track if the weather stops you taking the longer walk (or like me you had no intention of taking it). It's a couple of hours north of Wellington. Christchurch is worth a visit as is the rail trip through the Southern Alps to Greymouth but you can't go everywhere. February is summer (so you'll be too early for snow-boarding in Queenstown) but it can be quite cool anywhere (and it's not called windy Wellington without reason) so pack a wind/shower proof jacket.
  3. My first Daddy's review was for an escort who it seems is fondly remembered in these parts, Alec Andrews. He was by every appearance 'out of my league', but in my correspondence he assured me that I was exactly the sort of person he would meet (I didn't ask how he knew). Dinner, play time, sleeping together and breakfast, he could not have been more attentive in our time together. It isn't always that way, not all providers can deliver to all clients. As others have said, read the vibe of how they communicate, and if they appear to think you're not a match it's not because they are out of your league, it's an indication that they aren't the sort of person you should want to meet.
  4. If I'm not mistaken it's an artificial 'island' (I use the term loosely) that is a park at the Hudson River end of 14th Street. @Eric Hassan suggested it to me when I was in NYC in April, and it's a place I'll make a point of visiting in the future. The High Line is another highlight for me.
  5. 👆 A reminder that being logged on as a registered user provides an intermediate level of access to information and images on RM between that afforded to general outside access and premium membership.
  6. Unsolicited advice that should be followed universally!
  7. Moderator's Note This would be a good time to return to the topic of the thread, the merits or otherwise of San Diego as a city in which to work as an escort or masseur, and to stop the two-way sniping at other members who have posted in the thread. And no, one way sniping is not okay either.
  8. https://rent.men/MrGeorgesex
  9. The rates feature is not available in the US. I'm not sure whether it is hidden there or just not offered for US-based escort accounts. If I recall correctly accounts from here that I know list their rates don't show it when I log on from the US (not that I routinely look at Australia accounts when I'm in the US).
  10. 32. The text says she has 32 not she had.
  11. Cruise lines base their ships in certain ports for a 'season' and at the end of that they reposition them to another market for the next 'season'. That may be from US ports to some in Europe, or in a more extreme example be from Australian ports to, say, the US west coast or the Caribbean. There can be good deals on those repositioning voyages.
  12. It will often pay to check how broadly or narrowly your search defaulted to. My first search defaulted to in 'This Topic' so predictably only found your post, so I changed it to search all topic titles.
  13. In a [perhaps] final sequel to the women's world cup held this year in our two Antipodean countries, the Australian National Dictionary Centre has named Matildas, and Matilda or Tillies as its word of the year. It could have also mentioned Till it's done, a slogan for the team during the cup. The Matildas waltz in as Australia’s Word of the Year WWW.ANU.EDU.AU The soaring popularity of the Australian women’s soccer team after their semi-final run at this year’s FIFA Women’s...
  14. https://www.companyofmen.org/search/?q=wonder_zell&quick=1
  15. I would have thought that having the nuns around would have detracted from the mood of any meeting with him.
  16. I have absolutely no idea what you are suggesting.
  17. Thank you! I saw the text bubbles and was looking elsewhere for an elusive helmet. I can't even see the icon as a helmet!
  18. We've faced similar pressures here. Inflation is coming down, but not as fast as the Reserve Bank wants, so they raised the cash rate to 4.35% last Tuesday (that's up from 0.1% in May last year). October actually had monthly deflation with CPI of -0.1% (but the year to October was still in the high 4s). Their announcements have centred around spending and demand remaining too high, and concern about rising wages (they are still behind the rate of inflation). The main effect of the rate rises for Joe Average is to increase mortgage rates (which are variable here, not fixed for the life of the mortgage), which flow on to rent rates as most landlords are small investors who also feel the mortgage increases. The RBA studiously avoids attributing any part of inflation to roaring corporate profits (I'm looking at supermarkets among others here) or perceived price gouging. The Bank has also failed to acknowledge that half of home owners don't have mortgages, so rate rises don't affect them, and that many consumers still have savings buffers they built up during Covid. These factors mean that the main lever the Bank has only pressures a minority of the population, and they are the ones who were already worst affected by inflation.
  19. Similar to the hook turn used at some central Melbourne intersections where there are tram tracks on both cross streets. There is no slip lane but traffic turning across the the on-coming lanes of traffic pulls into the kerb lane rather than the centre lane, and waits for traffic flowing both ways to clear. Those of us not from Victoria remain bemused by it. It's not designed to facilitate turning traffic but rather to stop it from obstructing the tram tracks while waiting to turn. (That would be turning right, of course!)
  20. I'm not sure that 'happy' is appropriate for the commemoration of the end of a war, which Remembrance Day, Armistice Day, or Veterans' Day is. As is my custom, I will pause at 11am and listen to the Last Post, the minute's silence, and the Reveille that follows, on the radio. They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old, age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. Lest we forget.
  21. These lists often contain quirky and interesting events, and many of the big and significant events that have shaped the world, sometimes for years to come. But not all. This is the anniversary of the October Revolution in 1917, not exactly an insignificant event, but omitted from both lists posted for 7 Nov..
  22. The idea of this sort of app is that addiction to porn is a moral failing rather than a psychological condition (or a source of innocent enjoyment and not a real 'problem' at all). Guilt places the onus on the addicted person to overcome their own addiction, with the subtext that if they can't they are 'intrinsically disordered' or some such. The apps and the assumptions on which their developers rely carry a not insignificant risk that the person seeking (or being persuaded to seek) a 'cure' will, if they fail see only one other possible solution to their 'disordered' state.
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