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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Well, our very own purveyor of nipple clamps and restraints is having a birthday. I hesitate to imagine what special treats he has in store for the day, but I'm sure it will be fun. At least for him! Happy Birthday @whipped guy may the day bring you every pleasure you want! And even some that the rest of us don't dare contemplate!
  2. It appears that the filmic definition of dub does come from double, but from almost 100 years ago, and the meanings have diverged significantly. The x2 sense of dub has been lost. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/dub
  3. Peter, you're making me all weak at the knees!
  4. He does claim to be able to convert bottoms, a skill that I'm not prepared to dismiss the as a possibility. Experiments and testimonials are in order!
  5. Hmm, that long planned trip to the UK... Oh, and yes, welcome to the forum, you'll generally find it fun and light hearted. Generally!
  6. Yes I heard that yesterday. No one here is surprised. Of course the obvious retort is that 'America is not a country'. I liked this entry in the comment thread, 'To be honest if I was this prof I’d be so embarrassed that I’d fake my own death and start a new life'.
  7. Yes, I can, and these sorts of schemes are available for some drugs here, mainly when they are experimental or when they are not on the PBS. But not once they are on the PBS. I'm sure that drug companies factor in their 'retail' sales and their free schemes into their overall average earnings per dose when they agree on a price they will accept from single payer health systems. The pharmaceutical element of the Australian health system is universal, everyone pays the same rate (one of the two I mentioned).
  8. The government has approved the inclusion of PrEP in the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. This means that the drug will be subsidised and each prescription will cost about AUD40 (or AUD6 for people on benefits, such as unemployment and disability support payments, federal age pensions and low income health cards). http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-02-09/aids-drug-prep-prophylaxis-to-go-on-pbs/9415992 https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/feb/08/hiv-prevention-drug-prep-likely-to-be-approved-for-federal-subsidy
  9. HOW DID I MISS THIS?? Happy birthday, hope you had a wonderful day, full of ... Well, whatever you wanted! (I note I'm only a couple of minutes late on the east coast, but here I'm waaay late!)
  10. They can be is not the same as they are. I am confident that the admins don't look unless they receive a complaint. I'm sure that reviewing the public comments on the site take up more than enough of their time without trawling through otherwise unexceptional private messages.
  11. There's no reason to tolerate that sort of rudeness or invasion of privacy. Conversations are private between the participants, but they are visible to forum admins. If you receive abusive PMs, report them.
  12. Age is a relative thing. Where age is a factor in the development of disease it happens in different species at the same relative age. So if a disease in humans happened in the last quarter of their life span, you would expect it in a similar stage of a mouse's life span. (Recent - in historical terms - lengthening human lifespans have increased the amount of 'average lifespan' that is in older, more risky ages for these sorts of disease.)
  13. Cowards may flinch and traitors sneer, but the fight goes on. May the oligarchs and fascists never be allowed to rest easy. Happy Birthday!
  14. While I understand your decision, and renewed determination, I see what you experienced as symptomatic of this particular business model rather than of paid online content in general. The issue appears to be that the site isn't keeping its side of the bargain, at least with this content provider. It may or may not be typical, it may be teething troubles with a new content provider, or more worryingly it may be a sign that the host service is either dismissive of its obligations to its providers or that it is under financial stress. We can't determine from here what was going on in this case. I don't, nor do I plan to subscribe to any onlyfans providers, but I do subscribe to at least one site that an escort runs himself. Content is posted regularly but not frequently and I'm happy with that. All the site content is available to subscribers (as I believe is the case with onlyfans), so it doesn't matter whether or not I subscribe continuously, I can subscribe for a month every few months and catch up.
  15. Jaeger O'Meara, he plays for Hawthorn in the Australian Football League. http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Images/414042-tlslargeportrait.jpg
  16. And sorry to continue it (not really). Here it is standard practice to hold the knife in your right hand and fork in your left (some left handers reverse them so using the knife to cut is easier). You hold both (or neither) the whole time. It's bad form to switch your fork to your right hand, it's also bad form to invert it and use it like a spoon in your left hand. (You use your fork with the prongs pointed down and either spear the food or use your knife to push it onto the fork (or both). The exception is that if the food needs no cutting on the plate, the whole course can be eaten with the fork prongs-up in the right hand.)
  17. Hell, no, not apologising. Of course I hadn't seen the ad till now, and I normally avoid anything that mentions Crocodile Dundee. But some Yank playing his son? Gold. As piss-takes go, that wasn't too bad!
  18. Try this for size, 'I have met several hundred Americans, therefore I know that Americans are [insert dismissive characterisation]'.
  19. I had a positive impression of him, and our e-mail exchanges when he was here a couple of months ago were pleasant. I ended up not meeting though.
  20. Lol, 2 Feb, so it was here when you posted that, but not in the US. And the OP hasn't been back on the Forum since an hour after his question. He'll probably be back in 12 months to ask it again.
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