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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Keep the discussion in the public domain (as Nate and ArVaGuy did) rather than going private. People will decide in the last week or even at the last minute to attend even if they hadn't thought they could (or hadn't indicated they were interested). (There's an implication but not a statement in this post.)
  2. It was in the Spa section but the admins have since moved it here to the Lounge.
  3. Thankfully Saturday there was much cooler, mid 20s. That's often the pattern of things, one or two brutal days then back to being relatively temperate. Canberra is having a longer stretch of hot weather, two days so far of high 30s with a couple more to come, then several 'only' mid 30s. As always, stay in the shade when you can and drink heaps of water. Last year in Palm Springs I found myself crossing to the shady side of the street without even thinking about doing so. They showed the start of one of the stages of the Tour Downunder on the TV news, and the start line was about a metre in front of the shadow of the arch thing over the road. All the cyclists were lined up in the shade rather than at the actual start line.
  4. I find it interesting that with his likely return everyone is touting positives about Killian, but when he was on his way out a couple of years ago, everyone was rolling out their disaster stories about him. I have chatted with him elsewhere, I like him, and I would hire him. Probably.
  5. There is an 'adult' section on Daddy's Reviews.
  6. One of the changes in the revamp of the review site a few months ago, is that escorts' intimate details would not be displayed there unless they agreed. They are asked to opt in to the disclosure of that information.
  7. I'm conflicted by the whole thing. There is clearly a degree of supressed homophobia, seeing an opposite sex relationship as being somehow better, but in Utah that is hardly surprising. Leaving aside the reason why they entered into a heterosexual marriage, in a way dismissing other desires is, in a sense, no different to supressing other opposite sex desires when a man is married to a woman. On the face of it, acknowledging that they are gay* is better than denying it and living a lie with their wives, but I can't dismiss ulterior motives. Whether the men in this video wished to do this or not, their story provides fodder for homophobes to say that it is possible to avoid a 'gay lifestyle' and seek to demean or criminalise those who chose to live according to their orientation. They enable LGBTI kids to be pressured into ignoring their very nature. Is that what they wanted to do by appearing in this program? *I know, I know. Identifying as gay, bi or straight is a personal decision that others should not be allowed to gainsay. Despite his admitted attraction, he claims not to be gay, and while he can claim that, I'm entitled to roll my eyes.
  8. Counter argument, they are better for the anticipation!
  9. I read all the forums and will comment on posts in any of them without reference to whether it is the appropriate forum, but I am generally careful to start a thread in the right place. But I know others only play in a few, or even one forum, so I don't begrudge them starting a thread that is off topic for that forum. If it's particularly inappropriate, the admins will move it.
  10. I think we need to be careful not to conflate the need for general diversity with wanting diversity in niche media products. In the mainstream media that purport to present a picture of whichever society they are in (be that the US, Australia or the UK), they have an obligation to reflect that society in all its diversity, not just present a sanitised (and often whitened) version of it. A niche media producer that wants to cater for a specific audience should not be expected to show imagery that is not what that audience wants. That should apply whether the audience wants black, white, male or any other specific type of models. (Should Ebony be required to show Indian models? [i don't know whether it still exists, just an example.]) To be clear, I'm talking about an audience that wants, for example, porn involving Caucasian men, not a Caucasian audience, they are different groups. So, Bel Ami can have whoever it wants in its scenes, but Neighbours should reflect the diversity of Australian society. Not that I watch it. (An aside, I'm watching the Open, and there was just an ad from one of our major banks featuring a wheelchair tennis player.)
  11. The RM ad in question has been around since 6 Nov 14, so it's likely him. When he was last around he spoke of having been a bottom but wanting to limit himself to topping, so if this is him returning that all adds up.
  12. And now we await @VictorPowers' approval of this message.
  13. Thanks @BasketBaller, heart warming as usual. And thank you for removing one of the reasons I had to regret not being able to make it to the DC meeting.
  14. The viaduct along the river bank would have been what pointed me in that direction (the rail line between Flinders Street and Southern Cross stations).
  15. @Kurtis Wolfe even more respect for you now. I didn't see the need (or indeed the point) of commenting earlier, it was all about observers' comments on what had, or what appeared to have happened. There are boundaries everywhere, in personal spaces and in performance spaces. They never magically disappear. Consent is a constant.
  16. Truck carrying hay bales takes out inflatable finish line at Australian bike race as reporter tries to shoot a story.
  17. The NFSA regularly features on ABC local radio in Canberra. It is truly a national treasure. It's worth looking at its web site. I see from the link above that their screening of Starstruck last week cost $5. Five Bucks!! The Archive is a government instrumentality, so it may not go down the commercial path of releasing the film on blue ray or similar media. Perhaps it should. For those of you thinking of visiting Canberra, it is one of a number of 'national institutions' that are seriously impressive and open to the public. The National Gallery of Australia, the National Portrait Gallery, the National Library, the National Museum of Australia, the Australian War Memorial and MAD (the Museum of Australian Democracy in the old Parliament House).
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