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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Shhhh! Don't remind people!
  2. Hadn't seen him before, but agree that his personality shines through even on his still pics. Not a premium member so can't speak about the vid.
  3. For some reason I suspect I'm about to be told I'm out of line and need to be set straight... But @COLLEGEDOM is there an ad to go to?
  4. Noting, of course that the 'private' option does not override the read/unread indication in your mail sent folder.
  5. Wheel chair on an escalator can be done. I've seen footage of it here, for example on news coverage of railway stations that are not 'wheel chair accessible'. But, and it's a big but (no, not big butt), it has always been young and otherwise fit people, like paralympians, who have the process of using an escalator down to a fine art, and they were usually in what looks more like a sports chair than a normal when chair.
  6. True (apart from the technical use already noted) but derivatives of it are used, such as iterative and iteration. It's not common, but I'm sure it's not the only instance of a root word dropping out of use while derivatives remain.
  7. To AZDR's comments, clearly we don't need social media, so we can live without it if we chose, but that's a different question to whether, if we have social media accounts, we should contact forum members via that route. To the broader question, it's a valid cause for concern, if you have extensive contacts either business or family on the particular platform you may not want to interact with fellow forum members, or indeed with escorts who are not members of the forum. That said, I do have contact with a number of escorts on one social media platform (I was going to abbreviate that to SM platform, but the potential for misunderstanding...), and a very small number of other forum members. In all cases [of which I'm aware] they are 'in character', and some of those I follow, follow me back. For the most part I simply read what they post, but I occasionally comment on their posts, and with a few I have had pleasant two-way discussions.
  8. Similar experiences, both here (cash can be almost entirely avoided, even with cards rather than apple/google pay) and in the US (cash much more difficult to avoid (for me, at least). I still have my wallet, and some cash in it, but that cash is rarely touched. Yes, it was, but this isn't the first nor will it be the last thread to riff on all aspects of its title not just the intended meaning. In a way, people saying that they manage without cash is a way of answering no to the original question.
  9. Just my luck, I find I can't make it to the event and @TylerandAce say that they'll be there.
  10. Emu eggs, perhaps, ostrich ones not so much.
  11. Damn. I must try to be less confronting.
  12. Nice plug of yourself, Josh! Now I'll just go off and start imagining.
  13. I wasn't given a choice but some years ago an ATM in Quito did that. Another, in Peru, gave me 100 and a collection of smaller notes when I withdrew USD200.
  14. I always relied on ATMs for travel funds as they give amongst the best exchange rates. In the US they always seemed to be limited to 20s. These days I use cards for most things but that's not usually an option for hiring. That's why I started changing money at the airport (here they offer a reasonably good rate for large transactions and a better one if you order on line for collection there). I'm glad more US banks offer more options from their ATMs now.
  15. Have people tried paying for an overnight with 20s? To answer the original question, hiring and ATM withdrawals are both infrequent enough that there is not yet any Pavlovian response generated. My more recent hires have involved the foreign exchange counter at the airport more often than an ATM.
  16. Not quite, 'watch thread' alerts you every time someone posts there, 'breadcrumbs' means he can ignore comments from day to day but come back to the thread when he's ready.
  17. I didn't expect you would share any details, and in case it wasn't clear, I think what your escort told you is completely appropriate. If I tell some random that I didn't like escort X, he has no business telling anyone else what I said.
  18. It means he's leaving a trail (a la Hansel and Gretel) to find a thread he's interested in. He can now search his own posts for the word 'breadcrumbs' to find threads he wanted to remember.
  19. Posting a new item to a thread boosts it up the forum list. If you have nothing specific to say, but want to elevate the thread, you 'bump' it up the list.
  20. This is a different thing to a client obtaining an assessment from another client and passing that opinion on. Unacceptable in my view. Of course, if you have told the escort the same thing that you later tell a potential client, the escort won't be surprised, but even then the potential client has no business telling the escort who passed judgment. If you have a regular relationship with an escort, and he is told something negative about you, I see no reason for him not to push back or even tell you what had been said. You and he have the relationship, the other person is just some random.
  21. I'm just imagining walking up that stairway, 'Oh, I'm so sorry sir, I seem to be interrupting something!'
  22. The complements of the season, if you are celebrating your family or your faith at Christmas, or both, Happy Christmas. If you are marking any other event in this season of holidays, may those celebrations be joyous and happy. If you are facing travel to loved ones or merely the vicissitudes of the weather, stay safe. (Stay safe in that too!)
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